Organizations add members by inviting them to join or adding them directly. Part of the process includes choosing one of the following methods for establishing accounts:
- Add members without sending invitations.
- Add members using their organization-specific (SAML or OpenID Connect) IDs without sending invitations.
- Add members and notify them through email.
- Invite members to join using an account of their choice.
- Invite members to join using their organization-specific (SAML or OpenID Connect) logins.
You can send invitations or add members one at a time, or you can upload a file and send invitations or add members in bulk. Depending on the method you use and your privileges, the invitation process allows you to assign add-on licenses, add members to groups, assign member categories, allocate credits, enable Esri access, and specify some member settings such as profile visibility and start page.
You can simplify the invitation process by configuring new member defaults for your organization. When new member defaults such as user type, member role, add-on licenses, and number of credits are configured, the specified properties are automatically assigned to new members unless you explicitly change them during the invitation process. You can also change member properties for specific members as needed after they join the organization.
When you send invitations, potential members receive an email invitation with instructions on how to join the organization, and they have 14 days to accept the invitation before it expires. Potential members who are invited to join the organization are considered pending members until they accept the invitation. Pending members count toward your membership total. If your organization has pending members, you'll see a Pending members button at the top of the Members tab. Click it to see a list of pending members. You can also resend and remove invitations for pending members who created their own accounts or who use SAML logins (previously known as enterprise logins) or OpenID Connect logins.
When you add members without sending an invitation, members are automatically added to the organization. The organization needs to provide these members with their login information, including username and password. When you use one of the add methods that requires providing a username, the members are automatically added to your organization as current members (not yet signed in).
The total number of members your organization can have is based on the subscription your organization has purchased. View your subscription status to see the current and remaining number of members in your organization. To quickly get the membership status for your organization, find out how many invitations are pending, and see a breakdown of members by user type, go to the Members card on the Overview tab of the organization page.
Add members without sending invitations
You can add members directly to the organization by creating ArcGIS accounts. The members are automatically added when you create the accounts; they do not receive invitations and do not need to click a link to join. This option is useful for schools that want to automatically add students to their organization and do not want to send invitations through email. It is your responsibility to get the login information to the members. These accounts include a username and temporary password that members change the first time they sign in. Members are prompted to set their security question and answer, which are used to reset their password.
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Invite members.
- Select Add members without sending invitations and click Next.
- To add member information one at a time, click New member.
- Fill in the following fields: First name, Last name, Email address, Username, and Temporary password.
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe. The email address is used to communicate information about the account. For student accounts, you should enter an email address where you want account information to go. For example, you can enter your email address.
- The username must be unique and contain 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed. The username cannot be the same as the password. Once you send the invitation, the username cannot be changed by you or the member.
Some areas of ArcGIS Online require that you enter a case-sensitive username.
- The password is case sensitive and must meet the requirements of your organization. If you use the ArcGIS default policy, the password must be at least eight characters and contain at least one letter and one number. It cannot be the same as the username. It is temporary, and the member will be prompted to change the password after signing in for the first time.
Weak passwords won't be accepted. A password is considered weak if it's a commonly used password such as password1 or includes repetitive or sequential characters—for example, aaaabbbb or 1234abcd.
- If a default user type has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different user type, select from the User type drop-down list.
The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- If a default member role has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different role, select a role.
The list of roles is based on what's compatible with the selected user type. For example, if you chose Viewer for the user type, you can only select the default Viewer role or a custom role that has some or all of the Viewer privileges. You cannot select Administrator or a custom role with organization administration privileges during the invitation process. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization.
- Click Next. Or, to add more members, click Next, add another and repeat.
- Verify the member information. Click Next and skip the next step.
- Fill in the following fields: First name, Last name, Email address, Username, and Temporary password.
- To upload a file of member information, click New members from a file.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, First Name,
Last Name, Username, Password, User Type, and Role.
The fields can be separated with a comma, semicolon, or tab.
To download a UTF-8 encoded .csv file with the required fields prepopulated in your specified language, click Download CSV template.
The format for the file is as follows:
Email,First Name,Last Name,Username,Password,User Type,Role,Jon,Cho,jcho11,jc40.l2eh,Creator,Publisher,Satish,Rajhandas,srajhandas,sr47.4b7g,Contributor,Data Editor
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe. The email address is used to communicate information about the account. For student accounts, you should enter an email address where you want account information to go. For example, you can enter your email address.
- The Username must be unique and contain 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed. The username cannot be the same as the password. In either case, you can edit the username during the review process. Once you send the invitation, the username cannot be changed by you or the member.
Some areas of ArcGIS Online require that you enter a case-sensitive username.
- The password is case sensitive and must match the requirements of your organization. If you use the ArcGIS default policy, the password must be at least eight characters and contain at least one letter and one number. The password cannot be the same as the username. The member will be prompted to change the password after signing in for the first time.
Weak passwords won't be accepted. A password is considered weak if it's a commonly used password such as password1 or includes repetitive or sequential characters—for example, aaaabbbb or 1234abcd.
- For User Type, specify the user type to assign the member. The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. The value can equal Viewer, Contributor, Mobile Worker, Creator, Professional, or Professional Plus. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- For Role, the value can equal Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher, or one of your custom roles without organization administration privileges. Role values are not case sensitive. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization. If the value does not match a role in your organization, it is set to the new member default role (if configured) or User (if a new member default role is not configured).
- In the Compile member list panel, drag the file or click browse and choose the file on your computer. The file is checked for field errors. If errors are found, click Edit next to the listed error, fix the error, and click Save. To remove a member with invalid properties, check the box next to the member name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can fix the errors directly in your file, click Choose a different file, and select the updated file.
- Review the member list and verify the information. Click Next.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, First Name,
Last Name, Username, Password, User Type, and Role.
- In the Set member properties panel, if you want to assign add-on licenses to the new members and default add-on licenses have not been configured for new organization members (or you want to modify the specified default add-on licenses for the new members), click Manage in the Add-on licenses section. Select the add-on licenses that are compatible with the user types in your member list and click Save.
You only see this option if you have the privilege to manage licenses.
If you're adding more than one member at a time with different user types, the available licenses are based on the user type with the fewest compatible add-on licenses. For example, if you're adding four Creators and one Contributor, and you want to assign ArcGIS Insights, the option won't be available because it's not compatible with both user types. You can click Compile member list to return to the list of new members, select the member with the incompatible user type, and click Remove so you can assign the license. Otherwise, you can assign the add-on licenses later on the Licenses tab.
- In the Groups section, if you want to add the new members to groups in your organization and default groups have not been configured for new members (or if you want to modify the specified default groups for the new members), click Manage. Select the desired groups and click Save.
- In the Member categories section, if your organization has set up member categories and you want to assign member categories to the new members, click Assign categories. Select up to 20 categories to assign and click Save.
You only see this option if the organization has configured member categories and you have the privilege to update member information.
- To enable Esri access for the new members, turn on the toggle button in the Esri Access section.
- In the Set credit allocation section, if you want to allocate credits to the new members and a default credit allocation has not been configured (or if you want to modify the specified default credit allocation for the new members), set the credit allocation to a specified number of credits or no allocated limit.
- In the Settings section, modify the following member settings: profile visibility, language, number and date format, and a member's start page. Click Next.
You only see these options if you have the administrative privilege to update members.
- Review the summary details. To make corrections, click Set member properties or Compile member list to make changes.
- Click Add members when you are finished.
The member or members are automatically added to the organization. It is your responsibility to get the login information to the members.
Add members using their organization-specific IDs without sending invitations
You can add members directly to the organization by creating ArcGIS accounts that the member can access using an organization-specific login. This option is only available if your organization has set up SAML logins (previously known as enterprise logins) or OpenID Connect logins. The members are automatically added when you create the accounts; they do not receive invitations and do not need to click a link to join. It is your responsibility to inform the new members that they can sign in to the organization with their SAML or OpenID Connect logins.
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Invite members.
- Select Add members using their organization-specific IDs without sending invitations and click Next.
- To add member information one at a time, click New member.
- Fill in the required information for the new member.
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe. The email address is used to communicate information about the account. For student accounts, you should enter an email address where you want account information to go. For example, you can enter your email address.
- If your organization has both SAML and OpenID Connect configured, select the Identity type option you want and enter the value for the user identifier. If only one of these identity types is configured, enter the user identifier value in the User identifier text box.
The user identifier must match the corresponding value in the SAML or OpenID Connect identity provider (IdP). If it doesn't match, the ArcGIS account will be created but cannot be used. Verify that the SAML or OpenID Connect user identifier is correct before proceeding.
When configuring OpenID Connect logins, if you specified a custom value for the optional "ArcGIS username claim", the "ArcGIS username" value should match the value of the corresponding attribute sent in the ID token from the OpenID Connect provider. Some considerations may apply.
- If a default user type has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different user type, select from the User type drop-down list.
The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- If a default member role has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different role, select a role.
The list of roles is based on what's compatible with the selected user type. For example, if you chose Viewer for the user type, you can only select the default Viewer role or a custom role that has some or all of the Viewer privileges. You cannot select Administrator or a custom role with organization administration privileges during the invitation process. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization.
- Click Next. Or, to add more members, click Next, add another and repeat.
- Verify the member information. Click Next and skip the next step.
- Fill in the required information for the new member.
- To upload a file of member information, click New members from a file.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the required fields.
The fields can be separated with a comma, semicolon, or tab.
To download a UTF-8 encoded .csv file with the required fields prepopulated in your specified language, click Download CSV template.
If your organization has both SAML and OpenID Connect configured, the format for the file is as follows:
Email,First Name,Last Name,Identity type,ID,User Type,Role,Jon,Cho,SAML,jonc1111,Creator,Publisher,Satish,Rajhandas,sati3554,Contributor,Data Editor
If your organization has only SAML configured, the format for the file is as follows:
Email,First Name,Last Name,SAML ID,User Type,Role,Jon,Cho,jonc1111,Creator,Publisher,Satish,Rajhandas,sati3554,Contributor,Data Editor
If your organization has only OpenID Connect configured, the format for the file is as follows:
Email,First Name,Last Name,OpenID Connect ID,User Type,Role,Jon,Cho,jonc1111,Creator,Publisher,Satish,Rajhandas,sati3554,Contributor,Data Editor
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe. The email address is used to communicate information about the account. For student accounts, you should enter an email address where you want account information to go. For example, you can enter your email address.
- The SAML or OpenID Connect ID must match the member's existing credentials. If it doesn't match, the ArcGIS account will be created but cannot be used. Verify that the SAML or OpenID Connect ID is correct before proceeding.
For SAML logins, the ID value must match the value configured by the identity provider (IdP) for the NameID attribute.
For OpenID Connect logins, the ID value must match the value of the subject identifier (sub) attribute sent in the ID token from the OpenID Connect provider (for example, the Google ID Token from Google) to ArcGIS. The subject identifier uniquely identifies each user. For example, the sub value may be 10769150350006150715113082367 for Google user jsmith or auth0|123456 for Auth0 user Jane Doe.
- For User Type, specify the user type to assign the member. The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. The value can equal Viewer, Contributor, Mobile Worker, Creator, Professional, or Professional Plus. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- For Role, the value can equal Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher, or one of your custom roles without organization administration privileges. Role values are not case sensitive. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization. If the value does not match a role in your organization, it is set to the new member default role (if configured) or User (if a new member default role is not configured).
- In the Compile member list panel, drag the file or click browse and choose the file on your computer. The file is checked for field errors. If errors are found, click Edit next to the listed error, fix the error, and click Save. To remove a member with invalid properties, check the box next to the member name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can fix the errors directly in your file, click Choose a different file, and select the updated file.
- Review the member list and verify the information. Click Next.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the required fields.
- In the Set member properties panel, if you want to assign add-on licenses to the new members and default add-on licenses have not been configured for new organization members (or you want to modify the specified default add-on licenses for the new members), click Manage in the Add-on licenses section. Select the add-on licenses that are compatible with the user types in your member list and click Save.
You only see this option if you have the privilege to manage licenses.
If you're adding more than one member at a time with different user types, the available licenses are based on the user type with the fewest compatible add-on licenses. For example, if you're adding four Creators and one Contributor, and you want to assign ArcGIS Insights, the option won't be available because it's not compatible with both user types. You can click Compile member list to return to the list of new members, select the member with the incompatible user type, and click Remove so you can assign the license. Otherwise, you can assign the add-on licenses later on the Licenses tab.
- In the Groups section, if you want to add the new members to groups in your organization and default groups have not been configured for new members (or if you want to modify the specified default groups for the new members), click Manage. Select the desired groups and click Save.
- In the Member categories section, if your organization has set up member categories and you want to assign member categories to the new members, click Assign categories. Select up to 20 categories to assign and click Save.
You only see this option if the organization has configured member categories and you have the privilege to update member information.
- To enable Esri access for the new members, turn on the toggle button in the Esri Access section.
- In the Set credit allocation section, if you want to allocate credits to the new members and a default credit allocation has not been configured (or if you want to modify the specified default credit allocation for the new members), set the credit allocation to a specified number of credits or no allocated limit.
- In the Settings section, modify the following member settings: profile visibility, language, number and date format, and a member's start page. Click Next.
You only see these options if you have the administrative privilege to update members.
- Review the summary details. To make corrections, click Set member properties or Compile member list to make changes.
- Click Add members when you are finished.
The member or members are automatically added to the organization. It is your responsibility to inform them that they can now sign in using their organization-specific login.
Add members and notify them through email
You can invite members to join your organization and create usernames for them. The invitations include the username you created and details on how to join the organization.
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Invite members.
- Select Add members and notify them via email and click Next.
- To add member information one at a time, click New member.
- Fill in the following fields: First name, Last name, Email address, and Username.
The email address cannot contain an apostrophe. The username must be unique and contain 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed. Once you send the invitation, the username cannot be changed by you or the member.
Some areas of ArcGIS Online require that you enter a case-sensitive username.
- If a default user type has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different user type, select from the User type drop-down list.
The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- If a default member role has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different role, select a role.
The list of roles is based on what's compatible with the selected user type. For example, if you chose Viewer for the user type, you can only select the default Viewer role or a custom role that has some or all of the Viewer privileges. You cannot select Administrator or a custom role with organization administration privileges during the invitation process. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization.
- Click Next. Or, to add more members, click Next, add another and repeat.
- Verify the member information. Click Next and skip the next step.
- Fill in the following fields: First name, Last name, Email address, and Username.
- To upload a file of member information, click New members from a file.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, First Name,
Last Name, Username, User Type, and Role.
The fields can be separated with a comma, semicolon, or tab.
To download a UTF-8 encoded .csv file with the required fields prepopulated in your specified language, click Download CSV template.
The format for the file is as follows:
Email,First Name,Last Name,Username,User Type,Role,Jon,Cho,jcho11,Professional Plus,Publisher,Satish,Rajhandas,srajhandas,Contributor,Data Editor
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe.
- The username must be unique and contain 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed. Once you send the invitation, the username cannot be changed by you or the member.
Some areas of ArcGIS Online require that you enter a case-sensitive username.
- For User Type, specify the user type to assign the member. The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. The value can equal Viewer, Contributor, Mobile Worker, Creator, Professional, or Professional Plus. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- For Role, the value can equal Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher, or one of your custom roles without organization administration privileges. Role values are not case sensitive. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization. If the value does not match a role in your organization, it is set to the new member default role (if configured) or User (if a new member default role is not configured).
- In the Compile member list panel, drag the file or click browse and choose the file on your computer. The file is checked for field errors. If errors are found, click Edit next to the listed error, fix the error, and click Save. To remove a member with invalid properties, check the box next to the member name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can fix the errors directly in your file, click Choose a different file, and select the updated file.
- Review the member list and verify the information. Click Next.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, First Name,
Last Name, Username, User Type, and Role.
- In the Set member properties panel, if you want to assign add-on licenses to the new members and default add-on licenses have not been configured for new organization members (or you want to modify the specified default add-on licenses for the new members), click Manage in the Add-on licenses section. Select the add-on licenses that are compatible with the user types in your member list and click Save.
You only see this option if you have the privilege to manage licenses.
If you're adding more than one member at a time with different user types, the available licenses are based on the user type with the fewest compatible add-on licenses. For example, if you're adding four Creators and one Contributor, and you want to assign ArcGIS Insights, the option won't be available because it's not compatible with both user types. You can click Compile member list to return to the list of new members, select the member with the incompatible user type, and click Remove so you can assign the license. Otherwise, you can assign the add-on licenses later on the Licenses tab.
- In the Groups section, if you want to add the new members to groups in your organization and default groups have not been configured for new members (or if you want to modify the specified default groups for the new members), click Manage. Select the desired groups and click Save.
- In the Member categories section, if your organization has set up member categories and you want to assign member categories to the new members, click Assign categories. Select up to 20 categories to assign and click Save.
You only see this option if the organization has configured member categories and you have the privilege to update member information.
- To enable Esri access for the new members, turn on the toggle button in the Esri Access section.
- In the Set credit allocation section, if you want to allocate credits to the new members and a default credit allocation has not been configured (or if you want to modify the specified default credit allocation for the new members), set the credit allocation to a specified number of credits or no allocated limit.
- In the Settings section, modify the following member settings: profile visibility, language, number and date format, and a member's start page. Click Next.
You only see these options if you have the administrative privilege to update members.
- Review the summary details. To make corrections, click Set member properties or Compile member list to make changes.
- Optionally, for Email settings, modify the email message the members will see as part of the email invitation.
- Click Add members when you are finished.
Email invitations are sent with information on how to join the organization.
Invite members to join using an account of their choice
You can invite members to join your organization with a new account or by converting an existing public account. For new accounts, members can use organization-specific (SAML or OpenID Connect) logins, ArcGIS logins, or social logins, depending on the security settings of your organization. If you invite members to join a trial subscription, they must create accounts; they cannot join with existing accounts. If you invite members to join with their existing public accounts, their public items and groups become private. Members of their groups are removed, and they are removed from groups they had joined. They (or you) can reshare items and groups once they join. (You can still add these members to groups in your organization during the invitation process.)
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Invite members.
- Select Invite members to join using an account of their choice and click Next.
- To add member information one at a time, click New member.
- Enter an email address.
It cannot contain an apostrophe.
- If a default user type has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different user type, select from the User type drop-down list.
The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- If a default member role has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different role, select a role.
The list of roles is based on what's compatible with the selected user type. For example, if you chose Viewer for the user type, you can only select the default Viewer role or a custom role that has some or all of the Viewer privileges. You cannot select Administrator or a custom role with organization administration privileges during the invitation process. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization.
- Click Next. Or, to add more members, click Next, add another and repeat.
- Verify the member information. Click Next and skip the next step.
- Enter an email address.
- To upload a file of member information, click New members from a file.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, User Type, and Role.
The fields can be separated with a comma, semicolon, or tab.
To download a UTF-8 encoded .csv file with the required fields prepopulated in your specified language, click Download CSV template.
The format for the file is as follows:
Email,User Type,Role,Creator,Publisher,Contributor,Data Editor
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe.
- For User Type, specify the user type to assign the member. The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. The value can equal Viewer, Contributor, Mobile Worker, Creator, Professional, or Professional Plus. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- For Role, the value can equal Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher, or one of your custom roles without organization administration privileges. Role values are not case sensitive. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization. If the value does not match a role in your organization, it is set to the new member default role (if configured) or User (if a new member default role is not configured).
- In the Compile member list panel, drag the file or click browse and choose the file on your computer. The file is checked for field errors. If errors are found, click Edit next to the listed error, fix the error, and click Save. To remove a member with invalid properties, check the box next to the member name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can fix the errors directly in your file, click Choose a different file, and select the updated file.
- Review the member list and verify the information. Click Next.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, User Type, and Role.
- In the Set member properties panel, if you want to assign add-on licenses to the new members and default add-on licenses have not been configured for new organization members (or you want to modify the specified default add-on licenses for the new members), click Manage in the Add-on licenses section. Select up to 10 add-on licenses that are compatible with the user types in your member list and click Save.
You only see this option if you have the privilege to manage licenses.
If you're adding more than one member at a time with different user types, the available licenses are based on the user type with the fewest compatible add-on licenses. For example, if you're adding four Creators and one Contributor, and you want to assign ArcGIS Insights, the option won't be available because it's not compatible with both user types. You can click Compile member list to return to the list of new members, select the member with the incompatible user type, and click Remove so you can assign the license. Otherwise, you can assign the add-on licenses later on the Licenses tab.
- In the Groups section, if you want to add the new members to groups in your organization and default groups have not been configured for new members (or if you want to modify the specified default groups for the new members), click Manage. Select the desired groups and click Save.
- In the Member categories section, if your organization has set up member categories and you want to assign member categories to the new members, click Assign categories. Select up to 20 categories to assign and click Save.
You only see this option if the organization has configured member categories and you have the privilege to update member information.
- To enable Esri access for the new members, turn on the toggle button in the Esri Access section.
- In the Set credit allocation section, if you want to allocate credits to the new members and a default credit allocation has not been configured (or if you want to modify the specified default credit allocation for the new members), set the credit allocation to a specified number of credits or no allocated limit.
- In the Settings section, select one of the following and click Next:
- New member(s) must use the email specified in their invitation—Select this option if you want the invited members to create an account using the same email address you used to send the invitations.
- New member(s) can use the email of their choice—Select this option to allow the invited members to use the email address of their choice.
- Review the summary details. To make corrections, click Set member properties or Compile member list to make changes.
- Optionally, for Email settings, modify the email message the members will see as part of the email invitation.
- Click Add members when you are finished.
Email invitations are sent with information on how to join the organization.
Licenses that you assign during the invitation process aren't reflected in your available and assigned totals until the member accepts the invitation to join the organization.
Invite members to join using their organization-specific logins
You can invite members to join your organization using their organization-specific logins. This option is only available if your organization has set up SAML logins (previously known as enterprise logins) or OpenID Connect logins. If your organization is configured with the option for members to join automatically, you can still invite members to join the organization. The automatic option allows members to join the organization by signing in with their SAML or OpenID Connect login. With the invitation option, you generate email invitations through ArcGIS Online that include instructions on how to join the organization.
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Invite members.
- Select Invite users to join using their organization-specific logins and click Next.
- To add member information one at a time, click New member.
- Enter an email address.
It cannot contain an apostrophe.
If the SAML or OpenID Connect identity provider is configured to send the email attribute to ArcGIS Online after authenticating the member, the email address should match the email address where the invitation is sent. If the email addresses do not match, the member will not be able to join the organization.
- If a default user type has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different user type, select from the User type drop-down list.
The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- If a default member role has not been configured for new organization members or you want to assign a different role, select a role.
The list of roles is based on what's compatible with the selected user type. For example, if you chose Viewer for the user type, you can only select the default Viewer role or a custom role that has some or all of the Viewer privileges. You cannot select Administrator or a custom role with organization administration privileges during the invitation process. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization.
- Click Next. Or, to add more members, click Next, add another and repeat.
- Verify the member information. Click Next and skip the next step.
- Enter an email address.
- To upload a file of member information, click New members from a file.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, User Type, and Role.
The fields can be separated with a comma, semicolon, or tab.
To download a UTF-8 encoded .csv file with the required fields prepopulated in your specified language, click Download CSV template.
The format for the file is as follows:
Email,User Type,Role,Creator,Publisher,Contributor,Data Editor
If the SAML or OpenID Connect identity provider is configured to send the email attribute to ArcGIS Online after authenticating the member, the email address should match the email address where the invitation is sent. If the email addresses do not match, the member will not be able to join the organization.
- The email address cannot contain an apostrophe.
- For User Type, specify the user type to assign the member. The user type determines which privileges and apps can be assigned to the member. The value can equal Viewer, Contributor, Mobile Worker, Creator, Professional, or Professional Plus. You can change the user type after the member has joined the organization.
- For Role, the value can equal Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher, or one of your custom roles without organization administration privileges. Role values are not case sensitive. You can change the role after the member has joined the organization. If the value does not match a role in your organization, it is set to the new member default role (if configured) or User (if a new member default role is not configured).
- In the Compile member list panel, drag the file or click browse and choose the file on your computer. The file is checked for field errors. If errors are found, click Edit next to the listed error, fix the error, and click Save. To remove a member with invalid properties, check the box next to the member name and click Remove. Alternatively, you can fix the errors directly in your file, click Choose a different file, and select the updated file.
- Review the member list and verify the information. Click Next.
- Create a .csv or text file that contains a header (first line) with the following fields: Email, User Type, and Role.
- In the Set member properties panel, if you want to assign add-on licenses to the new members and default add-on licenses have not been configured for new organization members (or you want to modify the specified default add-on licenses for the new members), click Manage in the Add-on licenses section. Select up to 10 add-on licenses that are compatible with the user types in your member list and click Save.
You only see this option if you have the privilege to manage licenses.
If you're adding more than one member at a time with different user types, the available licenses are based on the user type with the fewest compatible add-on licenses. For example, if you're adding four Creators and one Contributor, and you want to assign ArcGIS Insights, the option won't be available because it's not compatible with both user types. You can click Compile member list to return to the list of new members, select the member with the incompatible user type, and click Remove so you can assign the license. Otherwise, you can assign the add-on licenses later on the Licenses tab.
- In the Groups section, if you want to add the new members to groups in your organization and default groups have not been configured for new members (or if you want to modify the specified default groups for the new members), click Manage. Select the desired groups and click Save.
- In the Member categories section, if your organization has set up member categories and you want to assign member categories to the new members, click Assign categories. Select up to 20 categories to assign and click Save.
You only see this option if the organization has configured member categories and you have the privilege to update member information.
- To enable Esri access for the new members, turn on the toggle button in the Esri Access section.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary details. To make corrections, click Set member properties or Compile member list to make changes.
- Optionally, for Email settings, modify the email message the members will see as part of the email invitation.
- Click Add members when you are finished.
Email invitations are sent with information on how to join the organization.
Licenses that you assign during the invitation process aren't reflected in your available and assigned totals until the member accepts the invitation to join the organization.
Resend and remove invitations
For members you've invited but who have not yet joined, you can resend or remove the invitations. Resend an invitation if the member has lost the invitation email or hasn't joined within the time limit (members have 14 days to accept an invitation before it expires). Remove the invitation when you no longer want the member to join or you want to reuse the username you created. You can only resend and remove invitations for organization-specific logins and accounts that members created for themselves.
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have the privilege to invite members.
- At the top of the site, click Organization, click the Members tab, and click Pending members.
- Next to the member whose invitation you want to resend or remove, do one of the following:
- Click Resend invite. An email invitation is sent with information on how to join the organization.
- Click Delete invite. The invitation is no longer valid and you can reuse the username for another member.
To resend an invitation to a member you've added directly (listed as a current member not yet signed in), delete the member and send a new invitation. You must delete the member before you can reuse the username in the invitation.
Considerations for SAML logins
For SAML logins, the user identifier must match the value returned by the SAML IdP in the NameID attribute of the SAML assertion response. In the following example, the user identifier value in the SAML assertion response is John.Smith.23511.
To view the SAML assertion response, you must use a SAML tracer extension in your web browser.
For OpenID Connect logins, if you did not specify a custom value for the optional User identifier claim setting when configuring the login, the user identifier value must match the value of the subject identifier (sub) attribute sent in the ID token from the OpenID Connect provider (for example, the Google ID Token from Google) to ArcGIS. The subject identifier uniquely identifies each user. For example, the sub value may be 10769150350006150715113082367 for Google user jsmith or auth0|123456 for Auth0 user Jane Doe.
In the following sample Microsoft Identity OpenID Connect ID token, the custom oid attribute is configured as the User identifier claim value and the user identifier value for the user Abe Lincoln is 05833b6b-aa1d-42d4-9ec0-1b2bb9194438.
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256",
"x5t": "7_Zuf1tvkwLxYaHS3q6lUjUYIGw",
"kid": "7_Zuf1tvkwLxYaHS3q6lUjUYIGw"
"aud": "b14a7505-96e9-4927-91e8-0601d0fc9caa",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1536275124,
"nbf": 1536275124,
"exp": 1536279024,
"aio": "AXQAi/8IAAAAqxsuB+R4D2rFQqOETO4YdXbLD9kZ8xfXadeAM0Q2NkNT5izfg3uwbWSXhuSSj6UT5hy2D6WqApB5jKA6ZgZ9k/SU27uV9cetXfLOtpNttgk5DcBtk+LLstz/Jg+gYRmv9bUU4XlphTc6C86Jmj1FCw==",
"amr": [
"email": "",
"family_name": "Lincoln",
"given_name": "Abe",
"idp": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "abeli",
"nonce": "123523",
"oid": "05833b6b-aa1d-42d4-9ec0-1b2bb9194438",
"rh": "I",
"sub": "5_J9rSss8-jvt_Icu6ueRNL8xXb8LF4Fsg_KooC2RJQ",
"tid": "fa15d692-e9c7-4460-a743-29f2956fd429",
"unique_name": "",
"uti": "Lxe_46GqTkOpGSfTln4EAA",
"ver": "1.0"