Listed below are recommended solutions for issues you may encounter when managing events for an initiative.
Core team member can't create an event
If you can't create an event, do one of the following:
- If you are a staff or community member, contact your team manager to confirm that you have the necessary privileges assigned to your account.
- If you are a community member, contact your team manager to confirm that collaborative events have been set up for the initiative.
Each user in an organization can be added to a maximum of 512 groups.
Members can't send emails to event attendees
The following are requirements when sending emails to event attendees:
- You must belong to the core team of the initiative for which the event was originally created.
- You must have the necessary privileges assigned to your account.
- You must be listed as an organizer of the event.
If you have verified that you meet these requirements, review the body of the email for any links that contain domains other than or Any external links that do not contain these domains must be registered by an administrator before the email can be sent.
Initiative is missing an event view
If you are trying to save or publish an event but the initiative is missing a view, contact your team manager. Ask them to open the initiative site in edit mode and select Events in the initiative drop-down menu. An option to enable the view should be available.
People can't select the Attend button for an event
If you cannot select the Attend button for an event, your account may be missing the necessary privileges.
- If you are a member of your Hub's employee organization, confirm that you have the Join organizational group privilege assigned to your account.
- If you are a community member, confirm that you have the Join external groups privilege assigned to your account.