Create Mobile Map Package (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Packages maps and basemaps along with all referenced data sources into a single .mmpk file.


  • Mobile map packages can be used by ArcGIS AllSource, ArcGIS Navigator, and by developers building applications with ArcGIS Runtime SDK. For ArcGIS Runtime SDK, .mmpk files were introduced at version 100.0.

  • Mobile map packages can be shared with others by uploading them to your organization in ArcGIS Online or by sharing an .mmpk file through common file sharing methods.

  • Mobile map packages support simple features, raster datasets, tables, relationship classes, locators, network datasets, and maps that contain map tile (.tpk) or vector tile (.vtpk) packages. Mobile map packages created in ArcGIS AllSource for use in apps created with ArcGIS Runtime SDKs currently only support the following layer types: feature layers, raster layers, raster tiled layers from previously created .tpk files, and vector tiled layers from previously created .vtpk files.

  • If an extent is not specified, the visible extent of the map will be used to define the area of interest (AOI) and consolidate only those features that intersect that extent.

  • When creating a mobile map package, all maps, basemaps, and data layers will be projected to a common coordinate system. The coordinate system that will be used is the coordinate system of the first input map specified.

  • If the map contains a network layer that references a network dataset, it will be included in the mobile map package as a transportation network for routing and driving directions. All feature classes and tables that the network references will become part of the mobile map package. This may include layers that are not part of the map. For example, if there is only a network layer in the map, the package will include the streets, junctions, and turns feature classes associated with the network.

    For a network dataset to support mobile map packaging, keep the following restrictions in mind:

    • The network dataset must be part of a geodatabase. This excludes networks that are in SDC or shapefile format.
    • The network dataset must be from ArcGIS 10.0 or later. If the network is from an earlier version, upgrade the geodatabase and network.
    • The network dataset cannot have an unknown coordinate system.
    • The network dataset cannot use any VB or Python script evaluators.
    • The network dataset cannot use any custom COM evaluators.
    • A network dataset that uses live traffic will be packaged, but the live traffic components will not be used since they are not supported.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Map

One or more maps or basemaps that will be packaged into a single .mmpk file.

Output File

The output mobile map package (.mmpk).

Input Locator

One or more locators (.loc) to include in the mobile map package.

Locators have the following restrictions:
  • The locator cannot have an unknown coordinate system.
  • The locator or any participating locator in a composite locator cannot be a geocoding service, including services from ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online.
Address Locator
Area of Interest

Polygon layer that defines the area of interest. Only those features that intersect the Area of Interest value will be included in the mobile map package.

Feature Layer

Specifies the extent that will be used to select or clip features.

  • Current Display Extent Map View—The extent will be based on the active map or scene. This option is only available when there is an active map.
  • Draw Extent Square and Finish—The extent will be based on a rectangle drawn on the map or scene. This option will create a feature class in the project geodatabase and add a layer to the map. The feature class will have the same coordinate system as the map.

    This option is not available in the Environments dialog box. It is only available from a tool parameter with an extent data type or from the Environments tab on a tool dialog box.


    When the Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab editing option is checked, you must enable editing on the Edit ribbon tab to draw the extent.

  • Extent of a Layer Layer—The extent will be based on an active map layer. Use the drop-down list to choose an available layer or use the Extent of data in all layers option to get the combined extent of all active map layers, excluding the basemap. This option is only available when there is an active map with layers.

    Each map layer has the following options:

    • All Features Select All—The extent of all features in the layer.
    • Selected Features Area from Selected Features—The extent of the selected features in the layer.
    • Visible Features Extent Indicator—The extent of visible features in the layer.

      The extents from the Selected Features Area from Selected Features and Visible Features Extent Indicator options are only available for feature layers.

  • Browse Browse—The extent will be based on an existing dataset.
  • Intersection of Inputs Intersect—The extent will be based on the minimum or intersecting extent of all inputs. If no inputs overlap, a null extent with all zeros will result.
  • Union of Inputs Union—The extent will be based on the maximum or combined extent of all inputs.
  • Clipboard Paste—The extent can be copied to and from the clipboard.
    • Copy Extent Copy—Copies the extent coordinates and coordinate system to the clipboard.
    • Paste Extent Paste—Pastes the extent coordinates and, optionally, the coordinate system from the clipboard. If the clipboard values do not include a coordinate system, the extent will use the map’s coordinate system.

    The extent coordinates are copied to and pasted from the clipboard using the same formatting and order as the ArcPy Extent object: x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max, and the spatial reference.

  • Reset Extent Reset—The extent will be reset to the default value.
  • Manually entered coordinates—The coordinates must be numeric values and in the active map's coordinate system.

    The map may use different display units than the entered coordinates. The use of a cardinal direction (N, S, E, W) is not supported. Use a negative value sign for south and west coordinates.

Clip Features

Specifies whether the output features will be clipped to the given Area of Interest value or Extent value.

  • Checked—The geometry of the features will be clipped to the given Area of Interest value or Extent value.
  • Unchecked—Features in the map will be selected and their geometry will remain unaltered. This is the default.


Adds title information to the properties of the package.


The summary information that will be added to the properties of the package.


Adds description information to the properties of the package.


The tag information that will be added to the properties of the package. Multiple tags can be added or separated by a comma or semicolon.


Adds credit information to the properties of the package.

Use Limitations

Adds use limitations to the properties of the package.

Enable Anonymous Use

Specifies whether the mobile map can be used by anyone.

  • Checked—Anyone with access to the package can use the mobile map without signing in with an Esri Named User account.
  • Unchecked—Anyone with access to the package must be signed in with a Named User account to use the mobile map. This is the default.


This optional parameter is only available with the Publisher extension.

Enable Map Expiration

Specifies whether a time-out will be enabled on the mobile map package.

  • Checked—Time-out will be enabled on the mobile map package.
  • Unchecked—Time-out will not be enabled on the mobile map package. This is the default.

This optional parameter is only available with the Publisher extension.

Map Expiration Type

Specifies the type of access a user will have to the expired mobile map package.

  • Allow to openA user of the package will be warned that the map has expired, but will be allowed to open it. This is the default.
  • Do not allow to openA user of the package will be warned that the map has expired, and will not be allowed to open it.

This optional parameter is only available with the Publisher extension.

Expiration Date

Specifies the date the mobile map package will expire.


This optional parameter is only available with the Publisher extension.

Expiration Message

A text message that will display when an expired map is accessed.


This optional parameter is only available with the Publisher extension.

Keep only the rows which are related to features within the extent

Specifies whether the specified extent will be applied to related data sources.

  • Unchecked—Related data sources will be consolidated in their entirety. This is the default.
  • Checked—Only related data corresponding to records within the specified extent will be consolidated.
Reference Online Content

Specifies whether service layers will be referenced in the package.

  • Unchecked—Service layers will not be referenced in the mobile package. This is the default.
  • Checked—Service layers will be referenced in the mobile package.



Special cases

Parallel Processing Factor

If the environment is not specified, the tool will use one half of the available cores.

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