Eliminate Polygon Part (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |

Available with Advanced license.


Creates a new output feature class containing the features from the input polygons with some parts or holes of a specified size deleted.


Illustration of Eliminate Polygon Part


  • Since polygon holes are considered parts of the polygon, they can be deleted or filled using this tool. If the hole area is smaller than the specified size, the hole will be eliminated and the space will be filled in the output. Any parts that are inside the deleted hole will also be eliminated in the output.

  • Part size can be specified as an area, a percent, or a combination of both. Use the Condition parameter to determine how the part size will be specified. The Condition parameter AREA_AND_PERCENT and AREA_OR_PERCENT options are used to eliminate parts using both the area and percent criteria.

  • Polygon part percent is calculated as a percentage of the feature's total outer area, including the area of any holes. For example, if a polygon with a hole has an area of 75 square meters, with the hole covering 25 square meters, the polygons total outer area is 100 square meters. To eliminate this hole, an area greater than 25 square meters or a percentage greater than 25% would need to be specified. If the input is a multipart polygon, a feature's outer area is the sum of the area covered by all polygon parts.

  • For multipart polygons, the area of each part will be compared with the specified area. If an individual polygon part is smaller than the specified size, the part will be eliminated in the output.

  • If all of a polygon feature's parts are smaller than the specified size, the largest part will be kept in the output while all other parts will be eliminated.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input feature class or layer whose features will be copied to the output feature class, with some parts or holes eliminated.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class containing the remaining parts.

Feature Class

Specify how the parts to be eliminated will be determined.

  • AreaParts with an area less than that specified will be eliminated.
  • PercentParts with a percent of the total outer area less than that specified will be eliminated.
  • Area and percentParts with an area and percent less than that specified will be eliminated. Only if a polygon part meets both the area and percent criteria will it be deleted.
  • Area or percentParts with an area or percent less than that specified will be eliminated. If a polygon part meets either the area or percent criteria, it will be deleted.

Eliminate parts smaller than this area.

Areal Unit

Eliminate parts smaller than this percentage of a feature's total outer area.

Eliminate contained parts only

Determines what parts can be eliminated.

  • Checked - Only parts totally contained by other parts can be eliminated. This is the default.
  • Unchecked - Any parts can be eliminated.

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