Add Field Conflict Filter (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Adds a field conflict filter for a given field in a geodatabase table or feature class.

Field conflict filters can be applied to versioned tables or feature classes to prevent conflicts from being identified when the same attribute is updated in the parent and child versions. Field conflict filters only apply for reconciles in which conflicts are defined by attribute.


  • Field conflict filters are not supported on the following fields: ObjectID, BLOB, fields that store geometry such as Shape, the Subtype field, network-related fields such as the enabled ancillary role and weight fields, or Editor Tracking fields.

  • When running from the tool dialog box, fields that already have filters applied and unsupported fields will not be displayed.

  • From Python, the ArcPy function ListFieldConflictFilters can be used to identify the fields that have filters applied.

  • Legacy:
    Field conflict filtering works in 10.2.1 and later release clients only. Earlier ArcGIS client releases will be blocked from opening tables or feature classes that have field conflict filters.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

Table or feature class containing the field or fields to which conflict filters will be applied.

Table View
Field Name

Field or list of fields that will have conflict filters applied.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Table

The updated input geodatabase table or feature class

Table View


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