Delete (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Permanently deletes data. All types of geographic data supported by ArcGIS, as well as toolboxes and workspaces (folders and geodatabases), can be deleted. If the specified item is a workspace, all contained items will also be deleted.


  • Data currently in use in another ArcGIS application cannot be deleted.

  • Deleting a shapefile also deletes ancillary files such as the metadata, projection, and index files.

  • Deleting a folder moves the folder to the system Recycle Bin, where it can be restored or permanently deleted.

  • Feature classes and tables participating in a network analysis dataset or a topology cannot be deleted.

  • Deleting a mosaic dataset will only delete the mosaic dataset. To delete a mosaic dataset in its entirety—including any tables in the database and, optionally, any overviews or caches created with it—use the Delete Mosaic Dataset tool.

  • Deleting a database connection file does not delete the enterprise database. A database connection file is simply a shortcut to the database.

  • Deleting a relationship class deletes the row corresponding to that relationship from the relationship table.

  • Deleting a layer removes only the layer; its source data is not deleted.

  • This tool does not delete hosted feature services.

  • This tool can be used to delete the memory workspace. When the memory workspace is deleted, all datasets in the workspace are deleted, but the memory workspace remains, allowing you to continue writing to it.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Data Element

The input data that will be deleted.

Data Element; Graph; Layer; Table View; Utility Network
Data type

The type of data on disk to be deleted.

This parameter is only necessary in the event of a name conflict between two different data types. For example, a geodatabase can contain a relationship class with an identical name to a feature class. If that is the case, specify the relevant keyword.

  • FeatureClass—In the event of duplicate names, the feature class will be used.
  • FeatureDataset—In the event of duplicate names, the feature dataset will be used.
  • MosaicDataset—In the event of duplicate names, the mosaic dataset will be used.
  • ParcelFabric—In the event of duplicate names, the parcel fabric will be used.
  • RelationshipClass—In the event of duplicate names, the relationship class will be used.
  • Topology—In the event of duplicate names, the topology will be used.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Delete Succeeded

Whether the delete was successful.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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