Create Spatial Type (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Adds the ST_Geometry SQL type, subtypes, and functions to an Oracle or a PostgreSQL database. This allows you to use the ST_Geometry SQL type to store geometries in a database that does not contain a geodatabase. You can also use this tool to upgrade the existing ST_Geometry type, subtypes, and functions in an Oracle or a PostgreSQL database.



LabelExplanationData Type
Input Database Connection

The input_database is the database connection file (.sde) that connects to the Oracle or PostgreSQL database. You must connect as a database administrator user; in Oracle, you must connect as the sys user.

SDE User Password

The password for the sde database user. If the sde user does not exist in the database, it will be created and will use the password you provide. The password policy of the underlying database will be enforced. If the sde user does exist in the database or database cluster, this password must match the existing password.

Encrypted String
Tablespace Name

The name of a tablespace that will be set as the default tablespace for the sde user in Oracle. If the tablespace name does not exist, it will be created in the Oracle default storage location. If a tablespace with the specified name does exist, it will be set as the sde user's default.

ST_Geometry Shape Library Path

The location on the Oracle server where the st_shape library resides.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Workspace

The updated database.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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