Diagnose Version Tables (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Identifies inconsistencies in the delta (A and D) tables of datasets that are registered for traditional versioning.


  • Only the geodatabase administrator can run the Diagnose Version Tables tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Database Connection
Diagnose Version Tables Log

The path and name of the output log file. The log file is an ASCII file containing a list of the tables in the specified version that contain inconsistent records, as well as information about the connection file, geodatabase version, and tables for which the tool was run.

Target Version

The geodatabase version with the delta tables that will be checked for inconsistencies. The drop-down list is populated with the existing versions in the geodatabase specified for the Input Database Connection parameter. If no version is selected, all versions will be processed.

Input Tables

A single table or a text file containing a list of versioned tables with the associated delta tables to be checked for inconsistencies. Use fully-qualified table names in the text file, and place one table name per line. If no file is specified, all tables in the geodatabase are processed.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Input Workspace

The updated input workspace.



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