Convert Temporal Field (Data Management)


Transfers temporal values stored in a field to another field. The tool can be used to convert between field types (text, numeric, or datetime fields) or to convert the values to a different format such as dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss to yyyy-MM-dd.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • If the input time field is a text or numeric field, choose or specify the appropriate format for the Input Format parameter.

    Learn more about supported time field formats

  • If the Input Field parameter value is a text field, custom formats can be added to the Input Format parameter.

    For text fields that are compliant with ISO-8601 formatting, use yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.s as the input format. This format can handle inputs that use either a UTC designator (Z) or UTC offsets (±hh:mm).

    Learn more about converting string time values to date format

  • Outputs to a text field with yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.s format do not support the addition of a UTC (Z) or UTC offset (±hh:mm) designator.

  • If the Time Zone environment is specified, the environment value's for the Time Zone Offset parameter will be used by default, unless the parameter value is also specified.

  • If the Input Field parameter value is a Date field and the Output Field Type parameter value is Timestamp offset, you can specify the String type for the Time Zone Offset parameter and choose a time zone that will be uniformly applied to all rows in the output. For example, selecting Pacific Standard Time as an offset for an input date field with a value 2002-08-20 12:00:00 PM will produce an output value of 2002-08-20 12:00:00 PM -08:00. All other rows in the input Date field will also have the -08:00 offset applied.

    Alternatively, specify the Field type, and select a field containing the time zone offset data. Field values can be numeric, such as -5, or string, such as Eastern Standard Time. See the Time Zone Offset parameter for a list of all time zones supported as string values. When a field is specified, the tool will use the row value as the offset value. Using a field for the offset can be useful when the date values for the input rows are from different time zones. For example, if the input Date field contains the values 2001-01-01 7:00:00 AM, 2001-01-02, 9:00:00 AM, and 2001-01-02 12:00:00 PM, and the offset field contains the values -8, -5, and 0 for the corresponding rows, the tool will output the values 2001-01-01 7:00:00 AM -08:00, 2001-01-02 9:00:00 AM -05:00, and 2001-01-02 12:00:00 PM +00:00.

    The tool will not perform any time or date conversion when the Input Field parameter value is a Date field and the Output Field Type parameter value is Timestamp offset. If a time or date conversion needs to occur, use the Convert Time Zone tool to convert the date field to the appropriate date and time before using this tool to apply the corresponding timestamp offset value.

  • If the Input Field parameter value is a Timestamp Offset field and the Output Field Type parameter value is a Date, Date Only, or Time Only field, the tool will perform the appropriate time and date conversion to the specified Time Zone Offset parameter value. For example, a Timestamp Offset field value of 2011-06-02 4:30:00.000 PM -08:00 converted to Date type, with the Time Zone Offset parameter set to the String type and a value of UTC will have an output value of 2011-06-03 12:30:00 AM.

  • The Output Format parameter can be specified as Time only, but Time Only is not an accepted Input Format parameter value. This is because the Time only output format lacks sufficient information to be converted to other formats such as Timestamp Offset, Date, or Date Only.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The layer or table that contains the field containing the time values that will be converted.

Table View
Input Field

The field containing the time values. The field can be of type short, long, float, double, text, date, timestamp offset, or date only.

Input Format

The format of the time values in the Input Field parameter value. You can choose a standard time format from the drop-down list or specify a custom format. The parameter is not supported when the input time field is of type date.


The format strings are case sensitive.

  • If the data type of the time field is date, date only, or timestamp offset, no time format is required.
  • If the data type of the time field is numeric (short, long, float, double, or big integer), a list of standard numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list.
  • If the data type of the time field is string, a list of standard string time formats is provided in the drop-down list. For string fields, you can also specify a custom time format. For example, the time values may have been stored in a string field in one of the standard formats such as yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss or in a custom format such as dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. For the custom format, you can also specify the a.m. or p.m. designator.
  • For ISO-8601 compliant strings, use yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.s as the input format. This input selection can handle inputs that use either a UTC designator (Z) or UTC offsets (±hh:mm).
  • Commonly used formats are listed below:
    • yyyy—Year represented by four digits
    • MM—Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months
    • MMM—Month as a three-letter abbreviation
    • dd—Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days
    • ddd—Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation
    • hh—Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours and a 12-hour clock
    • HH—Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours and a 24-hour clock
    • mm—Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
    • ss—Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
    • t—One character time marker string, such as A or P
    • tt—Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM
    • unix_us—UNIX time in microseconds
    • unix_ms—UNIX time in milliseconds
    • unix_s—UNIX time in seconds
    • unix_hex—UNIX time in hexadecimal

Output Field Name

The name of the field to be added in which the converted time values will be stored.

Output Field Type

Specifies the field type of the output time field.

  • Date onlyThe field type will be date only. Date only fields support date values with no time values.
  • DateThe field type will be date. Date fields support date and time values.
  • Time onlyThe field type will be time only. Time only fields support time values with no date values.
  • Timestamp offsetThe field type will be timestamp offset. Timestamp offset fields support a date, time, and offset from a UTC value.
  • TextThe field type will be text. Text fields support a string of characters.
  • Long (32-bit integer)The field type will be long. Long fields support whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
  • Short (16-bit integer)The field type will be short. Short fields support whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767.
  • Double (64-bit floating point)The field type will be double. Double fields support fractional numbers between -2.2E308 and 1.8E308.
  • Float (32-bit floating point)The field type will be float. Float fields support fractional numbers between -3.4E38 and 1.2E38.
  • Big integer (64-bit integer)The field type will be big integer. Big integer fields support whole numbers between -(253) and 253.
Output Format

The format of the output time values. Supported output time formats depend on the Output Field Type parameter value. A custom format can also be used to convert the value to a different format or to extract a portion of the value (such as the year). For a list of custom formats, see the Input Format parameter explanation. This parameter is not used when the Output Field Type parameter value is Date.


If the data type of the output time field isn't long enough to store the converted time value, the output value will be truncated.

Time Zone Offset

The time zone or field containing a numeric offset from the input table that will be used as the output time zone.

If the Time Zone environment is specified, the tool will use the that environment value by default.

  • UTCThe time zone will be UTC.
  • Dateline Standard TimeThe time zone will be Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00).
  • UTC-11The time zone will be UTC-11 (UTC-11:00).
  • Aleutian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Aleutian Standard Time (UTC-10:00).
  • Hawaiian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC-10:00).
  • Marquesas Standard TimeThe time zone will be Marquesas Standard Time (UTC-09:30).
  • Alaskan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Alaskan Standard Time (UTC-09:00).
  • UTC-09The time zone will be UTC-09 (UTC-09:00).
  • Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)The time zone will be Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-08:00).
  • UTC-08The time zone will be UTC-08 (UTC-08:00).
  • Pacific Standard TimeThe time zone will be Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00).
  • US Mountain Standard TimeThe time zone will be US Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)The time zone will be Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-07:00).
  • Mountain Standard TimeThe time zone will be Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Yukon Standard TimeThe time zone will be Yukon Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Central America Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Central Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Easter Island Standard TimeThe time zone will be Easter Island Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Central Standard Time (Mexico)The time zone will be Central Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-06:00).
  • Canada Central Standard TimeThe time zone will be Canada Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • SA Pacific Standard TimeThe time zone will be SA Pacific Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)The time zone will be Eastern Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-05:00).
  • Eastern Standard TimeThe time zone will be Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Haiti Standard TimeThe time zone will be Haiti Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Cuba Standard TimeThe time zone will be Cuba Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • US Eastern Standard TimeThe time zone will be US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Turks And Caicos Standard TimeThe time zone will be Turks And Caicos Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Paraguay Standard TimeThe time zone will be Paraguay Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Atlantic Standard TimeThe time zone will be Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Venezuela Standard TimeThe time zone will be Venezuela Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Central Brazilian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central Brazilian Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • SA Western Standard TimeThe time zone will be SA Western Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Pacific SA Standard TimeThe time zone will be Pacific SA Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Newfoundland Standard TimeThe time zone will be Newfoundland Standard Time (UTC-03:30).
  • Tocantins Standard TimeThe time zone will be Tocantins Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • E. South America Standard TimeThe time zone will be E. South America Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • SA Eastern Standard TimeThe time zone will be SA Eastern Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Argentina Standard TimeThe time zone will be Argentina Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Greenland Standard TimeThe time zone will be Greenland Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Montevideo Standard TimeThe time zone will be Montevideo Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Magallanes Standard TimeThe time zone will be Magallanes Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Saint Pierre Standard TimeThe time zone will be Saint Pierre Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Bahia Standard TimeThe time zone will be Bahia Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • UTC-02The time zone will be UTC-02 (UTC-02:00).
  • Mid-Atlantic Standard TimeThe time zone will be Mid-Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-02:00).
  • Azores Standard TimeThe time zone will be Azores Standard Time (UTC-01:00).
  • Cape Verde Standard TimeThe time zone will be Cape Verde Standard Time (UTC-01:00).
  • GMT Standard TimeThe time zone will be GMT Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Greenwich Standard TimeThe time zone will be Greenwich Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Sao Tome Standard TimeThe time zone will be Sao Tome Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Morocco Standard TimeThe time zone will be Morocco Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • W. Europe Standard TimeThe time zone will be W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Central Europe Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Romance Standard TimeThe time zone will be Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Central European Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • W. Central Africa Standard TimeThe time zone will be W. Central Africa Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Jordan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Jordan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • GTB Standard TimeThe time zone will be GTB Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Middle East Standard TimeThe time zone will be Middle East Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Egypt Standard TimeThe time zone will be Egypt Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • E. Europe Standard TimeThe time zone will be E. Europe Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Syria Standard TimeThe time zone will be Syria Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • West Bank Standard TimeThe time zone will be West Bank Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • South Africa Standard TimeThe time zone will be South Africa Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • FLE Standard TimeThe time zone will be FLE Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Israel Standard TimeThe time zone will be Israel Standard (UTC+02:00).
  • South Sudan Standard TimeThe time zone will be South Sudan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Kaliningrad Standard TimeThe time zone will be Kaliningrad Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Sudan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Sudan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Libya Standard TimeThe time zone will be Libya Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Namibia Standard TimeThe time zone will be Namibia Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Arabic Standard TimeThe time zone will be Arabic Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Turkey Standard TimeThe time zone will be Turkey Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Arab Standard TimeThe time zone will be Arab Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Belarus Standard TimeThe time zone will be Belarus Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Russian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Russian Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • E. Africa Standard TimeThe time zone will be E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Volgograd Standard TimeThe time zone will be Volgograd Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Iran Standard TimeThe time zone will be Iran Standard Time (UTC+03:30).
  • Arabian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Arabian Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Astrakhan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Astrakhan Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Azerbaijan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Azerbaijan Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Russia Time Zone 3The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 3 (UTC+04:00).
  • Mauritius Standard TimeThe time zone will be Mauritius Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Saratov Standard TimeThe time zone will be Saratov Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Georgian Standard TimeThe time zone will be Georgian Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Caucasus Standard TimeThe time zone will be Caucasus Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Afghanistan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Afghanistan Standard Time (UTC+04:30).
  • West Asia Standard TimeThe time zone will be West Asia Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Ekaterinburg Standard TimeThe time zone will be Ekaterinburg Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Pakistan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Pakistan Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Qyzylorda Standard TimeThe time zone will be Qyzylorda Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • India Standard TimeThe time zone will be India Standard Time (UTC+05:30).
  • Sri Lanka Standard TimeThe time zone will be Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC+05:30).
  • Nepal Standard TimeThe time zone will be Nepal Standard Time (UTC+05:45).
  • Central Asia Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Bangladesh Standard TimeThe time zone will be Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Omsk Standard TimeThe time zone will be Omsk Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Myanmar Standard TimeThe time zone will be Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30).
  • SE Asia Standard TimeThe time zone will be SE Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • Altai Standard TimeThe time zone will be Altai Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • W. Mongolia Standard TimeThe time zone will be W. Mongolia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • North Asia Standard TimeThe time zone will be North Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • N. Central Asia Standard TimeThe time zone will be N. Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • Tomsk Standard TimeThe time zone will be Tomsk Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • China Standard TimeThe time zone will be China Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • North Asia East Standard TimeThe time zone will be North Asia East Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Singapore Standard TimeThe time zone will be Singapore Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • W. Australia Standard TimeThe time zone will be W. Australia Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Taipei Standard TimeThe time zone will be Taipei Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Ulaanbaatar Standard TimeThe time zone will be Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Aus Central W. Standard TimeThe time zone will be Aus Central W. Standard Time (UTC+08:45).
  • Transbaikal Standard TimeThe time zone will be Transbaikal Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Tokyo Standard TimeThe time zone will be Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • North Korea Standard TimeThe time zone will be North Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Korea Standard TimeThe time zone will be Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Yakutsk Standard TimeThe time zone will be Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Cen. Australia Standard TimeThe time zone will be Cen. Australia Standard Time (UTC+09:30).
  • AUS Central Standard TimeThe time zone will be AUS Central Standard Time (UTC+09:30).
  • E. Australia Standard TimeThe time zone will be E. Australia Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • AUS Eastern Standard TimeThe time zone will be AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • West Pacific Standard TimeThe time zone will be West Pacific Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Tasmania Standard TimeThe time zone will be Tasmania Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Vladivostok Standard TimeThe time zone will be Vladivostok Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Lord Howe Standard TimeThe time zone will be Lord Howe Standard Time (UTC+10:30).
  • Bougainville Standard TimeThe time zone will be Bougainville Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Russia Time Zone 10The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 10 (UTC+11:00).
  • Magadan Standard TimeThe time zone will be Magadan Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Norfolk Standard TimeThe time zone will be Norfolk Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Sakhalin Standard TimeThe time zone will be Sakhalin Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Central Pacific Standard TimeThe time zone will be Central Pacific Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Russia Time Zone 11The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 11 (UTC+11:00).
  • New Zealand Standard TimeThe time zone will be New Zealand Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • UTC+12The time zone will be UTC+12 (UTC+12:00).
  • Fiji Standard TimeThe time zone will be Fiji Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • Kamchatka Standard TimeThe time zone will be Kamchatka Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • Chatham Islands Standard TimeThe time zone will be Chatham Islands Standard Time (UTC+12:45).
  • UTC+13The time zone will be UTC+13 (UTC+13:00).
  • Tonga Standard TimeThe time zone will be Tonga Standard Time (UTC+13:00).
  • Samoa Standard TimeThe time zone will be Samoa Standard Time (UTC+13:00).
  • Line Islands Standard TimeThe time zone will be Line Islands Standard Time (UTC+14:00).
String; Field

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Table

The updated input table.

Table View, input_time_field, {input_time_format}, output_time_field, {output_time_type}, {output_time_format}, {timezone_or_field})
NameExplanationData Type

The layer or table that contains the field containing the time values that will be converted.

Table View

The field containing the time values. The field can be of type short, long, float, double, text, date, timestamp offset, or date only.


The format of the time values in the input_time_field parameter value. The parameter is not supported when the input time field is of type date.


The format strings are case sensitive.

  • If the data type of the time field is date, date only, or timestamp offset, no time format is required.
  • If the data type of the time field is numeric (short, long, float, double, or big integer), a list of standard numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list.
  • If the data type of the time field is string, a list of standard string time formats is provided in the drop-down list. For string fields, you can also specify a custom time format. For example, the time values may have been stored in a string field in one of the standard formats such as yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss or in a custom format such as dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. For the custom format, you can also specify the a.m. or p.m. designator.
  • For ISO-8601 compliant strings, use yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.s as the input format. This input selection can handle inputs that use either a UTC designator (Z) or UTC offsets (±hh:mm).
  • Commonly used formats are listed below:
    • yyyy—Year represented by four digits
    • MM—Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months
    • MMM—Month as a three-letter abbreviation
    • dd—Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days
    • ddd—Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation
    • hh—Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours and a 12-hour clock
    • HH—Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours and a 24-hour clock
    • mm—Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes
    • ss—Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds
    • t—One character time marker string, such as A or P
    • tt—Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM
    • unix_us—UNIX time in microseconds
    • unix_ms—UNIX time in milliseconds
    • unix_s—UNIX time in seconds
    • unix_hex—UNIX time in hexadecimal


The name of the field to be added in which the converted time values will be stored.


Specifies the field type of the output time field.

  • DATEThe field type will be date. Date fields support date and time values.
  • DATEONLYThe field type will be date only. Date only fields support date values with no time values.
  • TIMEONLYThe field type will be time only. Time only fields support time values with no date values.
  • TIMESTAMPOFFSETThe field type will be timestamp offset. Timestamp offset fields support a date, time, and offset from a UTC value.
  • TEXTThe field type will be text. Text fields support a string of characters.
  • LONGThe field type will be long. Long fields support whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
  • SHORTThe field type will be short. Short fields support whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767.
  • DOUBLEThe field type will be double. Double fields support fractional numbers between -2.2E308 and 1.8E308.
  • FLOATThe field type will be float. Float fields support fractional numbers between -3.4E38 and 1.2E38.
  • BIGINTEGERThe field type will be big integer. Big integer fields support whole numbers between -(253) and 253.

The format of the output time values. Supported output time formats depend on the output_time_type parameter value. A custom format can also be used to convert the value to a different format or to extract a portion of the value (such as the year). For a list of custom formats, see the input_time_format parameter explanation. This parameter is not used when the output_time_type parameter value is DATE.


If the data type of the output time field isn't long enough to store the converted time value, the output value will be truncated.


The time zone or field containing a numeric offset from the input table that will be used as the output time zone.

If the Time Zone environment is specified, the tool will use the that environment value by default.

  • UTCThe time zone will be UTC.
  • Dateline_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00).
  • UTC-11The time zone will be UTC-11 (UTC-11:00).
  • Aleutian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Aleutian Standard Time (UTC-10:00).
  • Hawaiian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC-10:00).
  • Marquesas_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Marquesas Standard Time (UTC-09:30).
  • Alaskan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Alaskan Standard Time (UTC-09:00).
  • UTC-09The time zone will be UTC-09 (UTC-09:00).
  • Pacific_Standard_Time_(Mexico)The time zone will be Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-08:00).
  • UTC-08The time zone will be UTC-08 (UTC-08:00).
  • Pacific_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00).
  • US_Mountain_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be US Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Mountain_Standard_Time_(Mexico)The time zone will be Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-07:00).
  • Mountain_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Yukon_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Yukon Standard Time (UTC-07:00).
  • Central_America_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Central_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Easter_Island_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Easter Island Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • Central_Standard_Time_(Mexico)The time zone will be Central Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-06:00).
  • Canada_Central_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Canada Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00).
  • SA_Pacific_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be SA Pacific Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Eastern_Standard_Time_(Mexico)The time zone will be Eastern Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-05:00).
  • Eastern_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Haiti_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Haiti Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Cuba_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Cuba Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • US_Eastern_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00).
  • Turks_And_Caicos_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Turks And Caicos Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Paraguay_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Paraguay Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Atlantic_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Venezuela_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Venezuela Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Central_Brazilian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central Brazilian Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • SA_Western_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be SA Western Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Pacific_SA_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Pacific SA Standard Time (UTC-04:00).
  • Newfoundland_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Newfoundland Standard Time (UTC-03:30).
  • Tocantins_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Tocantins Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • E._South_America_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be E. South America Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • SA_Eastern_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be SA Eastern Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Argentina_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Argentina Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Greenland_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Greenland Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Montevideo_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Montevideo Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Magallanes_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Magallanes Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Saint_Pierre_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Saint Pierre Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • Bahia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Bahia Standard Time (UTC-03:00).
  • UTC-02The time zone will be UTC-02 (UTC-02:00).
  • Mid-Atlantic_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Mid-Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-02:00).
  • Azores_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Azores Standard Time (UTC-01:00).
  • Cape_Verde_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Cape Verde Standard Time (UTC-01:00).
  • GMT_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be GMT Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Greenwich_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Greenwich Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Sao_Tome_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Sao Tome Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • Morocco_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Morocco Standard Time (UTC+00:00).
  • W._Europe_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Central_Europe_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Romance_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Central_European_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • W._Central_Africa_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be W. Central Africa Standard Time (UTC+01:00).
  • Jordan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Jordan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • GTB_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be GTB Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Middle_East_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Middle East Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Egypt_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Egypt Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • E._Europe_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be E. Europe Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Syria_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Syria Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • West_Bank_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be West Bank Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • South_Africa_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be South Africa Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • FLE_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be FLE Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Israel_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Israel Standard (UTC+02:00).
  • South_Sudan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be South Sudan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Kaliningrad_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Kaliningrad Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Sudan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Sudan Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Libya_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Libya Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Namibia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Namibia Standard Time (UTC+02:00).
  • Arabic_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Arabic Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Turkey_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Turkey Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Arab_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Arab Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Belarus_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Belarus Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Russian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Russian Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • E._Africa_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Volgograd_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Volgograd Standard Time (UTC+03:00).
  • Iran_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Iran Standard Time (UTC+03:30).
  • Arabian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Arabian Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Astrakhan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Astrakhan Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Azerbaijan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Azerbaijan Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Russia_Time_Zone_3The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 3 (UTC+04:00).
  • Mauritius_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Mauritius Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Saratov_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Saratov Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Georgian_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Georgian Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Caucasus_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Caucasus Standard Time (UTC+04:00).
  • Afghanistan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Afghanistan Standard Time (UTC+04:30).
  • West_Asia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be West Asia Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Ekaterinburg_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Ekaterinburg Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Pakistan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Pakistan Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • Qyzylorda_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Qyzylorda Standard Time (UTC+05:00).
  • India_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be India Standard Time (UTC+05:30).
  • Sri_Lanka_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC+05:30).
  • Nepal_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Nepal Standard Time (UTC+05:45).
  • Central_Asia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Bangladesh_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Omsk_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Omsk Standard Time (UTC+06:00).
  • Myanmar_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30).
  • SE_Asia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be SE Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • Altai_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Altai Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • W._Mongolia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be W. Mongolia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • North_Asia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be North Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • N._Central_Asia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be N. Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • Tomsk_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Tomsk Standard Time (UTC+07:00).
  • China_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be China Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • North_Asia_East_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be North Asia East Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Singapore_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Singapore Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • W._Australia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be W. Australia Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Taipei_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Taipei Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Ulaanbaatar_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+08:00).
  • Aus_Central_W._Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Aus Central W. Standard Time (UTC+08:45).
  • Transbaikal_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Transbaikal Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Tokyo_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • North_Korea_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be North Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Korea_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Yakutsk_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
  • Cen._Australia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Cen. Australia Standard Time (UTC+09:30).
  • AUS_Central_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be AUS Central Standard Time (UTC+09:30).
  • E._Australia_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be E. Australia Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • AUS_Eastern_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • West_Pacific_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be West Pacific Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Tasmania_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Tasmania Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Vladivostok_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Vladivostok Standard Time (UTC+10:00).
  • Lord_Howe_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Lord Howe Standard Time (UTC+10:30).
  • Bougainville_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Bougainville Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Russia_Time_Zone_10The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 10 (UTC+11:00).
  • Magadan_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Magadan Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Norfolk_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Norfolk Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Sakhalin_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Sakhalin Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Central_Pacific_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Central Pacific Standard Time (UTC+11:00).
  • Russia_Time_Zone_11The time zone will be Russia Time Zone 11 (UTC+11:00).
  • New_Zealand_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be New Zealand Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • UTC+12The time zone will be UTC+12 (UTC+12:00).
  • Fiji_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Fiji Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • Kamchatka_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Kamchatka Standard Time (UTC+12:00).
  • Chatham_Islands_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Chatham Islands Standard Time (UTC+12:45).
  • UTC+13The time zone will be UTC+13 (UTC+13:00).
  • Tonga_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Tonga Standard Time (UTC+13:00).
  • Samoa_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Samoa Standard Time (UTC+13:00).
  • Line_Islands_Standard_TimeThe time zone will be Line Islands Standard Time (UTC+14:00).
String; Field

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated input table.

Table View

Code sample

ConvertTimeField example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ConvertTimeField function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
arcpy.ConvertTimeField_management("C:/Data/TemporalData.gdb/Input_Table","Input_Time","1033;MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss;AM;PM","Output_Time")
ConvertTimeField example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the ConvertTimeField function.

# Name:
# Description: Convert a time field to date field
# Requirements: None

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set local variables
inTable = "C:\Data\TemporalData.gdb\Input_Table"
inputTimeField = "Input_Time"
inputTimeFormat = "1033;MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss;AM;PM"
outputDateField = "Output_Time"

# Execute CalculateEndDate
arcpy.ConvertTimeField_management(inTable, inputTimeField, inputTimeFormat, outputDateField)

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