Alter Field Group (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Alters the properties of a field group.


  • Deleting a field group will remove the contingent values that are associated with it. This tool allows you to modify the field group without removing the associated contingent values.

  • Modifying the fields that participate in the field group can affect the contingent values that are dependent on them as described in the following table:


    Remove a field

    The contingent values that are associated with the removed field will also be removed.

    Add a field

    The contingent values associated with the field group will have the new field added to the contingent value with a field value type of ANY.

  • Fields used to create a field group cannot be system-maintained fields such as ObjectID or Shape or the subtype field.

  • If your data is stored in an enterprise geodatabase, you must be connected as the data owner to use this tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Target Table

The table containing the field group to be altered.

Table View
Field Group Name

The name of the field group to be altered.

New Field Group Name

The new, unique name for the field group.

New Fields

The fields that participate in the field group. To modify the fields, enter new field names. Provided values will replace, not append, the current list of fields that participates in the field group. If no values are provided, the fields will not be altered.

Is Restrictive

Specifies whether the field group is restrictive. This parameter allows you to control the editing experience when using contingent values.

  • Checked—The field group is restrictive. Values entered on a field in the field group are restricted to those specified as contingent values. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The field group is not restrictive. Values can be committed to a field in a field group even if they are not specified as contingent values.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Table

The input target table with the altered field group.

Table View


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