An overview of the Data Loading toolset

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The Data Loading toolset contains tools to streamline data loading from a source schema to a target schema. The tools help reduce the time and complexity of migrating to a new data schema.

The following are key terms that are used to describe the tools:

  • Data Loading Workspace—A workspace that contains folders, Microsoft Excel workbooks, and other items to assist in loading data from a source to a target schema.
  • Mapping Workbook—A Microsoft Excel workbook that defines how data will be loaded from a source dataset to a target schema.
  • Data Reference Workbook—A Microsoft Excel workbook that defines the data paths to a source dataset, target dataset, and mapping workbooks.


Create Data Loading Workspace

Creates a Data Loading Workspace that can be used for data loading. The output workspace contains a collection of Microsoft Excel workbooks. These workbooks can be used to configure the source and target schema mapping.

Generate Mapping Table

Generates the Mapping Table based on a configured data loading workspace. The table includes a list of predefined datasets, fields, and attribute domain coded value descriptions. This output table is used as input to the Create Data Loading Workspace tool.

Load Data To Preview

Uses a Data Loading Workspace to load data from a source to a preview geodatabase. Use this tool to preview the results before loading data to the target schema.

Load Data Using Workspace

Uses the Data Reference Workbook from the Data Loading Workspace to load data from a source to a target dataset.

Update Data Loading Workspace Schema

Creates a copy of the Data Loading Workspace and updates all the mapping and domain workbooks.

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