Feature Envelope To Polygon (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Creates a feature class containing polygons, each of which represents the envelope of an input feature.


Feature Envelope To Polygon illustration


  • The attributes of the input features will be maintained in the output feature class. A new field, ORIG_FID, will be added to the output feature class and set to the input feature IDs.

  • Since the envelope of a perfectly horizontal line (parallel to the x-axis) has a zero height and the envelope of a perfectly vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) has a zero width, the resulting polygon from either line would have a zero area; such invalid polygons will be omitted in the output. The same applies to a part in a multipart line feature.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input features that can be multipoint, line, polygon, or annotation.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class.

Feature Class
Create multipart features

Specifies whether to use one envelope for each entire multipart feature or one envelope per part of a multipart feature. This parameter will affect the results of multipart input features only.

  • Unchecked—Uses one envelope containing an entire multipart feature; therefore, the resulting polygon will be singlepart. This is the default.
  • Checked—Uses one envelope for each part of a multipart feature; the resulting polygon of the multipart feature will remain multipart.

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