Generate Transects Along Lines (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Creates perpendicular transect lines at a regular interval along lines.


  • This tool works best when the input features have a projected coordinate system appropriate for distance measurements in a local area. Equidistant, UTM, or other localized coordinates systems are well suited for distance measurement. Coordinate systems that distort distance to provide more cartographic shapes, such as Web Mercator, or geographic coordinate systems may not have accurate results.

  • The output of this tool has only one attribute, ORIG_FID, which stores the Object ID of the input feature along which each transect line was generated. You can use this field to add additional attributes from the input features to the output transect lines by running the Add Join or Join Field tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The line features along which perpendicular transect lines will be generated.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output perpendicular transect lines generated along the input features.

Feature Class
Distance Between Transects

The interval from the beginning of the feature at which transects will be placed.

Linear Unit
Transect Length

The length or width of the transect line. Each transect will be placed in such a way along the input line that half its length falls on one side of the line, and half its length falls on the other side of the line.

This is the overall length of each transect line, not the distance that the transect extends from the input line. To specify how far the transect line should extend from the input line—for example, 100 meters—double this value to specify the transect length (200 meters).

Linear Unit
Generate transects at line start and end

Specifies whether transects will be generated at the start and end of the input line.

  • Checked—Transects will be generated at the start and end of the input line.
  • Unchecked—Transects will not be generated at the start and end of the input line. This is the default.


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