Assign Domain To Field (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Sets the domain for a particular field and, optionally, for a subtype. If no subtype is specified, the domain is only assigned to the specified field.


  • Domain management involves the following steps:

    1. Create the domain using the Create Domain tool.
    2. Add values to or set the range of values for the domain using the Add Coded Value to Domain tool or Set Value For Range Domain tool.
    3. Associate the domain with a feature class using this tool.
  • When an attribute domain is associated with a table or feature class, an attribute validation rule is created in the database. This attribute validation rule describes and constrains the valid values of a field type.

  • One attribute domain can be associated with multiple fields in the same table, feature class, or subtype as well as in multiple tables and feature classes.

  • The Input Table parameter accepts feature layers or table views.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The name of the table or feature class containing the field that will be assigned a domain.

Table View
Field Name

The name of the field to be assigned a domain.

Domain Name

The name of a geodatabase domain to assign to the field name. Available domains will automatically be loaded.


The subtype code to be assigned a domain.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Table

The updated input table.

Table View

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