Create Unregistered Feature Class (Data Management)


Creates an empty feature class in an enterprise geodatabase. The feature class is not registered with the geodatabase.


  • This tool creates only simple feature classes such as point, multipoint, polygon, and polyline.

  • An empty feature class created by this tool will either have a field named OBJECTID of type integer or contain the same field names and types of any selected input template feature class.

  • Unregistered feature classes can be registered with the geodatabase using the Register With Geodatabase tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Feature Class Location

The enterprise geodatabase in which the feature class will be created.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Feature Class Name

The name of the feature class that will be created.

Geometry Type

Specifies the geometry type of the feature class. This parameter is only relevant for those geometry types that store dimensionality metadata, such as ST_Geometry in PostgreSQL, PostGIS Geometry, and Oracle SDO_Geometry.

  • PointThe geometry type will be point.
  • MultipointThe geometry type will be multipoint.
  • PolylineThe geometry type will be polyline.
  • PolygonThe geometry type will be polygon. This is the default.
Template Feature Classes

An existing feature class or list of feature classes with fields and attribute schema that will be used to defined the fields in the output feature class.

Feature Layer
Has M

Specifies whether the feature class will have linear measurement values (m-values).

  • NoThe output feature class will not have m-values. This is the default.
  • YesThe output feature class will have m-values.
  • Same as the template feature classThe output feature class will have m-values if the dataset specified in the Template Feature Class parameter (template parameter in Python) has m-values.
Has Z

Specifies whether the feature class will have elevation values (z-values).

  • NoThe output feature class will not have z-values. This is the default.
  • YesThe output feature class will have z-values.
  • Same as the template feature classThe output feature class will have z-values if the dataset specified in the Template Feature Class parameter (template parameter in Python) has z-values.
Spatial Reference

The spatial reference of the output feature dataset. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box, you can select, import, or create a new coordinate system. To set aspects of the spatial reference, such as the x,y-, z-, or m-domain, resolution, or tolerance, use the Environments dialog box.

Spatial Reference
Configuration Keyword

Specifies the default storage parameters (configurations) for geodatabases in a relational database management system (RDBMS). This setting is applicable only when using enterprise geodatabase tables.

Configuration keywords are set by the database administrator.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Feature Class

The output unregistered feature class.

Feature Class, out_name, {geometry_type}, {template}, {has_m}, {has_z}, {spatial_reference}, {config_keyword})
NameExplanationData Type

The enterprise geodatabase in which the feature class will be created.

Workspace; Feature Dataset

The name of the feature class that will be created.


Specifies the geometry type of the feature class. This parameter is only relevant for those geometry types that store dimensionality metadata, such as ST_Geometry in PostgreSQL, PostGIS Geometry, and Oracle SDO_Geometry.

  • POINTThe geometry type will be point.
  • MULTIPOINTThe geometry type will be multipoint.
  • POLYLINEThe geometry type will be polyline.
  • POLYGONThe geometry type will be polygon. This is the default.

An existing feature class or list of feature classes with fields and attribute schema that will be used to defined the fields in the output feature class.

Feature Layer

Specifies whether the feature class will have linear measurement values (m-values).

  • DISABLEDThe output feature class will not have m-values. This is the default.
  • ENABLEDThe output feature class will have m-values.
  • SAME_AS_TEMPLATEThe output feature class will have m-values if the dataset specified in the Template Feature Class parameter (template parameter in Python) has m-values.

Specifies whether the feature class will have elevation values (z-values).

  • DISABLEDThe output feature class will not have z-values. This is the default.
  • ENABLEDThe output feature class will have z-values.
  • SAME_AS_TEMPLATEThe output feature class will have z-values if the dataset specified in the Template Feature Class parameter (template parameter in Python) has z-values.

The spatial reference of the output feature dataset. You can specify the spatial reference in the following ways:

  • Enter the path to a .prj file, such as C:/workspace/watershed.prj.
  • Reference a feature class or feature dataset whose spatial reference you want to apply, such as C:/workspace/myproject.gdb/landuse/grassland.
  • Define a spatial reference object before using this tool, such as sr = arcpy.SpatialReference("Sinusoidal (Africa)"), which you then use as the spatial reference parameter.

Spatial Reference

Specifies the default storage parameters (configurations) for geodatabases in a relational database management system (RDBMS). This setting is applicable only when using enterprise geodatabase tables.

Configuration keywords are set by the database administrator.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The output unregistered feature class.

Feature Class

Code sample

CreateUnregisteredFeatureclass example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateUnRegisteredFeatureclass function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
    r'Database Connections\Connection to Organization.sde', "New_FC", "POINT", 

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