Create SQLite Database (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Creates a GeoPackage or an SQLite database that contains the ST_Geometry or SpatiaLite spatial type.


  • The Output Database Name parameter value will be automatically assigned an extension based on the value of the Spatial Type parameter. If the spatial type parameter value is ST_Geometry or SpatiaLite, the output name will have an .sqlite extension. If the spatial type parameter value is GeoPackage, the output name will have a .gpkg extension.


LabelExplanationData Type
Output Database Name

The location of the SQLite database or GeoPackage that will be created and the name of the file. The .sqlite extension will be automatically assigned if the Spatial Type parameter value is ST_Geometry or SpatiaLite. If the Spatial Type parameter value is GeoPackage or any of the GeoPackage versions, the .gpkg extension will be automatically assigned.

Spatial Type

Specifies the spatial type that will be installed with the new SQLite database or the GeoPackage version that will be created.

  • ST_GeometryThe Esri spatial storage type will be installed. This is the default.
  • SpatiaLiteSpatiaLite spatial storage type will be installed.
  • GeoPackage (creates the latest supported GeoPackage version that is supported by ArcGIS)The latest version of OGC GeoPackage that is supported by ArcGIS will be created.
  • GeoPackage 1.0An OGC GeoPackage 1.0 dataset will be created.
  • GeoPackage 1.1An OGC GeoPackage 1.1 dataset will be created.
  • GeoPackage 1.2.1An OGC GeoPackage 1.2.1 dataset will be created.
  • GeoPackage 1.3An OGC GeoPackage 1.3 dataset will be created.
  • GeoPackage 1.4An OGC GeoPackage 1.4 dataset will be created.


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