Make XY Event Layer (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Creates a point feature layer based on x- and y-coordinates defined in a table. If the source table contains z-coordinates (elevation values), that field can also be specified in the creation of the event layer. The layer created by this tool is temporary.


  • The output point feature layer created by this tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends. You can export this event layer to a feature class on disk using the Copy Features, Feature To Point, or Export Features tool.

  • You cannot interactively move the output layer's points through editing controls, since event layers are not editable. Alternatives to directly moving these points are to change the x- and y-coordinate attributes in the input table, and re-create the event layer, or save the event layer to a feature class on disk, and perform edits on the feature class.

  • The standard delimiter for tabular text files with a .csv or .txt extension is a comma, and for files with a .tab extension, a tab. To use an input table with a nonstandard delimiter, you must first specify the correct delimiter used in the table using a schema.ini file.

  • If the input table does not have an Object ID field, you cannot make selections or add joins to the resulting layer.


LabelExplanationData Type
XY Table

The table containing the x- and y-coordinates that define the locations of the point features that will be created.

Table View
X Field

The field in the input table that contains the x-coordinates (or longitude).

Y Field

The field in the input table that contains the y-coordinates (or latitude).

Layer Name

The name of the output point event layer.

Feature Layer
Spatial Reference

The spatial reference of the coordinates specified in the X Field and Y Field parameters. This will be the output event layer's spatial reference.

Spatial Reference
Z Field

The field in the input table that contains the z-coordinates.



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