Analyze Control Points (Data Management)

AllSource 1.2    |


Analyzes the control point coverage and identifies the areas that need additional control points to improve the block adjust result.

The tool will check each image and provide the following:

  • The number of control points for each image
  • The percentage of image covered by the control points (point distribution)
  • The overlap areas
  • The number of control points within overlap areas


  • You can specify a mask to either exclude or include certain areas.

  • Specify a minimum overlap area so you do not end up with small slivers to analyze.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Mosaic Dataset

The input mosaic dataset against which to analyze the control points.

Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer
Input Control Points

The input control point feature class.

Feature Layer
Output Control Point Coverage Feature Class

A polygon feature class output that contains the control point coverage and the percentage of the area within the corresponding image.

Feature Class
Output Overlap Feature Class

A polygon feature class output that contains all the overlap areas between images.

Feature Class
Input Mask

A polygon feature class used to exclude areas that you do not want in the analysis of the control points computation.

The mask field can control the inclusion or exclusion of areas. A value of 1 indicates that the areas defined by the polygons (inside) will be excluded from the computation. A value of 2 indicates the defined polygons (inside) will be included in the computation while areas outside of the polygons will be excluded.

Feature Layer
Minimum Overlap Area

Specify the minimum percent that the overlap area must be, in relation to the image. Areas that are lower than the specified percent threshold will be excluded from the analysis.

Ensure that you do not have areas that are too small; otherwise, you will have small slivers being analyzed.

Maximum Overlap Level

The maximum number of images that can be overlapped when analyzing the control points.

For example, if there are four images in your mosaic dataset, and a maximum overlap value of 3 was specified, then there are ten different combinations that will appear in the Overlap Window. If the four images were named i1, i2, i3, and i4, the ten combinations that would appear are [i1, i2, i3], [i1 i2 i4], [i1 i3 i4], [i2 i3 i4], [i1, i2], [i1, i3], [i1, i4], [i2, i3], [i2, i4], and [i3, i4].


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