An ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App license includes access to all the data in Business Analyst. Additionally, you can connect to a layer from outside the app and use the variables it contains, or bring in your own file. Once you bring the layer into Business Analyst, you select the variables you want to work with and organize them in a way that makes sense to you—this is known as setting up custom data.
The custom data setup workflow is available to users with a Business Analyst Web App Advanced license. To learn more about Business Analyst license types, see Licenses. If you have a Standard license, you can’t add custom data, but you can use the data browser to access custom data that other users have shared with you.
Variables you set up can be used alongside Esri data and are stored in the data browser on the My variables tab. Custom data is created from the variables in the data source, along with metadata of how to statistically apportion or calculate numeric data. The metadata file is stored in your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organization as an item type called a statistical data collection.
Data sources and layer types
When you start the custom data setup workflow, you must first identify the source of the data: a layer in the ArcGIS system or your own file. The data in the layer or file must contain at least one numeric field to be set up as custom data.
Existing layer
An existing layer is a layer that is already an item in the ArcGIS system, such as an ArcGIS Living Atlas layer or a layer shared with you in ArcGIS Online. To access an existing layer, you can browse to it, add it to the map, add it from another project, or enter the layer's URL. An existing layer may be any of the following:
- An ArcGIS layer with standard geographies
- An ArcGIS layer with polygons
- An ArcGIS layer with points
Open the item details page in ArcGIS Online and look under Data at the Fields tab to understand which variables are contained in the layer. A layer may contain hundreds of variables that are not visible when viewing the layer on a map.
Import file
You can set up data contained in Excel and .csv files and shapefiles. For example, you may have a spreadsheet containing county-level hospital admissions data for an entire state. You can import this file and align it with geographic boundaries in Business Analyst to use the patient counts as variables in your analyses. An imported file may be any of the following:
- An Excel or .csv file with standard geographies, marked by a FIPS field in the table
- An Excel or .csv file with points, either as addresses or coordinates
- A shapefile with standard geographies, marked by a FIPS field in the table
- A shapefile with polygons
- A shapefile with points
When importing an Excel or .csv file, you must select the type of locations being imported:
- Point locations—Select this option if the file contains point locations, such as coordinates or addresses.
- Geographic boundaries—Select this option if the file contains a standard geography attribute in the data table, such as ZIP codes or counties.
Set up an existing ArcGIS layer
You can add an existing ArcGIS layer and set up its variables as points, polygons, or standard geographies. To set up an existing ArcGIS layer, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Existing layer and use the Choose layer drop-down menu to select from the following:
- Browse for a layer—Select an available layer in ArcGIS Online. This is similar to selecting a web map or layer in Add web maps and layers.
- Layer on map—Select a layer that is currently on the map. If the map does not contain any selectable layers, this option does not appear.
- Layer from project—Select a layer from the current project. If the current project does not contain any selectable layers, this option does not appear.
- Enter URL—Add data by entering a layer URL. You can also enter the URL for an ArcGIS Online feature service that contains usable data layers and select any layer that contains at least one numeric field.
ArcGIS layers must contain numeric fields that can be set up as variables.
- Optionally, if you selected an ArcGIS item that contains multiple usable layers, identify the layer to use in the Select a layer window.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- Depending on the type of layer you added, do any of the following:
- If you chose an existing point layer with numeric data, click Next.
- If you chose an existing polygon or standard geography layer, select the layer type by doing one of the following:
- Select Polygon layer and click Next.
- Select Standard geography layer and use the drop-down menus to select the geographic boundary and geography ID field, and click Next.
- Now that you have added the ArcGIS layer, configure the variables it contains.
Set up an Excel or .csv file with geographic boundaries
You can add an Excel or .csv file and set up its variables as standard geographies. To set up an Excel or .csv file as standard geographies, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Import file and click Browse, and select a file on your device.
- Click Import.
- Select Geographic boundaries and click Next.
- Use the drop-down menus to select the geographic boundary and geography ID field, and click Next.
You can click View data table to view the file and select the appropriate boundary and ID field.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- Now that you have added the file and matched the geographic boundaries, configure the variables it contains.
Set up an Excel or .csv file with points
You can add an Excel or .csv file and set up its variables as points. To set up an Excel or .csv file as points, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Import file and click Browse, and select a file on your device.
- Click Import.
- Select Point locations and click Next.
- Use the drop-down menus to select the columns in the table that identify the point locations, and click Next.
You can click View data table to view the file and select the appropriate boundary and ID field.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- Click Next.
- Now that you have added the file and identified the point locations, configure the variables it contains.
Set up a polygon shapefile
You can add a shapefile and set up its variables as polygons. To set up a shapefile as polygons, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Import file and click Browse, and select a file on your device.
Shapefiles must be zipped and under 3 MB in size. They can contain a maximum of 1,000 features.
- Click Import.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- For the layer type, select Polygon layer and click Next.
- Now that you have added the file, configure the variables it contains.
Set up a point shapefile
You can add a shapefile and set up its variables as points. To set up a shapefile as points, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Import file and click Browse, and select a file on your device.
- Click Import.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- Now that you have added the file, configure the variables it contains.
Set up a standard geography shapefile
You can add a shapefile and set up its variables as standard geographies. To set up a shapefile as standard geographies, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Add data and select Custom data setup.
The Custom data setup pane appears.
- Click Get started. Optionally, check the Skip this in the future check box to bypass the introductory pane the next time you perform this workflow.
- Click Start setup.
- Select Import file and click Browse, and select a file on your device.
- Click Import.
- Optionally, to see the layer on the map, click Options
next to the layer name and then click Open layer
The map zooms to the layer extent and displays the layer contents.
- Select Standard geography layer and use the drop-down menus to select the geographic boundary and geography ID field, and click Next.
- Now that you have added the file and matched the geographic boundaries, configure the variables it contains.
Organize and configure custom data variables
Once you have added or imported the data to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, you must complete the setup process by organizing and configuring the variables contained in the layer or file. Variable organization and configuration settings affect how the data is displayed and used in the data browser, infographics, and reports.
Organize the variables
Organizing variables allows you to group them for access in the data browser. You can create and edit categories and move variables into the categories. After you add the layer or file, the workflow automatically creates the first category for you, titled with the layer or file name by default and containing zero variables. As you organize the variables, the title and number of variables in each category automatically updates.
To organize variables, do any of the following:
- Create a new variable category by clicking Add category.
- Edit a variable category by hovering over the card and clicking Edit
. When you are done editing, click Apply.
You can change the category title, write a summary and description, add tags, and choose an icon for the category.
- Add variables to categories in any of the following ways:
- Select a variable in the list and click Add to category, and select the category to add it to.
- On a variable in the list, click the Options button
and select Add to category.
- Drag a variable from the list to a category. Press Ctrl while clicking to add a variable to the selection and press Shift while clicking to select multiple variables.
- To add all variables to a category, click Options
at the top and click Add all to category and choose a category.
To find variables in the list, you can click Search
to search for variables by keyword.
You can also click Filter
to open the Filter variables window. Use the drop-down menus and text field to specify a filter. Click Add filter to add a filter. Optionally, on the Show variables matching drop-down menu, filter the list of the variables by applying specified filters. Click Apply.
When you add a variable to a category, it is removed from the list on the left.
- Move or remove variables from a category by hovering over the category and clicking Open. On the variable, click the Options button
and do any of the following:
- To move the variable to a different category, click Move
and select a category to move it to.
- To remove the variable from the category, click Remove
. The variable is returned to the list on the left.
- To move the variable to a different category, click Move
- To add subcategories within a category, hover over the category and click Open. Then click Add subcategory and name the subcategory and click Create.
- To delete a category, hover over the category card and click Delete
If you delete a category, its variables are returned to the list on the left.
Configure the variables
Variable configuration settings affect how the data is displayed and used in the data browser, infographics, and reports. You can configure variables one at a time or configure all at once.
To configure selected variables, select one or more variables and click Options next to one of them. To configure all variables, click Options
at the top and click Configure all. In the Configure variable window, you can edit the following variable properties.

1 | Field name | The original name of the variable in the data source. This field cannot be edited. |
2 | Display name | Set the variable name that is shown in the data browser. You can edit this only when configuring a single variable. |
3 | Vintage | Set the vintage year that is shown in the
Info button |
4 | Summary type | Define the way aggregated values are summarized for custom data polygons that intersect the area of interest. The summary type affects the options available for the Weight and Apportionment fields.
5 | Weight | Define the field used to calculate the weighted sum, either Area or a custom variable. This parameter is available only when Summary Type is set to Average. When Average is not selected, None is automatically selected for Weight. |
6 | Apportionment method | Set the apportionment method for custom data polygons that intersect, but do not match exactly, the area of interest:
7 | Type | Set the variable type:
8 | Precision | For supported variable types, set the number of digits after the decimal point. The default is 0, and can be changed to a maximum of 6 digits. |
9 | Units | Set the units to match the type of values in the data: Count (default), Percent, or Currency. |
10 | Category | Choose the way that the variable is grouped and displayed in the data browser. |
11 | Subcategory | Choose the way that the variable is grouped and displayed in the data browser. |
You can switch to Table view and configure variables in the table. To reduce the number of steps needed to configure, you can edit the properties common to multiple variables and individually edit the Display name text for each variable in the table. Click any cell in the table to edit the value or select a different value in the drop-down list.
When you are finished, click Save. The variables you configured are saved and categories you created are saved as custom data.
Manage custom data
Custom data that you set up is available under the My data tab in the Custom data setup workflow pane. Every category that you created from a data source is saved as custom data. Under Data shared with me, you can access the data that your organization has shared with you. Click Search to search for custom data on the selected tab. Click Refresh
to refresh the custom data list.
Click Options next to a layer for the following options:
Option | Description |
Edit | Open the custom data layer to edit it. |
Change layer type | Change the layer type. For example, if you set up a data source using the Polygon layer option, you can change it to a standard geography layer by specifying the Geographic boundary level setting and Geography ID field. |
Share | Use the Share custom data window to select your organization or groups and share a custom data layer with them.
Disable | Disable the custom data layer so it is no longer available in the data browser. The layer will still appear in this list and you can enable it again anytime. |
View metadata | View the metadata for the layer. |
Remove | Permanently remove the custom data layer. To use the custom data layer again, you must add it using the custom data setup workflow. |
Use custom data
You can use custom data in workflows that support the layer's data type (points or polygons), by selecting the variables in the data browser. The My variables tab lists the custom data you added and set up previously. Custom data other users have shared with you is available on the Shared variables tab.
- Both point- and polygon-based custom data variables can be used in suitability analysis, benchmark comparisons, and build reports.
- Only polygon- and geography-based custom data variables can be used in color-coded maps and smart map search.
Custom data best practices
Understanding how best to set up custom data can help you create usable data for your organization. The following sections describe best practices and helpful information for setup types, defining an area of interest, and data apportionment.
Setup types
You can set up three types of data using custom data setup: points, polygons, and standard geographies.
Setup type | Input data | Notes |
Points | Point data | Performs a simple aggregation of points that intersect the area of interest |
Polygons |
| Always uses a defined apportionment method, such as block apportionment |
Standard geographies | Polygon data that includes a FIPS field associated with standard boundaries defined by the U.S. Census |
Area of interest
When working with custom data, it is recommended that you define an area of interest that is the same or larger than the geographic units of the custom data (whether custom polygons or standard geographies).
Better accuracy | Less accuracy |
The area of interest is larger than the custom data polygon unit. For example, you may be examining data at the state level, and your custom data is at the county level.
| The area of interest is smaller than the custom data polygon unit. For example, you may be examining data at the ZIP code level, and your custom data is at the county level.
Custom data apportionment
When an area of interest is being enriched with custom data, there are times when the custom data polygons do not line up neatly with the area of interest. In this situation, part of the custom data falls outside the area of interest and the software must determine the amount of the custom variable that is in the area of interest.
For example, an organization has set up custom data mapping the amount of soybean production throughout the country. They then draw a specific area of interest in the Midwest and use it to create a color-coded map that focuses on this area of interest, represented by the red square in the image below:

To determine the amount of soybean production in the custom data polygons that are not completely within the area of interest, the following process is used:
- The area of interest is overlaid with base point dataset. In the United States, the base points are census block points, represented by pink points in the image below.
- An intersect operation assigns base points to each polygon portion that lies inside the area of interest.

- The base points in each polygon portion are used to calculate the percentage of the population within the polygon portion.
- The aggregated percentage of the population count is applied to the custom data value to return the same percentage of the polygon value.
The apportionment base point dataset depends on the country. For the United States and Canada, census block points are used. For most other countries, settlement points are used.
Set preferences
You can set preferences for Business Analyst Web App in the application preferences. For the custom data setup workflow, you can turn the workflow intro page on or off and decide whether to show warning messages when custom data is accessed from multiple sources. Administrators can set preferences for the entire organization.
To set the workflow preferences, do the following:
- On the app header, click My preferences
The Preferences window appears.
- Expand the Maps section, expand the Add data section, and click Custom data.
- Set the following preferences:
Use the Show custom data intro page check box to display or skip the How to use this workflow introduction step when the Custom data setup pane is opened.
Use the Show warning message when custom data is accessed from multiple sources check box to display or disable the warning message about possible problems when custom data is accessed from multiple layers.
- To restore the default settings, click Restore defaults.
- To save your changes, click Save or, optionally, click Save and close to close the Preferences window. To view your changes, refresh the app.
Workflow video
To see a video of the workflow, watch Use the custom data setup workflow.