Previous releases

Information about previous releases of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App are provided on this page. To learn about enhancements in the latest release, see What's new.

November 2024 release

The November 2024 release includes the following enhancements:

Benchmark comparisons workflow

Try the reimagined benchmark comparisons workflow (previously comparison reports) with new mapping capabilities, enhanced map style options using indicator methods, and new ways to view and summarize data.

Europe (Beta) data source

Discover the new European Cross-border Data (Beta) data source, which covers 39 countries and allows you to perform cross-border analyses that span country borders.

Points of interest search enhancements

Explore enhancements to the points of interest (POI) search workflow with conditions to optimize your query and map styling using intuitive places iconography.

Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) updates

Experience the AI-powered assistant's new capabilities, including smart map searching, site creation, color-coded map enhancements, and docking.

Boundaries and data updates

Use new U.S. geographic boundaries representing school districts for mapping, sites, and analysis. Data updates include Canada, India (Esri India), and Michael Bauer Research countries and regions, global points of interest, and U.S. traffic counts.

June 2024 release

The June 2024 release includes the following enhancements:

Updated Esri data

Access updated data provided by Esri, including Esri 2024 Updated Demographics, Esri Tapestry Segmentation, Esri Consumer Spending, Esri Market Potential, Esri Business Summary, and Esri Retail Demand by Industry data.

New data browser

Explore the new data browser with improved navigation, easier access to popular variables, new filtering options for enhanced searches, and improved accessibility.

Redesigned points of interest (POI) search workflow

Try the redesigned points of interest (POI) search workflow with improved filtering, new save search functionality, enhanced map style options, and new ways to view and summarize data.

Introducing Business Analyst Assistant (Beta)

Experience Business Analyst Assistant (Beta), powered by artificial intelligence to answer questions and generate suggested workflows, data, and infographics.

Global data updates

Data updates are included for Esri Japan and Michael Bauer Research countries and regions and global points of interest.

Reorganized app header

The app header of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App has been streamlined, incorporating Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) Business Analyst Assistant at the top of the app and relocating the following controls:

  • Autosave has been moved to the application preferences.
  • Guided tours are now located in the Help and resources menu.

February 2024 release

The February 2024 release includes the following enhancements:

New suitability analysis workflow

The redesigned suitability analysis workflow includes new industry-related variable lists, improved ways of setting your analysis extent, advanced scoring and weighting options, an interactive results panel, and the ability to save analysis layers.

Points of interest search enhancements

You can define a search area directly within the workflow for targeted POI analysis.

Use hexagons to visualize data

You can use hexagons in color-coded maps, smart map search, and suitability analysis workflows to create uniform representation of the data and quickly understand clusters and patterns.

Data updates

Data updates are included for Australia (ABS), Germany (Nexiga), Thailand (Esri Thailand), Michael Bauer Research countries and regions, global points of interest, United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico business locations, and U.S. traffic counts and crime indexes.

November 2023 release

The November 2023 release includes the following enhancements:

U.S. Census 2020 Demographics and Housing Characteristics (DHC) and Retail Demand by Industry

Access Esri's U.S. Census 2020 Demographics and Housing Characteristics (DHC) and new Retail Demand by Industry data to use in analysis and reports.

New smart map search workflow

Try the redesigned smart map search workflow with new industry-related variable lists, improved ways of setting your analysis extent, interactive results panel, and the ability to save analysis layers.

Improved search options

It's now easier to find content for your analysis with improved search capabilities in the data browser and points of interest search. Enter a search term and find related results.

Global data updates

Data updates are included for Canada (Environics), Spain (AIS Group), Esri France, Mexico (INEGI), Michael Bauer Research countries and regions, global points of interest, and an advanced New Zealand dataset.

June 2023 release

The June 2023 release includes the following enhancements:

Esri 2023 Updated Demographics

Access Esri's 2023 Updated Demographics, Esri Tapestry Segmentation, Consumer Spending, Market Potential, Business Summary, and 2017-2023 ACS data in 2023 geography.

Improved color-coded maps workflow

The redesigned color-coded maps workflow includes improved methods for setting the analysis extent, exploring data, analyzing the results, and saving layers for future use.

Updated user interface

The updated interface includes a design that minimizes clutter and aligns with Esri visual style.

Improved data browser search

The data browser now returns a broader range of results. Enter search terms and find related words and meanings.

Global data updates

Access data updates for Esri Japan, Netherlands (4orange), Michael Bauer Research countries and regions, global points of interest, and added support for Spanish language.

February 2023 release

The February 2023 release includes the following enhancements:

Data updates for USA

ACS updates for USA and Puerto Rico and USA business locations and crime indexes.

Global data updates

Updates for Michael Bauer Research countries and regions and global points of interest.

New infographic gallery templates

Browse and add new curated infographic templates from the infographics gallery. (Advanced license)

November 2022 release

The November 2022 release includes the following enhancements:

2022 Canadian demographic data

Access the latest demographic data in Canada for analysis, reports, and infographics.

New Demographic and Income Profile report

Users with an Advanced license can add the redesigned Demographic and Income Profile report from the infographic gallery, and run the report to reveal interactive information in a modern format.

New Canadian infographic templates

Explore five new Canadian infographic templates that provide information about communities, spending, real estate, and more.

Infographic enhancements

Enhancements include a static map export option for batch HTML exports, dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps stories. Additionally, the maximum number of Nearby locations has been increased to 5,000 and there are new conditional styling options for pie and donut charts.

Data updates

Key data updates include the following:

  • Michael Bauer Research data updates for 62 countries and regions
  • Updated global Points of Interest data (Foursquare)
  • Updated business locations data (Data Axle and SafeGraph)
  • Updated traffic counts (Kalibrate)

June 2022 release

The June 2022 release includes the following enhancements:

Esri 2022 Updated Demographics and Census 2020 Data in the U.S.

Access the new Esri 2022 data source, based on U.S. Census 2020 geographic boundaries. This data source includes the following:

  • 2022/2027 Esri Updated Demographics
  • 2022/2027 Consumer Spending variables
  • 2022 Esri Tapestry Segmentation variables
  • 2022 Market Potential variables
  • 2022 Business Summary variables
  • 2016-2020 American Community Survey variables
  • Census PL94-171 variables

New global points of interest (POI) data

Access points of interest data for more than 150 countries through a beta release of global Foursquare data. Browse and search points of interest including beaches, parks, and campgrounds in addition to businesses and facilities.

New data coverage in Africa and updates in Eastern Europe

Explore demographic data for 22 countries in Africa and updates to 25 countries in Eastern Europe.

New workflow name: Points of Interest Search

The workflow previously known as Business and Facilities Search has been renamed to Points of Interest Search. This reflects the expanding catalog of POI data available in ArcGIS Business Analyst.

March 2022 release

The March 2022 release includes the following enhancements:

New Interesting Facts infographic panel

An Interesting Facts infographic panel reveals information about your site that makes it distinctive. Specify a set of variables to search for outlier data values to reveal interesting facts about an area with interactive tables and word clouds.

Simplified Void Analysis workflow (Advanced license)

The Void Analysis workflow has been updated and streamlined for faster analysis results and an improved results table.

New POI data

Data updates provide new business locations data for Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Using this data, unlock insights through the Points of Interest Search and Void Analysis workflows.

Data updates

Key data updates include the following:

  • Data updates for Germany (Nexiga), Netherlands (4orange), Esri Thailand, and 44 Michael Bauer Research international countries and regions.
  • U.S. business locations (Data Axle and SafeGraph), traffic counts (Kalibrate), and crime (AGS).

    AGS crime data for places-level geographies (cities and towns) was revised in early April 2022. If you ran reports or exported infographics on cities or towns between March 22 and April 18, 2022, it is recommended that you rerun those reports and infographics.

December 2021 release

The December 2021 release includes the following enhancements:

Create threshold areas

The Threshold Areas workflow allows you to create areas that expand around a location until specific criteria are reached—for example, 25,000 people. This is useful when you are studying new markets and want to see the drive time of an area that represents the total customers (or members) needed for a new business location. 

Use more sites when creating a dashboard

The maximum number of sites you can use when creating a dashboard has been increased to 500.

Integration with the new ArcGIS StoryMaps

When creating a story, the default styles are now the new ArcGIS StoryMaps templates.

New infographics and classic reports

  • For USA, 2020 Census Redistricting Data (PL- 94-171) infographic and classic report
  • For Mexico, new infographics: At Risk Population and Key Facts
  • For Canada, new infographics: Demographic Profile, Demographics and Spending, Economic Development, Nearby Restaurants, Population and Household Trends, Population and Key Indicators, Poverty Indicators, Prism Key Facts, Target Market Summary, Visible Minority

Data updates

Key data updates include the following:

  • Census 2020 Redistricting data (USA and Puerto Rico). To use this data, choose the Census PL94-171 data source for USA or Puerto Rico in the Country/Region drop-down menu.
  • USA business points (Data Axle and SafeGraph)
  • USA traffic data (Kalibrate)
  • Canada business points (Data Axle)
  • Canada demographics data (Environics)

September 2021 release

The September 2021 release includes the following enhancements:

Dominant Tapestry Profile infographic template

The Dominant Tapestry Profile infographic is a new Standard infographic template that provides a detailed description about who lives in an area, their lifestyle choices, what they buy and how they spend their free time, along with a quick view of key facts.

Project panel enhancements

Improved category filtering in the project panel and a new collapse/expand all option to make it easier to find your items.

Add custom text in infographic export

When you run an infographic template that has text editing enabled for any of the text boxes, you can now add custom text before exporting infographics to PDF. When you build a custom infographic template, you can make any text panel in it editable by using the new Enable text editing check box.

Data updates

The September 2021 release includes the following enhancements to data:

  • New Mexico (INEGI) dataset and Mexico Summary Report (INEGI). The Mexico (INEGI) data will be the default selection when Mexico is selected in the country switcher drop-down menu.
  • Michael Bauer Research (MBR) data for these new countries and regions: Brunei, Cambodia, Iran, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, French Guiana, Guyana.
  • Data updates for U.S. business locations and traffic points, Spain (AIS), and 26 Michael Bauer Research countries and regions.

June 2021 release

The June 2021 release includes the following enhancements:

Standard and Advanced licenses

An ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App license is available at two levels of functionality: Standard and Advanced. The Standard license includes capabilities that allow you to view quick maps and data and create reports and infographics that you can share with other users. The Advanced license additionally includes capabilities that allow you to customize existing report and infographic templates, rank sites based on variables, and identify gaps and surpluses of businesses in an area.

Simplified workflows

The Color-Coded Maps, Smart Map Search, and Suitability Analysis workflows are simplified—each includes a default variables list that an Administrator in your ArcGIS organization can predefine for all members to use. If your organization has a common list of variables, you can access these when you sign in, and they can be updated by the Administrator when data needs change.

Improved ArcGIS Dashboards workflow

The option to include multiple infographic templates in an ArcGIS Dashboard is supported.

Data updates

The June 2021 release includes the following enhancements to data:

  • USA 2021/2026 Esri Demographic Data updates and forecasts. The update includes demographic data, consumer spending, Tapestry segmentation (with updated names), market potential, business locations and summary data, and updated Esri basemaps. With this data, a new capability to update the data for custom infographics is included.
  • Updated U.S. traffic points and business locations data.
  • Updated Michael Bauer Research (MBR) data for eight new countries and regions.
  • A new geography scale in Mexico.
  • Updated Esri France and Esri Australia data.


The subsequent 9.2.6 release includes data updates for 24 Michael Bauer Research international countries and regions.

April 2021 release

The April 2021 release includes the following enhancements:

ArcGIS Dashboards

A dashboard in ArcGIS Online is a view of geographic information that displays multiple visualizations on one screen, allowing you to provide a comprehensive view of your data that supports insightful yet fast decision making. Infographics in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App are a way to visualize key indicators for your sites in the form of charts, graphics, tables, images, and text. The ArcGIS Dashboards workflow in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App allows you to choose a layout, select sites and an infographic template, and create a dashboard.

Configure curated content from ArcGIS

The Web Maps and Layers workflow allows you to add web maps and layers from ArcGIS and ArcGIS Living Atlas. You can now add multiple web maps or layers at a time from the Web Maps and Layers dialog box.

If you have an Administrator role, under Preferences > Organization > Add Data from ArcGIS, you can choose an ArcGIS Online group and make its contents available on the Web Maps and Layers dialog box under a custom tab that you name. You can filter this content by the map extent by default. You can also enable and disable the tabs available on the Web Maps and Layers dialog box.

Improved Custom Data Setup

The Custom Data Setup workflow allows you to add your own data or use an accessible feature layer in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App. The improvements allow you to search and filter for specific variables, and include an option to add, remove, or configure multiple selected variable rows at the same time.

New options for exporting infographics

When you run infographics, you can export them in Excel format from the infographic viewer. For HTML format, you can export the infographic as a static map image instead of the dynamic map. This option can be used to export secured or private maps, but significantly increases the export time.

Improved site photo options

You can reorder the photos you add for a site, under Site options > Show details, in the gallery view.

New guided tours

New guided tours to help you learn how to manage projects, share results as a dashboard, and how to use the data browser.

Data updates

The April 2021 release includes the following enhancements to data:

  • ACS updates for USA and Puerto Rico.
    • More than 400 new USA variables have been added.
  • Netherlands 4orange
  • New Thailand Points of Interest data.
    • Points of interest search is enabled for the Esri Thailand dataset in which you can search the POI dataset, view the attributes, and add the points to the map.
  • Business locations for USA
  • Kalibrate traffic count data for USA
  • Michael Bauer Research 2020 data updates for 12 international countries and regions.

December 2020 release

The December 2020 release includes the following enhancements:

Download reports as a zip archive

On the Run Reports > Classic reports tab, when you click Run All to run multiple reports, you can also create an all-in-one PDF report. When that option is chosen, by default all the reports run are downloaded as a zip archive (you can change this setting under Preferences). You can still open any individual report and download it manually. If any PDF reports were requested, a PDF Reports Created dialog box appears, where you can copy links to the all-in-one PDF report, or any individual PDF report. This allows you to quickly paste the links in an email or document, if you want to share the reports by those methods.

Include maps when exporting a Void Analysis report

Void Analysis allows you to see what types of businesses are missing from your analysis area, compared to a reference area. When you export the results of the analysis as a PDF Void Analysis report, you can include a map of the analysis area, reference area, or both.

Data updates

The December 2020 release includes the following enhancements to data:

  • Esri Thailand Data—New advanced Esri Thailand data, with 478 variables (2019 vintage) including the following categories: household spending and income, household and population totals, and population by age, education, occupation, and more. This data is available at four geography levels including subdistricts. To use this data, expand the country or region drop-down menu, and choose Esri Thailand as the data source.
  • Updated USA businesses and traffic data.
  • Updated data for Esri Japan.
  • Updated Michael Bauer Research (MBR) data for several countries.

After February 10, 2021, data updates will not include the Major Shopping Centers and Malls data. The Major Shopping Center Locator and Major Shopping Center Map reports will also not be included. The Major Shopping Center Locator and Major Shopping Center Map reports will also be unavailable.

For more information, see the following article:

September 2020 release

The September 2020 release featured the following enhancements:

SafeGraph business data

SafeGraph data is available in Points of Interest Search, Void Analysis, and Nearby Infographic panels. By choosing it as the business data source, or setting it as the default business data source in Preferences, your analyses and reports can take advantage of SafeGraph's Places data. This data, updated quarterly, consists of business points with several attributes including brand name. When using SafeGraph as the business data source, you can export business locations that include the full business address.

Improved sharing options

You can share a subset of project content with other users, instead of sharing the entire project. This is useful when, for example, you need to collaborate with other users on only some of the map layers in your project. You also can export map layers and other project content to a new hosted feature layer.

Data updates

The September 2020 release includes the following updates to data:

  • Demographic data updates for Canada (Environics) and Germany (Nexiga).
  • Updated USA business and traffic locations data.
  • Updated International Data from Michael Bauer Research for 31 countries.

June 2020 release

The June 2020 release featured the following enhancements:

Batch infographics

Use the Export mode to run infographics in batch mode—multiple infographic for multiple sites at the same time. All the infographics are downloaded to your machine in a single .zip file.

Void Analysis normalization

Add a normalization variable to Void Analysis, for additional context to determine whether a true gap exists between the analysis and reference areas, or whether it’s because the analysis area is smaller or has fewer people than the reference area. For example, the reference area may have more coffee shops, but also have a larger population to support them, whereas the analysis area could have fewer people and fewer coffee shops; adding population as the normalization variable will provide better insight. You can also save search and style criteria for use in future analysis.

Visualize Suitability Analysis as locations

Use the option to visualize Suitability Analysis results as ranked location symbols, instead of sites, for an improved map appearance.

Improved Business Search

The layout of the different search and filter options has been updated for an improved Points of Interest Search workflow.

Map reports feature higher-quality selected basemap

More detailed, higher-resolution maps in classic map reports, namely Site Map and Site Details Map reports. The default basemap and location pin symbol selected under Preferences > General tab > Settings is used in these map reports.

Set up custom data as standard geographies

Set up your custom data as standard geographies when selecting an existing web layer. For example, if you enter the URL for a layer with county-level data, you can choose the Geographic Boundaries option and set up the polygon features to be represented as counties.

Data updates

The June 2020 release includes the following updates to data:

  • USA 2020-2025 Esri Demographic Data forecasts including US population, income, households, consumer spending, Tapestry Segmentation, and more.
  • USA 2020 Age by Sex by Race data.
  • USA ACS data updated to use 2020 Boundaries.
  • USA Q2 2020 Traffic data.
  • USA Q2 2020 Business Locations data.
  • USA 2020 Crime data.
  • A new Civilian Labor Force Profile Report is available. You can run this report for your sites from the site menu or from the Reports > Classic Reports tab.

March 2020 release

The March 2020 release featured the following enhancements:

Guided tours

To learn how to use the application, you can complete guided tours, including several new ones. Earn points when you complete a tour or review related material. All tours and materials are organized in four levels from introductory to advanced. Complete all tours in a level to earn additional experience points and a badge and proceed to the next level.

Run an infographic for up to 10 sites

Run an infographic for up to 10 sites. Use the Select tool to select multiple sites on the map and run an infographic from the site information pop-up window. On the Reports tab, select multiple sites and an infographic and click Create for all sites to run the infographic. A side-by-side comparison infographic for up to 10 selected sites is created. Use the new Compare with geographies option in infographics to compare sites with associated geographies.

Select a default report under Preferences

Select a default report under Preferences > Reports > Classic Reports. This report is selected by default in the site information pop-up window.

Add 360-degree and panoramic images to infographic templates

If you have added 360-degree and panoramic images for your sites, you can add and view these images in infographics. Click the image in the infographic to open a full-screen view, pan a 360-degree photo, and zoom in and pan panoramic photos.

Add territory layers

Use the Web Map and Layers workflow to add territory layers from ArcGIS. Territory Design layers are added to the Territories section of the project panel.

Data updates

The March 2020 release includes the following updates to data:

  • A new Puerto Rico ACS Dataset, which includes more than 700 variables from the American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates down to the block group, three new ACS classic reports and three new standard Infographic templates. This new ACS Puerto Rico Dataset is the default data when Puerto Rico is selected in the country or area drop-down menu.
  • Updated USA American Community Survey (ACS) 2014 – 2018 data.
  • Crime data (2019 Boundaries), traffic (Q4 2019), business locations, Netherlands (4Orange), and MBR countries.