Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) reference

Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) is an in-app productivity tool that uses artificial intelligence to recommend popular workflows, data, infographic reports, and tips. It provides intelligent suggestions and understands geographic context through prompts or search queries.


Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) Business Analyst Assistant is available on the app header. You can turn the assistant on or off in your app preferences. Organization administrators can enable or disable the assistant for their entire organization.


To use Business Analyst Assistant (Beta), either select a suggested prompt or enter your own prompt to generate suggestions. Use the prompt suggestions as a resource for forming your own search queries. A well-formed query is short and direct; verbose queries take longer for Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) to process.

You can use the examples below as guidance in crafting well-formed prompts:

Verbose promptConcise prompt

"I would like to create a map where it shows income distribution for the state of California in the United States."

"Create a map of poverty in California."

"I would like to create a map that shows all the coffee shops within the city center of Glasgow."

"Show coffee shops in Glasgow."


For guidance on writing prompts and using the assistant, you can scroll through best practices and more information on the Welcome window.


You can also click on tips, which provide instructional guidance on writing prompts and performing workflows, similar to taking a guided tour. Enter a question in the assistant's prompt field and click Show tip to learn how to complete tasks in Business Analyst Web App.

The primary objectives for Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) include the following:

  • Understand your needs through natural language prompts.
  • Provide suggestions that can be run through Business Analyst Web App workflows.
  • Allow users to refine and change suggestions to better suit their needs.
  • Teach users how to run workflows through in-app interactive guided tours.
  • Answer tech support and product documentation questions.


Use Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) to map income. Click the suggested prompt Map income in.... Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) suggests a prompt: "Create a map of income in California."

Assistant prompt

In the prompt, the highlighted text can be customized by clicking and editing—in this case, you could modify the topic (income) and the location (California). Leave the topic and location as the defaults. Click the Generate button to perform your query.

The suggestions appear in the Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) window. Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) recommends creating a color-coded map using the Per Capita Income (Esri) variable. Click Create map to create the recommended color-coded map.

The color-coded map is created. For more information on how to modify the map, use the tips provided by Business Analyst Assistant (Beta). Tips provide instructional guidance, similar to taking a guided tour.

Business Analyst (Beta) Assistant example


Using Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) does not consume credits. However, Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) may recommend a workflow that does use credits. For more information on credit usage in workflows, see Credits.


Business Analyst Assistant is a beta feature that is continuing to be developed. You can provide feedback on the assistant during a Business Analyst Web App session by clicking the Positive feedback Positive feedback or Negative feedback Negative feedback button and completing the survey. The feedback is used to guide further development of Business Analyst Assistant (Beta).

Data security and privacy

Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) follows ArcGIS Online data security and privacy guidelines. Specifically, Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) prompts:

  • Are not used to train Esri or third-party AI models
  • Are not used to improve any Esri or third-party product or service
  • Are not stored or shared
  • Are not used to improve Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) for your own use

Esri only stores Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) prompts when you choose to provide feedback on the assistant. Only the active session for which you provide feedback is shared with Esri. Read the Feedback section above for more details.

Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) does not use any external services and your input prompts are not shared with any services outside of Esri.


Suggestions generated using artificial intelligence can be misleading or inaccurate. Be aware of AI's limitations when viewing search results. Your user data is not saved or used to train this AI.

Currently, Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) can help you with tasks related to the following capabilities: running infographics, using points of interest search, and creating color-coded maps.

Business Analyst Assistant (Beta) is English-only.

Bias and other considerations

Many steps were taken to avoid bias and other ethical risks in Business Analyst Assistant (Beta). To avoid potentially reinforcing any unintentional biases in the AI models used by the assistant, human judgment should be applied to interpreting and acting upon the assistant's outputs.


To learn more about using Business Analyst Assistant (Beta), see the following: