ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop is in mature support and follows the ArcGIS Desktop life cycle. There are no plans for future releases of ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop, and it is recommended that you migrate to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. See Migrate to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro for more information.
Make more intelligent decisions for market planning, site selection, and customer segmentation by combining demographic, business, lifestyle, spending, and census data with map-based analytics.
Find answers and information with the complete documentation for ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro.

ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro can be used to apply sophisticated spatial analytics and modeling, including customer and competitor analysis, territory design, target marketing, and site evaluation. From within Business Analyst, you can access annually updated demographic data, nationwide business points, shopping centers, streets, address locators, drive-time thresholds, stunning infographics, and summary reports.
ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop (Mature status)
ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop includes ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (an extension for ArcGIS Pro) and ArcGIS Business Analyst ArcMap (an extension for ArcMap) that can be used to apply sophisticated spatial analytics and modeling, including customer and competitor analysis, territory design, target marketing, and site evaluation.
ArcGIS Business Analyst ArcMap (Mature status)
Use ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene—the traditional ArcGIS Desktop applications—to create maps, perform spatial analysis, manage geographic data, and share your results.

Business Analyst ArcMap is a solution for target marketing, analyzing customers, site selection, and designing territories. The wizard-driven software and data bundled with the application is installed and ready to use. Included are annually updated demographic data, nationwide business data points, streets, geocoding locators, drive-time solvers, and a custom report editor.
Find answers and information with the complete documentation for ArcGIS Business Analyst ArcMap.