Use Operations Management

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The Operations Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you to capture and update event and mission details, allocate resources, and gain situational awareness of resources and tasks against designated missions.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Manage missions

The Operations Dashboard provides operations staff with a single interface to establish events along with their related missions. In addition, surveys within Operations Dashboard can be used to provide status reports, field reports, and manage the lifecyle of events and missions from start to end. Command leadership can remain aware of current and historical missions in the Operations Management Dashboard. New events and missions can be added as frequently as needed.

Enter a new event

You will start by assuming a role as a member of the operations staff National Guard. The governor has issued a request for assistance to the National Guard, in response to a hurricane that is due to touch down in Miami-Dade County. Your commanding officer has asked you to manage the entry of the event and related missions so that leadership can gain quick understanding as the situation progresses. You will start by using the Event Entry survey to capture the hurricane as a new event.

To capture a new event using the Event Entry survey, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select the Add Event tab in the lower right and fill in the following details:

    Event ID

    Type EVENT001.

    Include RFA Information

    Select No.

    Begin Date

    Select the date 07/15/2022.

    End Date

    Select the date 07/22/2022.


    Draw a polygon along the Miami-Dade County area.

    Event Type

    Select Weather.

    Event Sub Category

    Select Hurricane.

    Event Description

    Type Hurricane Olga is moving at 15 mph with high winds of 175 mph. Hurricane Olga is approaching the Miami-Dade County geographical area and is located approximately 300 miles from the Florida coastline.

  3. Click Submit.

Enter a new mission

Maintaining the same role as a member on the operations staff, you have now been asked to start entering the missions related to Hurricane Olga. You will use the Mission Entry survey to enter mission information.

To enter information related to a new mission, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard or refresh your current browser if you have just entered the event.
  2. Select EVENT001 from the Event List.
  3. Select the Add Mission tab in the lower right. Notice that the EVENT001 Event ID is automatically showing as part of the new Mission Entry.
  4. In the Mission Entry survey, fill in the following details:

    Mission ID

    Type MISSION001.


    Type Lat: 25.79496 Lon: -80.12594.

    Start Date

    Select the date 07/15/2022.

    End Date

    Select the date 07/22/2022.

    Mission Type

    Select Personnel Support.

    Mission Description

    Type 50 personnel are needed to fill sandbags and place them in designated areas.

    Mission Stage

    Select Pending Approval.

    Mission Priority

    Select Medium.


    Select 1st Battalion.


    Select B Company.

    Personnel Information

    Select Yes.

    Personnel Details

    Select Other.

    Enter # of Other Personnel

    Type 50. Total Personnel will automatically fill.

    Vehicle Information

    Select Yes.

    Vehicle and Aircraft Details

    Select Land Vehicles.

    Land Vehicle Type

    Select Utility Truck and type 5 for the Quantity.

    Estimate Cost

    Select Yes.

    Estimate Mission Cost/Day

    Type 5000.

    Submitter POC Details

    Enter your name and contact information.

    Ground Commander POC Details

    Enter commander point of contact details.

  5. Click Submit.

Enter additional missions

It is likely that there will be several similar missions taking place in a response to an event. In this exercise, you will use the Operations Dashboard to enter several additional sandbagging missions.

To quickly create additional sandbagging missions, complete the following steps:

  1. Select MISSION001 from the Mission List.
  2. From the pop-up, select Copy Mission. Once the survey loads, notice that it is an exact copy of MISSION001.
  3. In the Mission Entry survey, modify the following details:

    Mission ID

    Change MISSION001 to MISSION002 .


    Change Lat: 25.79496 Lon: -80.12594 to Lat: 25.80076 Lon: -80.12482.

    Mission Description

    Change 50 personnel are needed to fill sandbags and place them in designated areas. to 25 personnel are needed to fill sandbags and place them in designated areas.


    Change 1st Battalion to 2nd Battalion.


    Change B Company to E Company.

    Enter # of Other Personnel

    Change 50 to 25 . Total Personnel will automatically fill.

    Land Vehicle Type

    Change 5 to 3 for the Quantity.

    Estimate Mission Cost/Day

    Change 5000 to 2500.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. Return to Operations Dashboard and verify MISSION002 shows in the Mission List and map.

Monitor events and missions

Now, you will assume a leadership role in the National Guard. Your job is to monitor your unit's open events and missions to determine if there are any that require your attention. You will view the stages of all missions and then look more closely at specific missions, including trends like estimated cost and which unit the mission has been tasked to.

To evaluate information related to events and missions, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Management Dashboard.
  2. Use the filters in the left panel to narrow down the missions.

    You can filter by status of event, event name, status of mission, and mission name.

  3. Start by reviewing MISSION001. After selecting it from the Select Mission filter, notice that the dashboard updates to reflect information related to that mission.

    Information related to the mission stage, allocated personnel, allocated vehicles, cost, and location are updated once an event and/or mission is selected. Notice that there is no information currently visible for the status report and field report section. These can be populated by returning to the Operations Dashboard and using the specific tabs to submit the reports.

  4. Change the selection in the Select Mission filter to MISSION002. As the dashboard updates to show details for MISSION002, make note of the mission assignment/stage, number of personnel and vehicles requested, location, and estimated cost. This information can be relayed to the Adjutant General for event status, or a decision made and passed back to the operations staff to approve or deny a proposed mission.

Manage mission stages

You will go back to assuming a role as a member of the operations staff. After leadership used the Operations Management Dashboard dashboard to review ongoing missions, they determined that there were not enough resources to conduct MISSION002. You will use the Operations Dashboard to change the status of MISSION001 and MISSION002.

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select MISSION002 from the Mission List.
  3. Select Edit Mission from the pop-up. The Mission Editor survey loads for MISSION002 .
  4. In the Mission Editor survey, modify the following details:

    Provide Additional Details

    Select Yes.

    Enter Additional Details

    Type Mission declined by Unit Commander. Not enough resources available to conduct mission.

    Mission Stage

    Change Pending Approval to Declined

  5. Click Submit.
  6. Return to Operations Dashboard and verify the stage label reflects as Declined for MISSION002 in the Mission List and the symbology is updated in the map.

Provide a status report for a mission

During the life cycle of a mission, it is common for leadership to request a status report for ongoing missions. Remaining in an operations staff role, you will assume that leadership has requested a 72 hour outlook for MISSION001.

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select MISSION001 from the Mission List.
  3. Select the Add Status Report tab in the lower right. Notice that the EVENT001 Event ID is and MISSION001 Mission ID are automatically showing as part of the new Status Report.
  4. In the Status Report survey, fill in the following details:

    Date and Time:

    Select the date 07/16/2022.


    Enter your name.


    Enter your email.


    Enter your phone number.


    Leave autopopulated value of 1st Battalion unchanged .


    Leave autopopulated value of B Company unchanged .

    Personnel Deployed

    Leave autopopulated value of 50 unchanged .

    Vehicles Deployed

    Leave autopopulated value of 5 unchanged .

    Equipment Status

    Select Amber.

    Add Notes

    Type 2 Utility trucks will need to be refueled prior to departure.

    Logistics Status

    Select Green.

    Logistics Status

    Type On Track.

    24 Hour Projection

    Type Refuel trucks and load sandbags/shovels.

    48 Hour Projection

    Type Arrive on site and fill/place 1000 sandbags.

    72 Hour Projection

    Type Return to armory for more sandbags and refuel.

  5. Click Submit.
  6. In a browser, go to your Operations Management Dashboard .
  7. Use the filters in the left panel to narrow down to MISSION001.
  8. Notice that there is information related to the Status Report now present in the dashboard.

Enter field report

As a member of the operations staff, you will submit a field report on behalf of a guardsman who conducted an unplanned civilian rescue while responding to a mission. Although the guardsman does have the ability to download the survey to their phone to directly submit the report, they have opted to phone it in for you to enter.

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select MISSION001 from the Mission List.
  3. Select the Add Field Report tab in the lower right. Notice that the EVENT001 Event ID is and MISSION001 Mission ID are automatically showing as part of the new Field Report.
  4. In the Field Report survey, fill in the following details:

    Date and Time:

    Select the date 07/18/2022.


    Enter your name.


    Enter your email.

    Phone Number:

    Enter your phone number.


    Type Lat: 25.79679 Lon: -80.12552.


    Leave autopopulated value of 1st Battalion unchanged .


    Leave autopopulated value of B Company unchanged .

    What Happened:

    Type While driving back to resupply encountered 4 civilians with flooded car. Assisted in tow and water rescue..

    Enter Names of Others Involved:

    Enter other names.


    Add 2 photos.

  5. Click Submit.
  6. In a browser, go to your Operations Management Dashboard .
  7. Use the filters in the left panel to narrow down to MISSION001.
  8. Notice that there is information and photos related to the Field Report now present in the dashboard.

Close missions and event

In order to maintain a clear operational picture for leadership, it is necessary to close missions and events which are no longer ongoing. You will assume the role of an operations staff member who was just informed that all missions and events are now over. You will use the Operations Dashboard with the Mission Closer and Event Closer to close the missions and events.

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select MISSION001 from the Mission List.
  3. Select Close Mission from the pop-up. The Mission Closer survey loads for MISSION001 .
  4. In the Mission Closer survey, fill in the following details:

    Mission Stage:

    Select Complete.

    Closing Comments:

    Type Mission has been completed. Over 10,000 sandbags filled and placed.

  5. Click Submit.

    Notice that MISSION001 has now been removed from the Mission List and map in the Operations Dashboard. Closed missions can still be viewed by using the Mission Status filter in the header of the dashboard to select Closed or All.

  6. Select MISSION002 from the Mission List.
  7. Select Close Mission from the pop-up. The Mission Closer survey loads for MISSION002 .
  8. In the Mission Closer survey, fill in the following details:

    Closing Comments:

    Type Mission was declined and hurricane response is complete.

  9. Click Submit
  10. Select EVENT001 from the Event List.
  11. Select Close Event from the pop-up. The Event Closer survey loads for EVENT001 .
  12. In the Event Closer survey, fill in the following details:

    Event Closing Comments:

    Type Hurricane Olga and all mission responses are complete. Closing event.

In this topic
  1. Manage missions