Use Public Parking

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The Public Parking solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory parking assets and share nearby surface lots, garages, and on-street spaces with drivers.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Collect parking assets in the field

In many cases, a field assessment of existing parking assets may be the most efficient way to develop a parking inventory. The information collected in the field can then be augmented with other descriptive information that helps drivers or the public find parking alternatives.

You will assume the role of a mobile worker in a public works or planning department. In this workflow, you are asked to use the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app to access your Parking Inventory and inventory parking assets in your community.

  1. Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
  2. Tap Parking Inventory to open the map.
  3. Search for an address, and then in the results list, tap the address to zoom to that location on the map.
  4. Tap the plus sign or Collect Here to open the survey form.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device you use.

  5. Tap the type of parking asset that you want to add.
  6. Swipe up to view the form, and then complete the survey with as much information as possible, tapping to expand sections as necessary.
  7. Swipe down and tap Add Point.
  8. At the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit to submit the form.
  9. Repeat these steps for each parking asset.

Develop parking inventory

The Parking Inventory app can be used by public works or planning department personnel to inventory public parking and pay stations. Existing parking assets collected in the field can be reviewed and information added to help drivers or the public find parking alternatives. New parking assets can also be added to a parking inventory using imagery and record documents.

You will assume the role of a parking supervisor in a public works or planning department. In this workflow, you are asked to review parking assets collected by field staff and add new parking assets available in record drawings.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Parking Inventory app.
  2. In the Editor panel, under Create features, click a parking asset template.
  3. Click the map to place the new parking asset.
  4. Complete the form as needed.
  5. After you finish, click Create to create the parking asset.
  6. Repeat these steps to collect additional signs and poles.
  7. Now, you will use the Parking Inventory app to update public parking information.
  8. In the Editor panel, under Edit features, click Select.
  9. On the map, select the parking asset that you want to update.
  10. Modify the parking asset information as desired, and then click Update.
  11. Optionally, click Layers to toggle the visibility of the layers.
  12. Optionally, click Filter to refine the features displayed in the map.

Locate parking alternatives

Communicating parking information helps drivers locate desirable spaces and reduces congestion in a downtown or neighborhood. The Public Parking site and Parking Locator app can be used to communicate public parking alternatives and find a parking space.

Find a parking space

You will assume the role of a resident or member of the public. In this workflow, you are interested in locating a parking space near a given location in a downtown or neighborhood.

  1. In a browser, from the Public Parking solution, view the Public Parking site.
  2. Scroll to the Find Parking Space section, and then click the Locate Parking button.

    The Parking Locator opens, showing parking alternatives in the area.

  3. On the left, in the Parking Locator panel, search for an address.

    You see suggestions as you type.

  4. Press Enter or choose an address from the list.

    In the Parking Locator panel, nearby parking alternatives are listed.

  5. In the Parking Locator panel or on the map, click a parking alternative and review the additional details.

Share parking experience

Understanding public perception with parking alternatives helps shape parking studies and plans to deliver affordable and well-located parking. The Parking Satisfaction Survey form is used by the public to share their experience with parking resources in a community.

  1. In a browser, from the Public Parking solution, view the Public Parking site.
  2. Scroll to the Parking Satisfaction section.
  3. Click Share Your Experience.
  4. Complete the survey, and then click Submit.