Use Pipe Exposure Inspections

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The Pipe Exposure Inspections solution delivers a set of capabilities that help gas utilities or pipeline operators perform exposed pipe inspections that play an important part in the maintenance of a safe and reliable natural gas or hazardous liquid pipeline system.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Perform exposed pipe inspections

Pipes that are normally underground that become exposed are a safety risk. Field staff routinely inspect exposed pipes to ensure that they are in proper working condition to prevent safety issues from arising.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a mobile worker who has been assigned the task of inspecting exposed pipes in the field.

  1. Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
  2. Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Pipe Exposure Inspections map.
  4. Start an inspection by completing the following steps:
    1. Tap the Add button
    2. Use the Add Point button to collect the extent of the exposed pipe.
    3. Fill out the inspection form by collecting data for each field as appropriate.
      • The Inspection Date and Inspected By fields are auto-populated with the current date and name of the signed in user.
      • Additional fields will become available based on your choices. For example, Choosing Metallic Pipe Present = Yes will present three additional fields to collect more information about the pipe. Choosing a Coating Type will also expose an additional field to record the condition of the coating. If no metal pipe is present, these fields will stay hidden.
  5. When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.

Monitor pipe exposure inspections

Use the Pipe Exposure Inspections Dashboard to monitor inspections.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations supervisor or integrity management analyst who wants to monitor the progress of pipe exposure inspections using an interactive dashboard.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Pipe Exposure Inspections Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Open Dashboard.
  3. In the Pipe Exposure Inspections Dashboard, use the map, Inspection List, and Inspection Details to explore the inspections.
    • Clicking an inspection in the list will zoom to the inspection location and filter the Inspection Details element.
    • There are two lists that you can switch between at the bottom: All (shows all inspections) and Anomalies (shows only those inspections with an issue).
  4. Filter the list by date by using the Filter by date element or by using the Inspection List Search window (Example: 10/20/2023).

View pipe exposure inspections

Use the Pipe Exposure Inspections Viewer to monitor inspections.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of an operations supervisor or integrity management analyst who wants to monitor the progress of pipe exposure inspections utilizing a map-centric application.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Pipe Exposure Inspections Viewer App.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. In the Pipe Exposure Inspections Viewer App, either pan and zoom to find inspections, or use the Search window to find inspections.

    You can find inspections by searching for a nearby address or by searching the contents of the inspectionnumber, inspectedby, notes, or locationdescription fields.

  4. Click on one of the results from the search to zoom to the inspection.