Use Parcel Value Analysis

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The Parcel Value Analysis solution delivers a set of capabilities that enable local governments to visualize key property characteristics on a map, discover neighborhood patterns, analyze sales ratios, and identify outliers and inequities.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Understand neighborhood patterns

Historically, the assessor’s computer aided mass appraisal (CAMA) system has been the primary source of property assessment information in a local government. But these tabular systems make it difficult to visualize outliers and spatial patterns, assess the impact of geographic features on values, and identify trends. To ensure property is valued in a fair and equitable way, assessors need a simple way to visualize property characteristics and locate outliers that increase the likelihood of assessment appeals and reappraisals.

You will assume the role of an assessment professional. You want to quickly understand the parcel characteristics of an assessment neighborhood. The Neighborhood Explorer tab provides insight into the distribution of parcel data at an assessment neighborhood level.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parcel Value Analysis app.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. Click the Neighborhood Explorer tab.
  4. In the search field, type an assessment neighborhood value and press Enter.

    The app will zoom and filter the tax parcel data to the assessment neighborhood entered.

  5. Click a data theme (for example, Taxable Value, Land Value, and so on) at the top to view the data and statistics for that data characteristic theme.
  6. Review the distribution of the values on the map and in the Assessed Value Distribution chart.
  7. Select a parcel on the map to view individual property details.
  8. Click Close to close the property details pop-up.
  9. Click Close in the search box to clear the previous search and the map to zoom to full extent.

    Alternatively, search for an assessment neighborhood by zooming and panning around the map to view the distribution of the values.


    The statistics will only update when you search for an assessment neighborhood.

Analyze sales ratios

The Sales Analysis tab is used to analyze sales ratios, trends, and identify outliers.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parcel Value Analysis app.
  2. Click the Sales Analysis tab.
  3. In the Filter Sales panel, use the settings to filter sales data to a specific neighborhood, sales dates, sales ratio values, property use types, sales amounts, and sales types.

    The map will automatically filter and zoom to the filtered sales.

  4. Review key statistics for the sales ratios and sales values that update dynamically based on the selected filters.
  5. Click the tabs to explore the data.

    All tabs are updated dynamically based on the selected filters.

    The Ratios tab provides details about the distribution of sales ratios within the data and relationships between sales and assessed values.

    The Time tab provides details about the value of sales over time.

    The Property Details tab provides details about the distribution of key property information including assessment use type, assessment neighborhood, and school district.

    The Table tab provides a tabular view of the sales data that can be sorted by various fields, interactively select records, and export data as CSV or Excel.

    The Structure Details tab provides details about the distribution of key structure information including year built, quality, and square footage value distribution.

Identify outliers or inequities

The Equity Analysis tab is used to analyze tax parcel values to identify possible inequalities and defend reassessments. Along with viewing sales, foreclosures, and appeals to understand how they may influence value.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parcel Value Analysis app.
  2. Click the Equality Analysis tab.
  3. In the Filter Sales panel, use the settings to filter tax parcel data to a specific neighborhood, property use types, tax district, structure quality, and/or assessed value amounts.

    The map will automatically filter and zoom to the filtered tax parcels.

  4. Zoom in to see tax parcels if many records are selected across a broad geographic area.
  5. Review key statistics for the tax parcel values that update dynamically based on the selected filters.
  6. Click the tabs to explore the data.

    The data is updated dynamically based on the selected filters except the sales, foreclosure, and appeals tables.

    The Table tab provides a tabular view of the tax parcel data that can be sorted by various fields, interactively select records, and export data as CSV or Excel.

    The Values tab provides details about the distribution of tax parcel values within the data and relationships between assessed and taxable values.

    The Property Details tab provides details about the distribution of key property information including assessment use type, assessment neighborhood, and school district.

    The Structure Details tab provides details about the distribution of key structure information including year built, quality, and square footage value distribution.

Explore agricultural information

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

The Agricultural Analysis page is used to improve agricultural property valuation and assessment.

  1. In a browser, verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parcel Value Analysis app.
  2. At the top of the page, click Agricultural Analysis.
  3. Filter agricultural parcel data by acreage, tax year, or review status.

    The map will automatically filter and zoom to the filtered agricultural parcels. You may need to manually zoom in to see parcels if many records are selected across a broad geographic area.

  4. Select an agricultural property on the map or the table to see the parcel information and any related agricultural information.
  5. Select the Parcel Details tab after selecting a parcel to see a breakdown of the land use and soils for a selected parcel.