Use Operations Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |    |  

The Operations Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you to capture and update event and mission details, allocate resources, and gain situational awareness of resources and tasks against designated missions.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Manage missions

The Operations Dashboard provides the LNO or mission manager a single interface to submit events, missions, status updates for missions, and field reports. Operations Manager allows the operations personnel the freedom to filter data, modify or move events, and find specific information within a few seconds. Finally, command leadership can remain aware of current and historical missions in the Operations Management Dashboard. New events and missions can be added as frequently as needed.

Enter a new event

You will start by assuming the role of the event or mission manager. You have just received a request for assistance from Miami-Dade County in response to a hurricane. You will use the Event Entry survey to capture a new event.

To capture a new event using the Event Entry survey, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard.
  2. Select the Events tab in the lower right and fill in the following details:

    Event ID

    Type EVENT001.

    Begin Date

    Select the date 09/08/2020.

    End Date

    Select the date 09/15/2020.


    Draw a polygon along the Miami-Dade County area.

    Event Type

    Select Weather.

    Event Sub Category ID

    Select Hurricane.

    Event Description

    Type Hurricane Olga is moving at 15 mph with high winds of 175 mph. Hurricane Olga is approaching the Miami-Dade County geographical area and is located approximately 300 miles from the Florida coastline.

  3. Click Submit.

Enter a new mission

You have now been asked to start capturing the missions related to Hurricane Olga. You will use the Mission Entry survey to capture mission information.

To capture information about a new mission, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to your Operations Dashboard or refresh your current browser if you have just entered the event.
  2. Select the Hurricane Olga event from the events list widget.
  3. Select the Missions tab in the lower right. Notice that the EVENT001 event ID is automatically showing as part of the new Mission Entry.
  4. In the Mission Entry survey, fill in the following details:

    Mission ID

    Type MISSION001.


    Type LAT: 25.79496 LON: -80.12594.

    Start Date

    Select the date 09/08/2020.

    End Date

    Select the date 09/12/2020.

    Mission Type

    Select Personnel Support.

    Mission Description

    Type 150 personnel are needed to fill sandbags and place them in designated areas.

    COVID related

    Select No.

    Mission Status

    Select Pending Approval.

    Mission Priority

    Select Medium.

    Assigned to ID

    Select 1st Battalion.

    Personnel Information ID

    Select Yes.

    Personnel Details

    Select Other.

    Enter # of Other Personnel

    Type 150. Total Personnel will automatically fill.

    Vehicle Information

    Select Yes.

    Vehicle and Aircraft Details

    Select Yes.

    Land Vehicle Type

    Select Utility Truck and type 5 for the Quantity.

    Estimate Cost

    Select Yes.

    Estimate Mission Cost/Day

    Type 5000.

    Submitter POC Details

    Enter your name and contact information.

    Ground Commander POC Details

    Enter commander point of contact details.

  5. Click Submit.

Monitor missions

Now, you will assume the role of the Operations Manager. You are asked to monitor the missions of your unit. You will review the missions of your workforce.

To monitor a specific mission, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to the Operations Manager application. You will see an overview of the events and missions that have been entered.
  2. Click the Item details button Item details. After reviewing the content, close the window.
  3. Type % in the Search widget.
  4. Select MISSION001 from the results.

In this topic
  1. Manage missions