Use Parks and Grounds Management

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The Parks and Grounds Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help parks and grounds agencies inventory assets, understand asset condition, and communicate changing asset conditions that impact services.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Inventory and assess parks and grounds assets in the field

In many cases, a field assessment of existing parks and grounds assets may be the most efficient way to develop a parks and grounds asset inventory. The information collected in the field can then be augmented with other descriptive information that helps staff or the public view park information easily.

You will assume the role of a maintenance worker in a parks and grounds agency. In this workflow, you are asked to use the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app to access your Parks and Grounds Field Map and inventory parks and grounds assets.

Collect parks and grounds assets in the field

To collect parks and grounds assets in the field, complete the following steps:

  1. Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
  2. Open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Parks and Grounds Field Map to open it.
  4. Browse to the collection location.
  5. Tap Add and tap Basketball.
  6. Swipe up on the form and tap Name to enter the name.
  7. Tap the Status switch to set the asset as Open.
  8. Tap Activity Details to expand the form.
  9. Tap Condition and choose a value.
  10. Tap Park Region and choose a value.
  11. Tap Lifecycle Status and choose a value.
  12. Tap Last Maintenance and choose a value.
  13. Tap Ownership Details to expand the form.
  14. Tap Owned By and choose a value.
  15. Tap Maintained By and choose a value.
  16. Swipe down and tap Take Photo, then take a photo and tap Use Photo.
  17. When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.

  18. Repeat steps 6 through 14 for each parks and grounds asset you need to collect.

Assess parks and grounds assets in the field

To assess parks and grounds assets in the field, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap a trail in the Parks and Grounds Field Map.
  2. Swipe up on the form to review the trail information.
  3. Swipe up on the form to the Related section.
  4. Tap Asset Inspection.

    Previously recorded inspection activities are displayed. When present, tap the inspection record and swipe up on the form to review the information.

  5. Tap Add.
  6. Swipe up on the form to expand the form.
  7. Tap Inspection Type and choose Trails.
  8. Tap Inspection Date and choose today's date.
  9. Tap Condition and choose a value.
  10. For Needs Maintenance, tap Yes or No.
  11. Optionally, tap Notes to enter inspection notes.
  12. When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.

  13. Swipe up on the form to review the recorded inspection information.
  14. In the Related section, tap Trails to return to the Trail feature.
  15. Swipe up on the form and tap the Create service request button.
  16. Complete the Parks and Grounds Request form to report a request for service.
  17. When you are finished, at the upper right, tap the check mark or Submit.

    Your interface may vary depending on the type of mobile device that you use.

Complete field assignments

Maintenance workers will often receive work through assignments that help organize tasks to be completed and communicate the status of work to operations and maintenance staff. In this workflow, you are asked to use the ArcGIS Workforce app on your mobile device to track the status of your work in the field.

  1. Download ArcGIS Workforce onto your mobile device.
  2. Open ArcGIS Workforce and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Tap the Parks and Grounds Assignments map.
  4. In the To do list, tap an assignment to view its location on the map and see details about the assignment.
  5. In the assignment details, tap Directions to see a list of installed navigation apps, and then tap the app you want to use and allow ArcGIS Workforce to open it.

    The app opens, generating a route to your assignment.

  6. In the assignment details, tap Start to begin working on an assignment.
  7. Optionally, tap Add Note to enter information for the operations and maintenance staff. Tap Done.
  8. Optionally, tap Take Photo to take and attach a photo.
  9. Optionally, tap Attach to record video and audio and to attach other photos from your device.
  10. Swipe up and tap Open in Field Maps.

    The Parks and Grounds Field Map opens in ArcGIS Field Maps.

  11. After you have finished collecting data or recording work in the Parks and Grounds Field Map, return to the ArcGIS Workforce app.
  12. To pause, decline, or reset the assignment, tap the Overflow button
    and tap the appropriate status, or tap Cancel.
  13. In the assignment details, tap Finish when you have completed the assignment.
  14. Optionally, tap To Do and tap Completed to view your completed assignments.
  15. Optionally, tap Sync
    Sync (when there are no pending edits)
    Sync (when there are pending edits)
    if you have edits that aren't synced) and tap Sync Now to sync them.

    Changes to the status of your assignments automatically syncs with your ArcGIS organization at the default interval of every 15 minutes.

Develop parks and grounds asset inventory

The Parks and Grounds Inventory app can be used by mapping technicians to create, update, and review parks and grounds assets. Existing parks and grounds assets collected in the field can be reviewed and information added to help staff and the public find information about a park, government complex, or campus. New parks and grounds assets can also be added to an asset inventory using imagery and record documents.

You will assume the role of a mapping technician in a parks and grounds agency. In this workflow, you are asked to review parks and grounds assets collected by maintenance workers and add new parks and grounds assets. The steps below provide guidance; however, you can enter information as you see fit and examine the different dependencies in the form.

Review parks and grounds assets collected in the field

First, you will review recently created trails data using the Parks and Grounds Inventory app.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parks and Grounds Inventory app.
  2. Open the item page and click View.
  3. In the asset list on the left, click Trails.
  4. On the right, click Filter, and for Reviewed is, click No.

    The map filters trails that need to be reviewed.

  5. Select a trail on the map or from the table.

    The Edit feature form appears.

  6. Type or select values for each attribute, and after you finish providing attribute values, click Update.

Add a new parks and grounds asset

Next, you will create a trail using the Parks and Grounds Inventory app.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parks and Grounds Inventory app.
  2. In the asset list on the left, click Trails.
  3. Use the map to zoom and pan to an area of interest.
  4. In the Editor widget, click Settings > Snapping layers, and check the Trails snapping layer check box to enable snapping to this layer.
  5. Under Create features, click Trails.
  6. Hover over a trail in the map and follow the on-screen tips to complete your edits, snapping your trail features to the trails snapping layer.

    When you need the line to curve or change directions, click the map in those locations to add a node. When you get to the end of the new line, double-click that location on the map to complete the drawing. Each time you add a feature to the map, the attributes for the feature appear in the Create features pane.

  7. Type or select values for each attribute, and after you finish providing attribute values, click Create.

    To deactivate editing, unselect the Trails template in the Editor widget.

  8. Repeat these steps to add more parks and grounds assets.

Manage operations

Operations and maintenance staff frequently manage complex operations around the inspection and maintenance of parks and grounds assets, and delegating related field assignments to maintenance workers. Sharing near real-time information between the field and the office is also critical to running operations smoothly and efficiently.

You will now assume the role of operations and maintenance staff responsible for organizing routine and ad hoc inspection activities.

Respond to and monitor requests for service

In this workflow, you will respond to and monitor service requests.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and browse to the Parks and Grounds Management Center app.

    The Parks and Grounds Management Center app Home page displays metrics that help you understand requests for service that need to be addressed and work that needs to be assigned to maintenance workers.

  2. In the upper right of the Parks and Grounds Management Center app, click Requests and choose Manage.
  3. In the Requests table, click the Status column filter, and for Status is, choose Submitted to view requests for service with a submitted status.
  4. Click the Submitted On column header and choose Sort in descending order.
  5. Click a service request feature.

    Its details appear at the lower left.

  6. In the details, on the Details tab, click the Edit Record button Edit.
  7. For Status, choose Received.
  8. Click Save.
  9. In the Requests table, click the Status column filter, and for Status is, choose Received to view requests for service with a received status.
  10. You will create an assignment so that the request for service can be addressed by mobile workers.

  11. In the table, click the service request feature to view its details.
  12. On the Details tab, click Create Assignment.

    The Assignments page opens in another tab.

  13. Choose an Assignment Type and assign a mobile worker.
  14. Optionally, modify the Priority, Due Date, Description, or other assignment details.
  15. When you're finished, click Create Assignment, close the Assignments page, and return to the Manage page.
  16. In the upper right, click Requests and choose Monitor.
  17. Use the charts to filter and explore active and resolved requests for service.

    Dashboard charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts on the service request to allow operations and maintenance staff to identify issues and areas that need attention.

Manage field assignments

In this workflow, you will manage field assignments.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Parks and Grounds Management Center app.
  2. In the upper right, click Assignments.
  3. Close the Create Assignment window that appears on the left.
  4. At the bottom of the pane, click the Assignments tab.
  5. From the list of assignments, click an assignment, if present.
  6. In the upper left, click Assign and choose a mobile worker who will complete the work if one has not been assigned.
  7. Optionally, click the Edit button to modify the Priority, Description, or other assignment details.
  8. When you're finished, click Save.
  9. Click the back button.
  10. On the map, select a sign or pole and review its information, and click + Create Assignment.
  11. Choose an Assignment Type and assign a mobile worker.
  12. Optionally, modify the Priority, Due Date, Description, or other assignment details.
  13. Click Create Assignment.