Geocode SharePoint lists and document libraries


Some workflows may require specific privileges. For more information about user types, roles, and privileges, see the Accounts topic.

To map SharePoint lists or document libraries in ArcGIS for SharePoint, the rows in the list or library must contain x,y coordinates or Esri JSON geometry. If the SharePoint list contains addresses without coordinates or shape data, the data must be geocoded or spatially enabled. You can use the Geocode button Geocode when selecting rows from a SharePoint list or library to run ArcGIS geocoding services directly in SharePoint.


To geocode a SharePoint list using a Microsoft Power Automate template, see Geocode in SharePoint using Microsoft Power Automate.

See Data and geocoding for more information about geocoding processes and services.

To geocode a SharePoint list or document library, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the SharePoint document library or list that contains address information.
  2. Select the row or rows you want to geocode.

    To select the entire list, continue without selecting any rows.

  3. Click Geocode.

    The Geocode pane appears.

  4. Under Rows to geocode, select either Entire list or Selected rows.
    Rows to geocode section of the Geocode pane

    A count of the of rows available to geocode is displayed.

  5. In the Choose a geolocator section, click Sign in and sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account.
  6. Once signed in, choose a locator from the Geolocator drop-down menu.
    Choose a geolocator section of the Geocode pane
  7. Optionally, choose the country in which your addresses are located from the Region drop-down menu.

    If the addresses in your list or library are located in different countries, select World from the drop-down menu.

  8. Select whether your address data is in a single column or multiple columns.
  9. From the drop-down menu or menus, select the corresponding address information columns.
  10. Click Geocode.

    The geocoding workflow runs and a progress window appears. In the list or library, a Geocoding status column appears, and the column populates with either a check mark check mark or a warning sign warning to indicate which rows were successfully geocoded.

    Geocoding progress window
  11. If any rows were not successfully geocoded, repeat steps 1 through 4.

    Successfully geocoded rows are automatically stored and will not be overwritten if the geocoding process is run again.

  12. Check the Exclude geocoded rows check box to ensure any rows that were previously geocoded are not repeated.
  13. Verify that the information from steps 6 through 9 is correct, and click Geocode to finish geocoding the remaining rows in your list or library.