Edit mode and run mode


Some workflows may require specific privileges. For more information about user types, roles, and privileges, see the Accounts topic.

You can use edit mode when using a Microsoft SharePoint site to create an ArcGIS for SharePoint map and view the map in run mode.

See Navigate a map to learn more about product navigation tools.

Microsoft SharePoint uses web parts to display specific content types on a page of a SharePoint site. Like other web parts in SharePoint, ArcGIS for SharePoint has an edit mode and a run mode. SharePoint users with permission to edit a page containing an ArcGIS for SharePoint web part can add and configure a map in edit mode to define what is presented on that map.

Changes that you make to a map when it is in run mode are not saved; you can only save changes to a map when the web part is in edit mode. See the Microsoft Sharing and permissions in the SharePoint modern experience article for more information.

The actions you can take when using an ArcGIS for SharePoint map also depend on whether you are signed in to an ArcGIS organizational account and your account level, role, and permissions. Guest users have fewer privileges.

To add or modify an ArcGIS for SharePoint web part, you must be signed in to ArcGIS using an account with the appropriate privileges.

Edit mode

If you have the appropriate Microsoft SharePoint account and ArcGIS account privileges, you have full access to create and configure a map in edit mode.

To put the web part in edit mode, first activate edit mode for the published page that contains the map. On the SharePoint ribbon, click Edit web part Edit web part.

In edit mode, you can configure a map and save the configuration as part of the web part. In edit mode, you can do the following:

You can also format the web part to determine the size of the map, the tools that appear on the map, and other properties.

Edit web part button on a SharePoint map

Changes you make to the map while in edit mode are saved automatically. Changes to the page are saved automatically at set intervals, or you can click Save as draft.

Run mode

In run mode, you can interact with the map as a guest user or as a signed-in user of an ArcGIS organizational account. You can zoom and pan to a layer on the map, as well as duplicate and remove layers. You can also change some layer options, such as style options and layer transparency.

Signed-in users with the correct privileges can perform additional tasks, such as buffer/drive-time analysis, which may consume credits.

In this topic
  1. Edit mode
  2. Run mode