Sample reports

Esri Demographics data is available in presentation-ready reports and maps. You can select from a variety of existing reports, or create custom reports to meet your marketing needs.

The types of reports for U.S. data that are available and how you can use these reports to understand trade areas, find new markets, and evaluate sites are described below. For sample reports for global data, see the Global data topic for your area of interest.

For more information about reports and the products that contain them, visit Esri Reports.

For information about the number of credits needed to run reports, see Credits by capability.


Business reports provide details about the businesses and employees in an area. You can create reports based on a trade area's current and potential business environments by examining existing business and services, competitive presence, and retail activity.

You can use these reports to do the following:

  • Better understand trade areas.
  • Identify potential new sites.
  • Find your competitors.

Data in these reports is based on business locations and business summary data from Data Axle.

Data in the Business Locator report is based on the businesses whose location is within the area of study. Total Sales ($000), Total Number of Employees, Total Number of Businesses, and Employee/Residential Population Ratio are calculated using the collection of business points that are within the area of study.

Data in the Business Summary report is calculated using Esri's data apportionment method, which uses census blocks and block groups to allocate business summary data to custom areas.

These differences in data collection can contribute to differences in Total Businesses, Total Employees, and Employee/Residential Population Ratio when comparing the Business Summary and Business Locations reports for an area of study.

The following sample business reports are available:


Reports in this category provide information about what consumers spend their money on (clothes, education, furnishings, and so on) by market.

The following sample spending reports are available:

You can use these reports to do the following:

  • Understand customers' purchasing habits, financial behaviors, and financial product and services preferences.
  • Locate sites with potential to reach the most customers.
  • Identify menu selections to match customer preferences.
  • Design effective advertising messages for preferred products.

Consumer spending data is derived from the latest Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Updated annually, the data captures sales data for any census geography, ring, or polygon.


Demographic reports provide information about population trends and changes.

Use demographic reports to improve forecasting and business planning. Demographic reports are based on Esri's current-year estimates and five-year projections for demographic trends.

The following sample demographic reports are available:


You can use maps to display current and potential site locations, visualize consumer patterns and trends, assess public safety by area, and locate concentrations of customers. They may also be helpful with other applications that may be hard to recognize in tabular data.

Traffic Count Profile maps contain points that identify information about the number of vehicles that cross a street location. Historical traffic counts data is provided by Kalibrate.

You can use Traffic Count data to do the following:

  • Understand traffic patterns around a specific location.
  • Analyze existing and potential sites and territories.
  • Identify high-demand areas by traffic patterns.

Traffic Count data is updated quarterly.

Site maps display a specified location and surrounding area including standard reference layers such as highways, major roads, rivers, and county boundaries.

The following sample map reports are available:

Market Potential

Reports in the Market Potential category provide information about the products and services consumers want and the civic attitudes they have. Market Potential data contains more than 2,000 items from the MRI-Simmons consumer survey grouped into 35 categories of goods.

The following sample Market Potential reports are available:

You can use these reports to do the following:

  • Understand customer preferences.
  • Reach underserved consumers.
  • Identify the penetration of successful competitive products.

Updated annually, Market Potential data is available for any census geography, ring, or polygon.

Tapestry Segmentation

Tapestry Segmentation from Esri provides a detailed description of America's neighborhoods. Segmentation is based on the principle that people with similar tastes and lifestyles seek others with the same tastes.

You can use Tapestry Segmentation to learn more about customers, such as the following:

  • Housing and family characteristics
  • Employment and education levels
  • Product and vacation preferences
  • Home values and favorite activities

The following sample Tapestry Segmentation reports are available: