StreetMap Premium data license (.sdlic) rollover licensing

The format of the StreetMap Premium data license file (.sdlic) changed in 2021.

Historically, with each standard release of StreetMap Premium, a new .sdlic file was generated for you that was tied to the version of the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase format (.gdb). The .sdlic file governs the StreetMap Premium version (for example, 2021 R1, 2021 R2, and so on), region (for example, North America, Europe, and so on), and expiration date.

The updated .sdlic file governs the region and expiration date, but it is no longer tied to the version of the .gdb file. You will receive one rollover .sdlic file per year per region to use with all the StreetMap Premium .gdb files during that year. When the term ends, a new .sdlic file will be available on My Esri once the renewal process is complete.

For all standard StreetMap Premium (.gdb file) releases starting in April 2021, the StreetMap Premium data license file (.sdlic) and naming convention for all StreetMap Premium regions changed to a rollover licensing model. With this rollover .sdlic license file, a new .sdlic file is not needed for every separate release of StreetMap Premium. The same .sdlic file can be used for multiple releases of the same region until the subscription expiration date noted at the end of the .sdlic license file name.


The rollover .sdlic license file is not backward compatible. To use versions of StreetMap Premium .gdb files prior to this change, it is necessary to use the older version of the license file specific to that release.

The changes to the .sdlic file have no impact during the first standard StreetMap Premium release it is implemented with for each region. However, if you are not using a recent version of ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, or ArcGIS Enterprise, you should install the appropriate patch. StreetMap Premium is tested and supported on the current software release and one major release back. For more details, see 2023 system requirements. If you are using ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1, see the appropriate patch to install for StreetMap Premium rollover licensing. If you are using ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8, you should update to ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 plus the patch for ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 to use the rollover licensing.

Standard StreetMap Premium (.gdb file) release when the rollover .sdlic file is requiredStandard StreetMap Premium (.gdb file) release when a patch is required to use rollover .sdlic file while using ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1

Europe 2021 R1

Europe 2021 R2

North America 2021 R2

North America 2021 R3

Latin America 2021 R1

Latin America 2022 R1

Asia Pacific 2021 R1

Asia Pacific 2022 R1

Japan 2022 R1

Japan 2023 R1

Middle East and Africa 2021 R1

Middle East and Africa 2022 R1

The .sdlic license file naming convention previously followed this pattern, for example:

<CustomerID><Product><Region><Year.Release><Geography><Functions><Expiration>, '11-smp-eu-2020.2-esp_prt-all-12_31_21.sdlic'

The new naming convention follows this pattern, for example:

<CustomerID><Product><Region><Rollover><Geography><Functions><Expiration>, '11-smp-eu-rollover-esp_prt-all-12_31_21.sdlic'

ArcGIS Pro licensing

The word rollover replaces the year.release component of the license file name. In addition to all of the StreetMap Premium documentation and My Esri downloads that identify the year and release of the file geodatabase, the Europe.gdb or other regional file geodatabases' description and metadata properties are updated to identify the year and release number.

To view the year and release number of the file geodatabase, right-click the Europe.gdb file or other regional .gdb file in the following way:

In ArcGIS Pro, on the Catalog pane, under Databases, right-click the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) file, and click View Metadata.

ArcGIS Pro View Metadata

ArcGIS Pro View Metadata 2

Then, when the next version of StreetMap Premium Europe is released, for example, StreetMap Premium Europe 2021 Release 2, you may continue to use the same rollover .sdlic file (no need to download a new version from My Esri) until the subscription expiration date.