StreetMap Premium Locator Update download installation guide

The following installation guide contains instructions for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update downloads from My Esri:

The ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update data is downloadable through My Esri. Upon request, media may be shipped on a USB flash drive. Reference the installation instructions below for the My Esri download.

The ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update data contains the following:

  • QuickStartGuide.pdf
  • Esri User License Agreement
  • A folder of ArcGIS locators used for searching and geocoding

Get started

To install the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update from My Esri, download the available 7-zip file or files for the documentation and locators. Then unzip the file or files with 7-zip software (free from There is one Locators folder created for each 7-zip file. In addition, there are two .pdf files for the QuickStartGuide and Release Notes.

Use of the locators in ArcGIS Pro requires a StreetMap Premium extension. Use of the locators in a geocoding service requires ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later. In addition, it is necessary to have both an ArcGIS Pro Desktop and an ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium extension. Install the ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium extension with your authorization file using the Software Authorization for ArcGIS Server Wizard prior to publishing a locator as a geocoding service through ArcGIS Pro. Check with your organization's license administrator or Esri Customer Service if you do not have either the ArcGIS Pro Desktop StreetMap Premium extension or the ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium authorization file.

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  2. Get support