2024 help and quick-start guide downloads

For help downloads for previous releases, see 2023 help and quick-start guide downloads.

The following help and quick-start guide downloads are available for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium 2024 releases.

Mobile map package (.mmpk) releases in Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) uncompressed format

Download a quick-start guide PDF document for each ArcGIS StreetMap Premium release of mobile map packages (.mmpk) in GCS uncompressed format.

File geodatabase (.gdb) releases

Each download in ZIP format includes a quick-start guide .pdf document, a help .pdf document in support of the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) releases, and a 2024 release draft crosswalk in .xlsx format. The help documentation describes the release, including information on geocoding and routing, and includes a data dictionary detailing each data layer and its attributes as well as related reference information. The draft crosswalk provides a comparison of ArcGIS StreetMap Premium 2023 release layers and their attributes with the layers and attributes available for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium 2024.

Custom Roads

Download a quick-start guide PDF document for each StreetMap Premium Custom Roads release.

Locator Updates

Each PDF download includes a quick-start guide for the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Updates.