Frequently asked questions

Listed below are common questions about ArcGIS StreetMap Premium.




Network Analysis

Mobile map package only

File geodatabase only


What is ArcGIS StreetMap Premium?

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium is an Esri product that is built using data from leading global and local street data suppliers. It offers ready-to-use map display and visualization, geocoding, and routing and network analysis for use with ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro.

What format is StreetMap Premium data delivered in?

StreetMap Premium mobile map packages include mapping, routing, and geocoding data all compressed in .mmpk format. The mobile map package format is supported for use with ArcGIS Pro. For more information on the StreetMap Premium data available in mobile map package format, see ArcGIS StreetMap Premium mobile map packages for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise users and ArcGIS StreetMap Premium mobile map packages for ArcGIS Navigator and ArcGIS Runtime users.

Standard StreetMap Premium mapping and routing data is delivered in a compressed file geodatabase (.gdb) while the geocoding data is in Esri's proprietary locator file format. The ready-to-use, compressed, file geodatabase format and the locator files are supported for use with ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro.

As ArcGIS software evolves and improves, the format in which the data is delivered is subject to change.

May I print the map and use it in my reports?

Yes, you may print the map generated using ArcGIS software in conjunction with the StreetMap Premium data. You can use the printed maps in your reports, provided that you include the data source attribution, and do not use the printed maps for commercial (revenue-generating) purposes.

May I cache the map and use it in my application?

Yes, similar to printing maps, you may cache the map and host the cached maps using ArcGIS Server. The cached maps may only be used internally with ArcGIS software or can be integrated in web applications built using Esri technology. The cached maps may not be included on any commercial (revenue-generating) application or for use with non-Esri technology.

Can I evaluate the StreetMap Premium product?

Yes, you may evaluate any StreetMap Premium product by contacting your dedicated Esri account manager or your nearest sales office.

What is the coordinate system for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium?

The coordinate system for each ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product is as follows:

  • Mobile Map Package (.mmpk) mapping and routing data uncompressed for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise: GCS_WGS_1984 (Geographic Coordinate System)
  • Mobile Map Package (.mmpk) mapping and routing data compressed for ArcGIS Navigator and ArcGIS Runtime: WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)
  • Standard (.gdb): GCS_WGS_1984 Geographic Coordinate System using D_WGS_1984 datum
  • Custom Roads (.gdb): WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)
  • All locators in both sets of mobile map packages: GCS_WGS_1984

What is ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads?

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads is an editable version of the product that allows organizations to combine roads that they manage with StreetMap Premium streets for a single continuous routable transportation network. ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads is a separate, orderable product (in file geodatabase format) from Esri Customer Service.


How do I license StreetMap Premium?

StreetMap Premium licensing requirements indicates the licensing needed for each StreetMap Premium product component.

How do I license a StreetMap Premium mobile map package (.mmpk) for use in ArcGIS Pro?

For information on how to enable a StreetMap Premium extension in ArcGIS Pro, see Get started with a StreetMap Premium mobile map package in the ArcGIS Pro help.

Where do I find my data license file (.sdlic) for the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase on My Esri?

To see your available StreetMap Premium data license file (.sdlic) on My Esri, go to My Organizations > Licensing > License Files > License Files Related to Business Analyst and StreetMap Premium. Click the Download button next to the .sdlic you want to download. See the StreetMap Premium download installation guide for additional information.

What happens when my StreetMap Premium license expires?

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium is licensed on an annual-term basis. Once the license expires after a year, you will notice that significant aspects of the data will cease to work. To continue using the product, you need to renew your license by contacting your account manager or appropriate Esri USA Regional sales office or the nearest International Distributor office. For information, Contact Us.


What is an ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update?

An ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Update is a quarterly release of locators built like the ones used for ArcGIS Geocoding service. The Locator Updates are released on My Esri on a quarterly basis (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) for all five StreetMap Premium regions (Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, and North America). All existing StreetMap Premium customers have access to the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Locator Updates through their My Esri accounts at no additional cost. Each release of the standard StreetMap Premium product, for example, ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Europe 2022 Release 1, also contains the locators for that region, but existing StreetMap Premium customers have access to these locators four times per year for every region to refresh their geocoding, instead of just once or twice per year with the standard StreetMap Premium releases.

What is the coordinate system for the StreetMap Premium locators?

GCS_WGS_1984 is the coordinate system for all StreetMap Premium locators.

May I store the geocoded points and use them even after the license expires?

Yes, once you geocode your addresses, you may store the latitude-longitude coordinates in an ArcGIS database or an external database. The results are yours to keep, whether or not your license has expired. However, you may not resell the points or use them for any commercial (revenue-generating) purposes.

What information is stored in the DisplayX/DisplayY locator output fields for the locators?

For the SubAddress and PointAddress matches, these fields store the decimal degree coordinates for the parcel centroid or rooftop centroid associated with each address, as the geocoded point feature is located on the street segment near the main entrance to the property by default. The default location of PointAddress and SubAddress matches changed from the routing location on the street to the address location (parcel or rooftop centroid).

How can I optimize the performance of my geocoding services published with the locators?

See the Use the locators topic for suggestions on optimizing performance for geocoding services published from the locators.

Why am I getting inconsistent batch geocoding results with larger StreetMap Premium locators in ArcGIS Pro?

If you notice the results of batch geocoding in ArcGIS Pro are producing inconsistent results for larger locators like USA or NorthAmerica locators, change the WarmUp property in the .loc file of the locator from WarmUp = False to WarmUp = True in a text editor such as Notepad++.


When using a geocoding service created from these larger locators, the locators are warmed up in ArcGIS Server, but not by default in ArcGIS Pro.

Can I clip a StreetMap Premium locator to a smaller extent?

Yes, with ArcGIS Pro 3.1 or later, use the Clip Locator geoprocessing tool to clip a locator. For example, clip the StreetMap Premium locator USA.loc to Madison County using the county boundary as the area of interest. See the ArcGIS Pro help for additional information on the Clip Locator tool parameters.

Network Analysis

What is a network dataset and how does it work?

A network dataset is created from multiple source features, which can include simple features (lines and points) and turns. The network dataset also stores the connectivity of the source features. When you perform a network analysis, it is always done on a network dataset. In StreetMap Premium, the network dataset consists of a routing feature dataset that contains several line and point feature classes, as well as feature classes and tables outside of the feature dataset. Together, all of these source features model the network.

The network dataset keeps track of which source features are coincident. To understand connectivity and why it's important, consider that features are normally unaware of each other. For example, if two line features intersect, neither line is aware of the other. Similarly, a point feature at the end of a line feature doesn't have any inherent information that lets it know about the line. With network connectivity, it makes it possible to model overpasses and underpasses without having the roads connect. This way, when a network analysis is performed, the solvers know which paths along the network are feasible. The network dataset also possesses a rich network attribute model that helps model impedances, restrictions, and hierarchy for the network. For more details, see What is a network dataset? in the ArcGIS Pro help.

Can I clip a StreetMap Premium network dataset to a smaller map extent?

In ArcGIS Pro with the appropriate StreetMap Premium licensing extension (North America, Europe, and so on), you may download and use one of the prepackaged StreetMap Premium mobile map packages (.mmpk) along with the Create Mobile Map Package geoprocessing tool to clip out a smaller study area; however, the data will remain in the mobile map package format.

The network dataset in the file geodatabase (.gdb) in the standard StreetMap Premium product cannot be clipped with geoprocessing tools because the network dataset is comprised of several feature classes and references multiple tables as discussed above. Note that clipping a large network dataset such as the one provided with StreetMap Premium will not improve the performance of the network, since the ArcGIS software solver starts the search locally based on the extent of stops and facilities input and expands outward until a solution is found. The solver does not search every street in the file geodatabase to find a solution.

What is historical traffic versus live traffic?

The historical traffic information included in StreetMap Premium reflects driving patterns that provide true average speeds over the past one to two years on individual road elements. When you perform network analysis and you set a particular day of the week or time of day with an impedance, the historical traffic information is relied upon to calculate the optimal route based on these historical travel times. Live traffic is used in the same way as historical traffic in a network analysis, except that the travel speeds are accessed from a website URL or traffic feed serving the live traffic information. If there is no live traffic information for a particular roadway included in your network analysis, the traffic speed information will default to the historical traffic speed. You may access a live traffic feed with ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Pro. The live traffic feed is a premium service that requires an additional licensing fee.

Does the network dataset contain speed limit attribution?

Yes, the StreetMap Premium dataset (Routing_Streets feature class) contains speed limit attributes in the from and to direction on street segments. However, the network dataset considers the overall speed trend on street segments to determine the quickest routes considering factors such as physical restrictions and access characteristics, as well as speed limits, to determine the quickest route.

How do I publish network analysis services to ArcGIS Enterprise?

A StreetMap Premium network dataset may be published as network analysis services to ArcGIS Enterprise provided you have purchased a StreetMap Premium license for Enterprise usage. Use the Publish Routing Services utility with specific parameters (-S option for Route, ClosestFacility, ServiceArea, and so on) for publishing. This tool may be used independently of ArcGIS Pro.

What is a Dirty Area in a network dataset?

Dirty areas are applicable to StreetMap Premium Custom Roads. Dirty areas allow you to see where edits to source features have been made since the last time the network dataset was built. Rectangles surround and highlight the portions of the network dataset that are out of date due to the edits. When you rebuild the network, only the dirty areas are rebuilt, which can be much faster than rebuilding the entire network. If properties of the network dataset are altered, the entire network dataset may be covered by a dirty area, indicating all the elements of the network need to be rebuilt. Note that only the network dataset (Routing_ND) from the StreetMap Premium Custom Roads file geodatabase is editable. The network dataset is read-only in the StreetMap Premium mobile map packages and the standard StreetMap Premium file geodatabase, even though the Dirty area symbology may show by default when the network dataset is added to ArcGIS Pro (version 2.9 or later).

How do I use the StreetMap Premium network dataset to publish routing and other network services?

With ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1, use the user interface (UI) in the portal app to publish routing services. This UI is meant to work across ArcGIS Enterprise on Windows, Linux, and Kubernetes operating systems. See Configure routing services in the Portal for ArcGIS help for additional information.

The Publish Routing Services utility may be used when publishing routing services to standalone ArcGIS servers.

Mobile map package only

Why do I receive an Extension has expired message when I try to use my StreetMap Premium extension in ArcGIS Pro?

Most likely, your license has expired. For information on how to enable a StreetMap Premium extension in ArcGIS Pro, see Get started with a StreetMap Premium mobile map package in the ArcGIS Pro help.

Does StreetMap Premium support the ArcGIS Pro concurrent use and single use licensing model?

StreetMap Premium maps can be used with concurrent use or single use licenses; however, they must be downloaded from ArcGIS Online using an account with a named user license.

What is the coordinate system for the StreetMap Premium mobile map packages ?

There are two sets of mobile map packages:

  1. For ArcGIS Navigator and ArcGIS Runtime users, WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) is the projected coordinate system for the mapping and routing data. The data is compressed for use where device space and data size are important considerations.
  2. For ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise users, GCS_WGS_1984 (Geographic Coordinate System) is the coordinate system for the mapping and routing data. The data is uncompressed for more performant network analysis; the trade-off is a larger dataset because the network dataset is uncompressed.

GCS_WGS_1984 (Geographic Coordinate System) is the coordinate system for the locators in both sets of mobile map packages.

What is a mobile geodatabase?

For information on mobile geodatabases, refer to the Mobile Geodatabases topic in the ArcGIS Pro help.

When I use a StreetMap Premium mobile map package (.mmpk), why is there sometimes a mismatch between a routing result and what I see on the basemap?

Esri's basemaps are updated on a different schedule than the reference data used in the StreetMap Premium network, and there is a potential for a mismatch between the two. Commercial data providers integrate new updates to their datasets as they become available, and these changes are incorporated into the network at the next release. In addition to commercial sources, Esri's Community Maps Program has a diverse number of content sources in the basemaps, which can also result in a mismatch between the maps and the network.

What are vector tiles and vector tile packages?

Vector tiles, like image tiles, are stored on a server and are used to draw data quickly at multiple scales. Rather than drawing pixels like image tiles, vector tiles store generalized representations of vector features. This means that vector tiles adapt to the resolution of the display of whatever device they are drawn on. The styling of vector tiles can be specified without recreating tiles, and vector tiles can adapt to rotation, meaning that labels remain readable even when the orientation of the data changes. They are created in ArcGIS Pro using the Create Vector Tile Package geoprocessing tool. The resulting vector tile package (.vtpk) can be published to ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

File geodatabase only

Why can't I see the detailed streets and use the network data?

Most often, you have not installed the license file you receive from Esri Customer Service. Installation of the license file (by double-clicking it or installing it with ArcGIS License Manager) is required to access the crucial components of the StreetMap Premium product. Refer to the quick-start guide included with each release for more information. If you still have problems using the data, contact Esri Support.

Why can't I use the network data?

The use of the network data requires a purchase of the Full Use (Map Display + Geocode + Route) license. If you have licensed only the Map Display + Geocode option, the network data will not be enabled for use. To use the network data, you must upgrade your license to the Full Use product option by contacting Esri Customer Service or your dedicated account manager or nearest Esri sales office. If you licensed the Full Use option, ensure that you've installed the license file you received from Esri Customer Service in an email. Follow the instructions provided in the quick-start guide included with each release.

Why can't I edit, export, or uncompress the data?

StreetMap Premium is offered as a ready-to-use product that supports map display, geocoding, routing, and network analysis out of the box for use with ArcGIS. Esri uses street data from leading commercial data suppliers to build these products. Data suppliers and Esri require that you not modify, uncompress, or export the data for use with non-Esri technology. See Technical restrictions for more specific information.

May I use the data in the staging environment before using it in the production environment?

Yes, you may use the StreetMap Premium data in the staging environment provided that you either have an evaluation license or a production license of StreetMap Premium. If you acquire an evaluation license of the product, you may not use the data in production until you purchase an annual-term production license of StreetMap Premium.

May I use the data in a failover server environment in case my production environment goes down?

Yes, you may use the data on a failover server as well as in production, provided that both of these environments are not concurrently used in production if you only have one production license of StreetMap Premium.

What is the coordinate system for the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase?

GCS_WGS_1984 Geographic Coordinate System using D_WGS_1984 datum is the coordinate system for the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) format. For the StreetMap Premium Custom Roads .gdb, the coordinate system is WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere).

Why are there multiple copies of a feature class in each feature dataset in the standard StreetMap Premium file geodatabase?

The standard StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) includes multiple copies of a feature class in each feature dataset for scale-dependent mapping purposes, in general, to show less detail at small scales (1.5M-750k) and more detail at large scales (50-25k). For example, to visualize Hydrology in the map document (.mxd), the MapWaterArea feature dataset includes the feature classes MapWaterArea, MapWaterArea_1, MapWaterArea_2, and MapWaterArea_3. The MapWaterArea feature class is the original feature class while the MapWaterArea_3 feature class is the most generalized version of that feature class. For example, at the 1.5M–750k scale, the .mxd uses the MapWaterArea_2 feature class for visualization, whereas at 50–25k scale, the .mxd uses the MapWaterArea feature class. These generalized layers reduce feature density to decrease symbolization and labeling time.

Why can't I see some attributes in the Routing_Streets or Streets feature classes?

For customers still using ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 to access the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase, if you have not yet installed the ArcGIS (Desktop, Server) .sdlic Rollover Licensing Patch, you will not be able to see recently added attributes to Routing_Streets or Streets feature classes. ArcGIS Pro users are unaffected if using the latest version of the software.