StreetMap Premium licensing requirements

StreetMap Premium (SMP) is licensed through two pathways depending on the component:

  • StreetMap Premium extension*
  • StreetMap Premium license file (.sdlic)**

The licensing requirements for using ArcGIS StreetMap Premium in ArcGIS products are outlined in the following table:

StreetMap Premium product componentArcGIS Pro ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Server)ArcGIS Navigator or ArcGIS Runtime

Mobile map packages (.mmpk) Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) uncompressed

StreetMap Premium extension*

StreetMap Premium extension*

Not applicable

Mobile map packages (.mmpk) Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) compressed

Not applicable

Not applicable

StreetMap Premium extension*

File geodatabases (.gdb) for mapping and routing

StreetMap Premium license file (.sdlic)**

StreetMap Premium license file (.sdlic)**

Not applicable

Custom Roads file geodatabase (.gdb) for routing

StreetMap Premium extension*

StreetMap Premium extension*

Not applicable


StreetMap Premium extension*

StreetMap Premium extension*

Not applicable

*Refer to ArcGIS Pro help for instructions on enabling a StreetMap Premium extension for ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Enterprise. ArcGIS Enterprise users will automatically receive two extensions (one for ArcGIS Pro and one for ArcGIS Enterprise) from Esri Customer Service.

**Refer to the StreetMap Premium Quick-Start Guide for instructions on installing a StreetMap Premium license file (.sdlic) for ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Enterprise, or refer to the Esri Technical Support knowledge base for .sdlic license file installation instructions. Beginning with North America 2024 Release 2, StreetMap Premium file geodatabases no longer require the installation of the .sdlic license file to access feature classes such as Streetscarto, Routing_Streets, and Streets in the StreetMap Premium file geodatabases, for example, NA_Mapping.gdb, NA_Routing.gdb, and NA_Streets.gdb.

For help on authorizing your ArcGIS Enterprise software, see Authorizing ArcGIS Server in the ArcGIS Enterprise help.

For more information on extensions in ArcGIS Pro, see Use extensions in the ArcGIS Pro help.

ArcGIS Pro

Use the following diagram to determine the licensing you need to use StreetMap Premium in ArcGIS Pro.

Licensing diagram for ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Server)

Use the following diagram to determine the licensing you need to use StreetMap Premium in ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Server).

Licensing diagram for ArcGIS Enterprise