StreetMap Premium Custom Roads download installation guide

The following installation guide contains instructions for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads downloads from My Esri:

The ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads data is downloadable through My Esri. Upon request, media may be shipped on a USB flash drive. Reference the installation instructions below for the My Esri download.

The ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads data contains the following:

  • QuickStartGuide-CustomRoads.pdf
  • ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads Pro<version>.pdf
  • Esri User License Agreement link
  • A folder called FGDB_VTPK containing the following files:
    • A file geodatabase (.gdb) including the following:
      • Data that is used and symbolized in the maps
      • A network dataset used for routing
    • A vector tile package (.vtpk) designed for creating mobile map packages (.mmpk) that can be used within ArcGIS Navigator or ArcGIS Runtime
    • An ArcGIS Pro project (.aprx) file including the following:
      • A map designed for creating custom roads
      • A map designed for creating mobile map packages (.mmpk) that can be used within ArcGIS Navigator or ArcGIS Runtime
      • Custom editing templates and tasks to help with creating custom roads
    • A custom toolbox (.tbx) with geoprocessing tools to help with creating custom roads
  • A folder of ArcGIS locators used for searching and geocoding

Get started

To install ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads from My Esri, download the available 7-zip file or files for the documentation, file geodatabase (.gdb) and vector tile package (.vtpk), and locators. To access the StreetMap Premium Custom Roads data on My Esri from your Organization Profile, click Downloads > All Products and Versions. Under the Current Versions tab, select All Other Products to expand the view of the products. In the Quick Search box, type in Custom Roads to get a list of StreetMap Premium Custom Roads products. Then, click View Downloads to see the available files. If you are accessing a product for the first time, accept the Terms and Conditions by checking the box in the pop-up and click Accept. Then, under Product Components, select the item that you want to download. Click + to the left of the item to see the item details and item description. Click Download to start the download.

My Esri Organization Profile tab

My Esri StreetMap Premium Custom Roads product to download

My Esri StreetMap Premium Custom Roads data files to download

Then unzip the file or files with 7-zip software (free from Note that all files of the same type (file geodatabase or locators) must be downloaded before unzipping. Unzip the first file with the "001" name, and the rest will automatically unzip with it.

There is one folder created for each set of 7-zip files: 1) FGDB and VTPK, and 2) Locators. In addition, there are several documentation files: ArcGIS_StreetMap_Premium_Custom_Roads_Pro<version>, QuickStartGuide-CustomRoads, and Release Notes .pdf files, as well as a Readme.txt file and Esri User License Agreement link.

Once the folders and files are unzipped on your computer, install your StreetMap Premium authorization file that you also downloaded from My Esri.

Use of the locators and the network dataset in ArcGIS Pro requires a StreetMap Premium extension. Use of the locators in a geocoding service or use of the network dataset in a routing service requires ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later. In addition, it is necessary to have both an ArcGIS Pro and an ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium extension. If you purchase StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS Enterprise, you will automatically receive two extensions (one for ArcGIS Pro and one for ArcGIS Enterprise) from Esri Customer Service and available on My Esri.


For a StreetMap Premium extension, authorize the extension from the same location on My Esri as where you authorized ArcGIS Pro. For example, if you manage all your software and extensions through your Portal, manage your StreetMap Premium extension from there as well.

To see your available StreetMap Premium extensions for Portal use, go to Licensing > Start Licensing. Select ArcGIS Pro for the ArcGIS Pro StreetMap Premium extension. Under Product, select ArcGIS Pro (for Portal use), and click Next. Select your ArcGIS Pro Core Product, and click Next. Select your ArcGIS Pro StreetMap Premium extension, and click Next. Enter the End User Information, and click Next. Review the License File Information on the final page and click Create the authorization file.

My Esri with Start Licensing button

My Esri License ArcGIS Pro (for Portal use) Core Products

My Esri License ArcGIS Pro (for Portal use) Extensions

Select ArcGIS Enterprise for the ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium extension. Under Product, select ArcGIS Enterprise. Select your version (for example, 11.1), then select License Type > ArcGIS Server, select Licenses > Extensions only, then select File Type > License file. Click Next to continue. Select the StreetMap Premium extension, and click Next. Type in the End User Information, and click Next. Review the License File Information on the final page, and click Create the authorization file.

My Esri License Esri Products/ArcGIS Enterprise

Install the ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium extension with your authorization file using the Software Authorization for ArcGIS Server Wizard prior to publishing a locator as a geocoding service through ArcGIS Pro or publishing the network dataset as a routing service through the publishroutingservice utility. Check with your organization's license administrator, your My Esri account, or Esri Customer Service if you do not have either the ArcGIS Pro StreetMap Premium extension or the ArcGIS Enterprise StreetMap Premium authorization file.

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  1. Get started
  2. Get support