Essential vocabulary

Administrative places

Locator property used for finding administrative places such as municipalities, colonias, blocks, or cities.

Cartographic display

StreetMap Premium data is shown as a map. StreetMap Premium provides a high-quality, cartographic street map display on which you can perform geocoding, location plotting on the map, or generate detailed turn-by-turn directions. StreetMap Premium provides high-quality cartographic display for streets, routes, and roads, as well as places, boundaries, hydrology, landmarks, and land use.


The centroid (geometric center) of a feature, such as street, block, postal code area, or administrative place.

Class 1

Class 1 refers to (Class 1: Explosives) hazardous materials and applies to trucking restrictions. See Trucking restrictions fields.

Data dictionary

A compilation of information about the data. Each layer is carefully defined in the data dictionary, which is part of a detailed help documentation provided with every release. The items are arranged by geometry type (points, lines, and polygons), tables, and reference. Within those, the topics are organized alphabetically.


StreetMap Premium has locators for more than 100 countries. StreetMap Premium allows you to geocode and reverse geocode addresses. See StreetMap Premium product coverage for a list of countries where geocoding is available.


The process of transforming a description of a location—such as a pair of coordinates, an address, or a name of a place—to a location on the earth's surface.

Reverse geocoding

The process of transforming a location on the earth's surface to the nearest address or intersection based on a specified search distance, in other words, getting an address from a location.

Geocoding quality level

The geocoding quality level is Esri's relative indicator for the quality of geocoding. It is a function of the degree of street-level address coverage in a country, knowledge of a country's address styles, and geocoding performance for addresses in that country.

For a list of levels by product and country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage.

Geocoding results file output field definitions


The match type for an address. Possible values are as follows:

  • Subaddress—A subset of PointAddress with associated house numbers, building or unit numbers, and street names.
  • PointAddress—Point address with associated house numbers and street names.
  • BuildingName—Point address with an associated building name.
  • StreetAddress—Street centerlines with address ranges.
  • StreetInt—Street intersections derived from StreetAddress data.
  • StreetAddressExt—An interpolated StreetAddress match when the house number component of the address falls outside the existing StreetAddress house number range.
  • DistanceMarker—Street address that represents the linear distance along a street, typically in kilometers or miles from a designated origin location.
  • StreetMidBlock—The estimated midpoint of the street segments that include the house numbers represented by the city block number or city block range. The location returned for a StreetMidBlock match is more precise than that of a StreetName match, but less precise than a StreetAddress match. Currently, this is only functional for the United States. For geocoding services, StreetMidBlock is supported as a value for the category parameter. It allows locations with Addr_type value StreetMidBlock to be included in geocoding responses when the category parameter values StreetMidBlock or Address are passed in the request.
  • StreetBetween—The center point of a street that is located between two specified cross streets. The location returned for a StreetBetween match is more precise than that of a StreetName match, but less precise than a StreetAddress match. This Addr_type value is currently only functional for the United States.
  • StreetName—Street centerlines with associated street names (no numbered address ranges).
  • Locality—Administrative areas such as municipalities, cities, and neighborhoods; typically the smallest administrative area.
  • PostalLoc—Postal code points combined with administrative boundaries.
  • PostalExt—Extended postal code points such as USPS ZIP+4.
  • Postal—Postal code points.
  • POI—Points of interest, such as populated places, business names, landmarks, and geographic names.
  • LatLong—An x,y coordinate pair is used for the search input.
  • XY-XY—Match based on the assumption that the first coordinate in the input is longitude and the second coordinate in the input is latitude.
  • YX-YX—Match based on the assumption that the first coordinate in the input is latitude and the second coordinate in the input is longitude.
  • MGRS—A Military Grid Reference System location.


The full, matched address, formatted in the local country address schema. This is the correct address format based on address standards for a country.


A code indicating whether the address was matched; values include the following:

  • M—Match. The returned address matches the request and is the highest scoring candidate.
  • T—Tie. The returned address matches the request but has the same score as one or more additional candidates.
  • U—Unmatch. No addresses match the request.


A number from 1 to 100 indicating the degree to which the input tokens in a geocoding request match the address components in a candidate record. A score of 100 represents a perfect match, while lower scores represent decreasing match accuracy. A score of 0 represents an unmatch; no addresses match the request.

Side (when using PointAddress and StreetAddress locators)

This field indicates on which side of the street (L or R) the matched address falls.

DisplayX / DisplayY (when using PointAddress locators)

These fields store the decimal degree coordinates for the parcel or rooftop centroid associated with each address, as the geocoded point feature is located on the street segment near the main entrance to the property.


The physical distance, in meters, from a candidate to a specified location. The Distance output value is calculated for each candidate when the Location input parameter is passed in a request using the Find or findAddressCandidates methods. If the Location parameter is not passed in a request, the value of Distance is zero.

Historical traffic data

The data stores traffic flow information by day of the week and time of day; therefore, using this historical traffic data will result in more accurate travel times. For example, routing through the city at 7:30 a.m. on a weekday will take longer than routing through the city at midnight. Historical traffic data can be used by specifying start times when creating routes using the Find Route tool or Network Analyst. Historical traffic reflects driving patterns that provide true average speeds over the past one to two years on individual road elements. A few specific kinds of links are not covered in historical traffic, because they are not navigable roadways: ferry links, rail links, and any link that is not marked as accessible by emergency vehicles. See Routing. For a list of the presence of historical traffic data by product and country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage. You can also visualize the historical traffic data by using the Time Slider tool.

Live traffic

You have the option to access a live traffic feed in StreetMap Premium through the ArcGIS Online World Traffic Service. Using a live traffic service with ArcGIS StreetMap Premium allows you access to high-quality live traffic data that can improve the results of Network Analyst functions such as routing. Live traffic as a service is available for an additional fee as part of the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product. See Live traffic data. For a list of the presence of live traffic data by product and country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage.


The locators are built like the ones used for ArcGIS Geocoding service. The locators are identified by the extensions *.loc and *.loz. When using these locators, it is always recommended that you run the most recent releases of ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise. See System requirements for the latest information on each release.

Locator Update

A Locator Update refers to a quarterly release of locators built like the ones used for ArcGIS Geocoding service. Locator Updates are released on My Esri on a quarterly basis (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) for all five StreetMap Premium regions (Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, and North America).

Map document

Each release of StreetMap Premium provides a map document specific to that release. Its table of contents is organized into group layers by scale range. Each group layer contains thematic group layers, such as Places, Roads, Boundaries, Hydrology, Landmarks, and so on. These layers include feature density, level of generalization, symbolization, and labeling. The contents of similar layers within the thematic group layers vary based on the scale range group layer they are in. Typically there are three or four scale-dependent datasets within each thematic group layer. For example, to show Hydrology, the map document (.mxd) uses the MapWaterArea feature dataset that contains the MapWaterArea, MapWaterArea_1, MapWaterArea_2, and MapWaterArea_3 feature classes. At the 1.5M–750k scale, the .mxd uses the MapWaterArea_2 feature class for visualization, whereas at 50–25k scale, the .mxd uses the MapWaterArea feature class. The MapWaterArea feature class is the original feature class while the MapWaterArea_3 feature class is the most generalized version of that feature class with the MapWaterArea_2 feature class somewhere in-between. These generalized layers reduce feature density to decrease symbolization and labeling time.

This scale-dependent approach to layer organization allows all the layers of the same scale range to be contained within a single group layer. The thematic group layers can be expanded to show the various datasets available at that scale. This permits an entire scale range group layer or a thematic group within that group layer to be turned on or off with a single click. The layers within a thematic group can also be individually turned on and off. For example, you can turn off the entire 2.5k–0 scale group layer, turn off the entire Points of Interest thematic group layer, or just turn off the Parks and Recreation layer in the Points of Interest thematic group layer.

Dynamic label placement is used throughout the entire map document. The labeling is scale dependent and based on size or importance. For some layers, label classes have been defined but are not turned on.

Medical Waste

Medical Waste refers to Medical Waste materials and applies to trucking restrictions. See Trucking restrictions fields.


NRHM refers to National Repository of non-radioactive Hazardous Materials and applies to trucking restrictions. See Trucking restrictions fields.


PIH refers to Poisonous Inhalation Hazard hazardous materials and applies to trucking restrictions. See Trucking restrictions fields.

Point address

Locator property used for finding address locations in a country.


Locator property used for finding postal codes in a country (for example, 2521 EN, Netherlands).

Postal code by locality

Locator property used for finding postal codes within a locality (for example, 10781, Berlin, Germany).

Predictive traffic

Predictive traffic data can take into account changing traffic conditions based on past and current observations as well as future predictions. Predictive traffic is available for an additional fee as part of the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product.


Radioactive refers to Radioactive hazardous materials and applies to trucking restrictions. See Trucking restrictions fields.


With the StreetMap Premium street dataset, you can create routes using the ArcGIS Find Route tool or the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension. StreetMap Premium provides a routing service or network dataset that allows you to calculate point-to-point multistop routes using a variety of options to affect and display the results. You can calculate the quickest or shortest route, specify network restrictions to exclude (or include) certain road types from (or in) the route, define network barriers to exclude specific road segments from the route, optimize the stop order to find the most efficient route, and use the various speed values to simulate real-world driving conditions. You can also make the route time-aware by defining a trip start time. This enables additional data-dependent functionality such as time-based turn restrictions and integration of historical traffic information into the route calculation.

For a list of Mapping and Routing levels by product and country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage.

Impedance options

Impedance options find the shortest route, either distancewise or timewise. Impedance options are provided in various units and travel speed sources, and as truck-specific. Some examples are Kilometers, Miles, Minutes, TimeAt1KPH, WalkTime, and TruckTravelTime.


Trucking restrictions can be accessed along with the other StreetMap Premium restrictions in ArcGIS through Network Analyst. These restrictions are available in the routing service or network dataset and they allow the route to be fine-tuned, depending on the vehicle used and legal and physical characteristics of the street segments.

Street address

Locator property used for finding street addresses in a country (for example, 12 Concorde Place, Toronto, Ontario).

Street name

Locator property used for finding street names in a country (for example, Calle Agüero, Buenos Aires, Argentina).


The terms Transport Access Restriction and Transport Preferred Route refer to trucking attributes. See Trucking restrictions fields.

Truck routes


An STAA Route is published when the preferred route belongs to the highway network as defined by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act in the United States. It indicates a federally-designated truck route in other countries.


Truck Designated route. A TD Route is published when the preferred route is part of a state-designated highway network for trucks in the United States. It indicates a state-designated truck route in other countries.


A Local Route is published when the preferred route is part of a locally-designated truck route in the United States. It indicates a locally-designated truck route in other countries.

Trucking restrictions fields

Trucking restrictions are fields that define restrictions such as dimensional (for example, weight, length, or height of a truck, and trailer related), load related (for example, hazardous material), speed limit related, and whether a street segment is designated as part of a prohibited or a preferred truck route. The fields are part of the network dataset or routing service. See Routing.

For a list of the presence of trucking restrictions by product and country, see StreetMap Premium product coverage.