What's new for 2024 releases

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium 2024 releases include the following updates:

  • Simplified Attribute Names and Definitions: Some attribute names and definitions are simplified to improve product usability.
  • Consolidated Attributes: Some attributes are consolidated to reduce redundancies.
  • Eliminated Legacy Feature Classes and Attributes: To benefit the user experience, some legacy feature classes and attributes are eliminated.

This update is reflected in 2024 North America Release 2 and will be included in the upcoming Europe release planned for late July. Note that the North America 2024 R1 release was skipped to accommodate this update.

Customers will not be impacted if they exclusively use StreetMap Premium to route, geocode, or with services based on Esri's routing or geocoding tools. These customers can continue using StreetMap Premium without any disruptions.

However, if you use the StreetMap Premium streets.gdb or mapping.gdb directly for other internal processes or workflows, refer to the data schema crosswalk for more information.

These changes were announced in the Important Announcement: Updates to ArcGIS StreetMap Premium email sent in May 2024 and in the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Attributes article on the Esri Support site.

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium data is downloadable through My Esri. For details, see the StreetMap Premium download installation guide.

Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) mobile map packages

The StreetMap Premium product deliverable now includes mobile map packages in an uncompressed format in GCS. This deliverable is for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise users who require more performant network analysis; the trade-off is a larger dataset because the network dataset is uncompressed. ArcGIS Navigator and ArcGIS Runtime users should continue to use the current mobile map package deliverable in compressed Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) format where data size and device space are important considerations. Users can also find their locator for geocoding within the GCS mobile map package as the locators are no longer delivered in a separate 7-Zip file on My Esri.

StreetMap Premium file geodatabase split

The StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) in the StreetMap Premium product, for example, NorthAmerica.gdb, is now split into three separate file geodatabases: 1) NA_Mapping.gdb with the mapping data, 2) NA_Routing.gdb with the network dataset, and 3) NA_Streets.gdb with the Streets feature class. If you have not purchased routing for StreetMap Premium, for example, there is no need to download the NA_Routing.gdb which will save disk space.

StreetMap Premium data license file installation for ArcGIS Windows Servers without ArcGIS Desktop

For ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later (Windows machines), install a data license file (.sdlic) by browsing to

<ArcGIS Server installation directory>\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\DataLicInstall.exe.

Then type: datalicinstall.exe <pathname>\<StreetMap Premium data license file>.

StreetMap Premium .gdb files no longer require .sdlic licensing

Beginning with North America 2024 Release 2, StreetMap Premium file geodatabases (other than the Custom Roads file geodatabase) no longer require the installation of the .sdlic license file to access feature classes such as Streetscarto, Routing_Streets, and Streets in the StreetMap Premium file geodatabases, for example, NA_Mapping.gdb, NA_Routing.gdb, and NA_Streets.gdb. The StreetMap Premium Custom Roads file geodatabase still requires the installation of the appropriate StreetMap Premium extension. Refer to the Data Attributions and Terms of Use and Esri Master End User License Agreement for use restrictions.

StreetMap Premium mobile map packages

North America Release 2

North America Release 2 is available through My Esri for download; there was not a North America Release 1. See ArcGIS StreetMap Premium mobile map packages for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise users and Mobile map packages for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise users for more information on the GCS mobile map packages (.mmpk).

StreetMap Premium file geodatabase (.gdb) format

North America Release 2

North America Release 2 is available through My Esri for download; there was not a North America Release 1. For specific information on this release, see the Release Notes. See 2024 help and quick-start guide downloads for the quick-start guide, help documentation, and a 2024 release draft crosswalk.

StreetMap Premium Custom Roads

North America Release 2

StreetMap Premium Custom Roads North America Release 2 is available through My Esri for download; there was not a North America Release 1. For specific information on this release, see the Release Notes. See 2024 help and quick-start guide downloads for the quick-start guide and ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Custom Roads for the help documentation.

StreetMap Premium Locator Updates

Q1 2024 Locator Update

The Q1 Locator Update is available to all StreetMap Premium users. For specific information on this release, see the Release Notes. See 2024 help and quick-start guide downloads for the quick-start guide.