Working with maximum deviation

Adjust the plan's maximum deviation or apply visual color indicators to the District or District label to identify whether the district is above or below the maximum deviation.

Adjust the plan maximum deviation

The maximum deviation is a configurable number that can guide the assignment distribution for a plan.

  1. On the View tab, click Deviation Coloring.
  2. Adjust the maximum deviation:
    • Type the new deviation value in the text field.
    • Use the up and down arrows to adjust the deviation value.

    The maximum deviation percent determines the allowable deviation for the redistricting plan. The maximum deviation can be supported to one-tenths percent (+/- 0.1%) to allow for more granular maximum deviation calculations. This deviation is used to calculate integrity checks and reports.

  3. Click Ok.

Apply deviation coloring

Apply visual color indicators to the District or District label to help identify whether the district is above or below the maximum deviation.

  1. On the View tab, click Deviation Coloring.
  2. Check the preferred location to apply the deviation coloring:

    You can check Districts, District Labels, or both options.

    • Districts
    • District Labels
  3. Update the color palette for the above and below maximum deviation color (optional).
  4. Click Ok.

    The map updates to reflect the deviation coloring applied. District and/or District Labels that are within the maximum deviation will have no color. Districts and/or District Labels that are above or below the maximum deviation display based on the colors selected.

Remove deviation coloring

You can turn off deviation coloring if the visual indicators are no longer needed.

  1. On the View tab, click Deviation Coloring.
  2. Uncheck all deviation coloring options selected.
  3. Click Ok.