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Maps play a central role in many dashboards and are often the most effective way to display geographic information. In a dashboard, a map or scene's operational layers can also be used by other data-driven elements to create interesting, intuitive, and compelling visualizations. Map elements display web maps authored in applications such as Map Viewer, as well as web scenes authored in applications such as Scene Viewer. See Create web maps for dashboards for best practices.


A dashboard can contain multiple map elements, or none at all. When it doesn't contain any, you can create the dashboard using web layers available to you. See Dashboard data sources for details.

Map options

The map element includes the following settings that can be switched on or off at design time:


The available settings depend on whether the map element is displaying a web map or a web scene.

  • Scalebar—Display a scale bar in the lower section of the map. The supported styles are line and ruler. When users are signed in, the display units reflect their profile settings. For anonymous access users, the style is always line and the units are dual (both United States and metric).
  • Default extent and bookmarks—Provide preexisting bookmarks on the map and a way to return to the map's initial extent.
  • Initial view and slides—Provide preexisting slides on the scene and a way to return to the scene's initial view.
  • LegendDisplay the map or scene's legend.
  • Layer visibility—Switch operational layers on or off.
  • Basemap switcher—Allow dashboard users to change the basemap at run time.
    If you change the basemap using the basemap switcher in the map element, your changes are not saved. To permanently change the basemap, you must change it in the web map. See Choose a basemap for details.
  • SearchAllow users to find locations or search features in the map or scene. By default, the search uses settings configured in the map or scene. If the settings are not configured, ArcGIS World Geocoding Service is used. For more information, see Search locations and features.
  • CompassShow the map or scene's rotational angle. When a user clicks the compass, the map or scene reorients to point north.
  • Find my locationZoom and center the map or scene to the approximate location of the user's device.

    The Find my location setting requires location permissions to be enabled by the dashboard user from the browser for desktop views and location services enabled on their device for mobile views.

  • Pan/rotate—Switch between pan and rotate to navigate a scene.
  • Zoom in/out—Zoom in or out on a map.
  • Point zoom scale—Set the zoom scale used when a zoom action is configured on a map.
  • Measurement—Measure linear distances or areas and their perimeters. When enabled, users can click the map to start the measurement and click once for every vertex of the line/ area they want to measure. Press Enter to complete the line/area.
  • When the user is signed in, the measure tools' unit system is based on the user's profile settings. However, when the dashboard is accessed anonymously, the unit system is inferred from the map or scene's spatial reference unit or the organization's settings.
  • Press Z to undo measurement in web maps and Ctrl to disable snapping in web maps and scenes.


A map and its operational layers can be important in interactive dashboards. Both can be either the source or the target of an action. You can configure map actions on the Map actions tab of the map element's configuration, and configure layer actions on the Layer actions tab.

Map actions

A map can be the source or target of an action. When the map is the source of an action, a change in the map's extent can filter one or more elements on the dashboard, or change the extent of another map element.

When the map is a target of an action, selections made on one or more elements can prompt the map to pan, zoom, show pop-ups, flash, or follow a feature.

Learn more about configuring map actions

Layer actions

A map's operational layers can be the source or target of an action. When a layer is the source of an action, selecting one or more features from the layer can filter one or more elements on the dashboard, or initiate a flash action on the map.


Layer actions are not supported on map layers that have clustering or binning enabled.

When layer actions are configured, dashboard users can select features from a layer by clicking the features on the map. You can use the When map is clicked options to specify whether selecting features on the map opens the pop-up, selects the feature, or both. You can also enable additional selection tools, including Rectangle, Lasso, Circle, and Line, to allow users to select multiple intersecting features at once by drawing on the map.

Learn more about configuring layer actions

To add to a selection, press the Shift key while selecting more features.

When a layer is the target of an action, selections made on one or more elements can filter the layer to show only what is selected.

When a layer has editing enabled (update capability), the Allow attribute updating option appears.

Learn more about updating attributes

In this topic
  1. Map options
  2. Actions