Introduction to Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation

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Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation can be used to accelerate a unified utility network and ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing implementation for gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.

It configures ArcGIS Enterprise, the ArcGIS Utility Network, and ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing to represent gas and hazardous liquid pipelines as a single pipe system with both connected topology and linear referencing. This solution features the Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) and includes common gas and pipeline data management workflows. It deploys foundational services, simplifying the creation of additional web and mobile apps and provides a desktop data editing environment and is typically implemented by vertically integrated gas utilities, and gas and hazardous liquid pipeline operators that want an efficient way to manage gas and pipeline assets.

Starting with Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation means organizations don't have to spend their time and implementation budget on building custom data models and information products.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

Deploy the solution

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro 3.3

To deploy this solution, you must have an ArcGIS organizational account. After deploying the solution, you can download it from your organization and begin using it in ArcGIS Pro.

Information products

Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation

A zipped file with an ArcGIS Pro project package with tasks, a configured utility network in a file geodatabase, editor and auditor maps, and an asset package geodatabase


When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:


2.5 (Aug 2024)

  • The following updates have been made to the Utility Data Management Support toolbox version 3.3.1:
    • An issue was resolved with the Simple Data Mapping tool that was caused by running the tool in a cloned python environment.
    • A new option to generate a terminal pop-up was added to the Configure UN Layers tool to visualize terminal information.
    • A new tool was added called Copy Fields and Domains From Mapping which uses the Data Mapping workbook to copy fields from the source workspace to the target asset package.

2.4 (Jun 2024)

  • The Bar, Millibar, Pascal and Kilopascal values have been added to the attribute domain Units_for_Pressure to support different units of measurement.
  • TheWatt and Kilowatt values have been added to the attribute domain Units_for_Heat to support different units of measurement.
  • The Ownedby and MaintainedBy fields have been added to P_PipeCrossing to track ownership information.
  • The Cathodic Protection Traceability and P:Device Status Network Attributes have been changed to Inline Network Attributes to increase performance of tracing and subnetwork management.
  • Data Dictionary has been replaced with reports generated from the Generate Schema Report geoprocessing tool.
  • The ServiceSummary feature class has been removed because it is no longer required for reporting.

2.3 (Jun 2023)

  • Added Unified Pipeline Tools add in included in solution.
  • Changed the field diameterspecification to fittingspecification.
  • Additional codes added to a series of domains.
  • Service Station Asset Group added to PipelineDevice.
  • Olet Asset Group added to PipelineJunction.
  • Storage Facility Asset Group added to PipelineAssembly.
  • For a full list of updates, refer to the change log.

2.2 (Mar 2023)

  • Removed legacy editor tracking fields.
  • A new Utility Data Management Support toolbox to support ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS Pro 3.1.

2.1 (Apr 2022)

  • Resolved an issue with the symbol rotation attribute rules for PipelineDevice and PipelineJunction.
  • Resolved an issue in the Single Stand Regulator Station with Bypass group template.
  • Added D_Configurations table to the Asset Package.

2.0 (Nov 2021)

  • Name changed from Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise to Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation.
  • Updated the data model to UPDM 2021.
  • New Asset Groups added for Pipeline Device, Pipeline Junction, Pipeline Line, Pipeline Assembly and Structure Boundary.
  • New Asset Types added to existing Asset Groups for Pipeline Device and Pipeline Junction.
  • New Design types added to Relief Valve, Flange, Pipe Bend, and Tap.
  • New Network Attributes added to Pipeline Line, Pipeline Device, and Pipeline Junction.
  • Added Downstream customer trace and Isolation traces for Customer Meters, All Isolated Features, and Isolating Features Only.
  • Performance improvement changes made to Tier configurations.
  • For a full list of updates, refer to the change log.

1.2 (Jun 2021)

  • P_Redline was z enabled to support the ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing capabilities.
  • ManageIsDirty setting has been changed to false for all subnetworks to improve performance in editing and validation.

1.1 (Nov 2020)

  • Solution name changed from Gas and Pipeline Enterprise Data Management to Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise.
  • Reduced name of sequences to less than 31 characters to support Oracle 12.1.
  • Renamed ID Generation Attribute Rules.
  • Updated the Asset Type domain from Asset_Type_Structure_Vault_Boundary to Asset_Type_Structure_Boundary_Pipeline_Pipe_Vault.

1.0 (Nov 2020)

  • The first release of Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise.