Configure Backflow Inspections

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Backflow Inspections can be used to streamline backflow prevention device inspections and understand backflow prevention device inspection status.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Backflow Inspections solution to meet specific needs of your organization.

Load data

Backflow Inspections works with the Water Distribution Data Management solution, so any backflow prevention data present in that solution will be available in Backflow Inspections. In some cases you may need to load existing data into the solution before sharing the maps or applications. Review the maps and applications provided with the solution and determine what, if any, source data you want to load.

Append data

Follow these steps to upload a file to add features to or update features in a hosted feature layer:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the owner of the hosted feature layer or as an administrator.
  2. Open the item details page for the hosted feature layer.
  3. Click Update Data on the WaterDistributionSystem feature layer item's Overview tab.

    The Update data window appears.

  4. Choose one of the following options and click Next:
    • Add features—Inserts new features from the file to the feature layer or inserts new rows to a table layer.
    • Update features—Uses the values in the file to update attribute values for existing rows in the layer. If the layer is a feature layer, you can also update feature locations.
    • Add and update features—Performs both of the actions described above.
  5. If the hosted feature layer contains more than one layer, choose the layer to add to or update and click Next.
  6. Use one of the following methods to specify the updated file:
    • Click Your device, browse to and select the file, and click Open.
    • Drag the file from your desktop or file explorer onto the Update data window.
  7. If the file is a zipped file, choose the file format and click Next.
  8. Specify which fields in the file correspond to which fields in the layer and click Next.
  9. The remaining steps vary depending on the update option you choose, the layer type you're updating, and what type of fields are present in the file.
  10. If you are updating data, define which fields in the layer and the file uniquely identify each feature or row and which can be used to ensure the correct data from the file updates the correct feature or row in the layer.
  11. If the file contains date values that store time in a time zone other than UTC, choose that time zone from the Time zone selection drop-down menu.

    This option is not available for OGC GeoPackage files.

  12. If you are updating the data in a feature layer, choose one of the following options:
    • Attributes only—Updates nonspatial attribute values only.
    • Geometries and attributes—Updates both spatial and nonspatial values.


    If you chose the Add and update features option, added features always contain both attributes and geometries.

  13. If you are adding features or rows only (not updating), click Add and complete to append the features or rows. If you are updating only or updating and adding features or rows, click Update and complete.

    The size of the layer and which options you chose will affect the time it takes to apply updates. As soon as this process completes, the updated layer is available in maps, scenes, and dependent WFS layers and hosted feature layer views.

Provision users

Included in the Backflow Inspections solution two groups designed to help managers organize their members based on the work they do and their privileges.

Add members to groups in your organization

To add members to the groups, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign into your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site.
  3. Click the name of the group to open the group details page.
  4. On the Settings tab, edit an update the properties of the group, including access, sharing properties, and group ownership.
  5. Click the Overview tab and click Invite users.
  6. Select the members you want to add and click Add to group.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each group where you need to add new members.

The provided groups are intended to be utilized by members with the following user types in order to fully use the provided maps and apps:

Group nameMinimum user type

Backflow Inspections - Field Users

Mobile Worker

Backflow Inspections - Office Users


In this topic
  1. Load data
  2. Provision users