The Business Inclusion solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you engage local woman, veteran and BIPOC businesses, learn how to support their retention and expansion, and promote their businesses and job opportunities so economic prosperity is available to all.
In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.
Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.Manage business listings
Providing accurate business listing information to the public can help support businesses that are often the heart of communities. The Business Listing app allows businesses to provide business listing details, such as hours of operation, services, social media profiles, and employment opportunities. Business listing information is made available to the public in both the Business Inclusion Locator and Employment Locator.
In this workflow, you will learn how to create a business listing, manage your business listing, and share business feedback with economic development staff.
Submit a business listing
You will begin by assuming the role of a local business owner in a community. You want to share information about your business with economic development staff so they will promote your business on the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- In a browser, from the Business Inclusion solution, view the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- Scroll to the Join the Program section, and then click Join Program.
- In the dialog box, click Create a Hub Community account.
- Complete the Hub community account form, and then click Next.
An activation email is sent to the email address you used when you set up the account.
Depending on the ArcGIS Hub configuration, additional account creation options such as GitHub or Facebook may be present.
- Open your email client and locate the email from the ArcGIS Hub community, and then click the link in the email to activate your account.
- Complete the form, and then click the Create Account button.
- Return to the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
Scroll to the Join the Program section and, if necessary, click Join Program.
- Click List business, and then sign in with your ArcGIS Hub community account.
- Complete the Business Listing form, and then click Submit.
Update a business listing
Business listing details may change over time as operation hours change or employment opportunities become available. The Business Listing Manager can be used by business owners to update business listing details.
As a business owner, you want to share new information about your business and several recent job openings.
- In a browser, from the Business Inclusion solution, view the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- Scroll to the Share Your Business Information section and click Manage listing.
- If necessary, sign in to your ArcGIS Hub community account.
- In the panel on the right, select your business; alternatively, click your business on the map.
- Review the current business listing details.
Business owners can only see and edit their own business listings. Business owners can also review comments made by the administering agency in the Agency Comments section.
- Click the Business Listing details link to open the Business Listing form.
- In the form, update the listing details, and then click Submit.
Provide business feedback information
Local business owners can use the Business Inclusion Survey to provide information to the economic development agency and help them understand their business experience, needs, and concerns.
- In a browser, from the Business Inclusion solution, view the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- Scroll to and click Take Survey.
The link is located below the Share Your Business Information section.
- Complete the Business Inclusion Survey, and then click Submit.
The Business Inclusion Survey can also be sent directly to a business owner participating in the business program by using the Business Program Manager.
Administer the business inclusion program
As business owners submit and update business listing details, economic development staff may want to review business listings before promoting a business more broadly.
In this workflow, you will learn how to view business listings provided by business owners, manage a business’s visibility in the Business Inclusion Locator or Employment Locator, and send the Business Inclusion Survey.
Remove a business listing
You will start by assuming the role of an economic development manager in a local community. You want to review business listing details and remove a business from the Business Inclusion Locator or Employment Locator.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Business Inclusion solution.
- View the Business Program Manager app.
Businesses are listed in the table at the top. The table can be sorted and filtered in various ways.
- Click a business in the table or on the map.
The business's details open at the bottom left.
- Review the details.
- In the details, click the Edit Record button
- To remove a business from the Business Inclusion Locator, for Visible to Public, choose No.
- Optionally, in the Agency Comments section, add comments to the listing.
Comments are visible to the business owner when using the Business Program Manager app.
- Click Save.
Send the Business Inclusion Survey
The Business Inclusion Survey can be used to gather information from business owners about their experience starting and operating a business. Economic development staff can use this feedback to learn the support businesses need to continue to operate and thrive.
You will continue assuming the role of an economic development manager. You are asked to use the Business Program Manager to collect feedback from local businesses.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Business Inclusion solution.
- View the Business Program Manager app.
- Click a business in the table or on the map.
The business's details open at the bottom left.
- Review the details.
- At the bottom of the details, click Send Business Inclusion Survey.
Your email client opens with a formatted email message including a link to the Business Inclusion Survey to send to the business owner.
- Modify the email message, if necessary.
The link provided in the email message completes several of the fields in the Business Inclusion Survey, such as contact details, location, and business type for the business owner.
Monitor business feedback
As the local business community provides information using the Business Inclusion Survey, the Business Inclusion Survey Dashboard can be used by economic development managers to understand their needs.
As an economic development manager, you are asked to use the Business Inclusion Survey Dashboard to understand the needs of the locally owned business community, align resources with needs, and craft programs to support these businesses.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Business Inclusion solution.
- View the Business Inclusion Survey Dashboard app.
The Business Inclusion Survey Dashboard app allows an economic development manager to monitor survey responses along several categories. The page displays survey responses summarized by categories such as operating status, business type, race or ethnicity, challenges, and concerns.
- Click a chart element.
When a category is selected in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts, which enables an economic development manager to find trends that need attention.
- Click the arrow located on the left of the application to display the filter panel.
- On the right, under Business Surveys, click a survey response.
The map zooms to the business, and a pop-up shows business details.
- On the left of the application, click the arrow to display the filter panel.
To pin the filter panel to the dashboard, click the pin in the upper-right corner.
- Use filters to refine results.
Locate a local business
Providing accurate business listing information to the public can help support local businesses. Business Inclusion Locator can be used by the public to find businesses and listing details such as hours of operation, services, and social media profiles.
You will assume the role of a resident in a local community. You want to support woman-, veteran-, or BIPOC-owned businesses in your community and need to locate one that is open for business.
- In a browser, from the Business Inclusion solution, view the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- Scroll to the We Are Open for Business section, and then click Locate business.
- In the Business Inclusion Locator app, search for your address; alternatively, pan the map, and then click Search this area to update results.
- Optionally, to the right of the search field, click the filter to refine the results for specific business designations.
- Review the business details.
- At the bottom of a specific business's details, click Directions to view driving directions to the business from your defined location.
Locate employment opportunities
The Employment Locator can be used by the public to find employment resources and job opportunities listed by businesses using the Business Listing application. Details such as positions available, location, and contact information are available.
You will assume the role of a job seeker in a local community. You want to find a job in your community or get connected with employment training information.
- In a browser, from the Business Inclusion solution, view the Business Inclusion ArcGIS Hub site.
- Scroll to the We Are Open for Business section, and then click Locate employment.
- In the Employment Locator app, search for your address; alternatively, pan the map, and then click Search this area to update results.
- Review the business details.
- At the bottom of a specific business's details, click Directions to view driving directions to the business from your defined location.