Introduction to Agricultural Best Management Practices

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Agricultural Best Management Practices can be used to enroll agricultural producers in best management practice programs and monitor the success of those programs.

It simplifies the enrollment and verification process in best management practice programs and helps agriculture agencies promote efficient water resource practices. Monitoring enrollment and verification data in near real time allows program managers to target outreach efforts where they are needed to ensure water quality for everyone. Agricultural Best Management Practices is typically implemented by agriculture agencies and other government agencies that want to increase participation in best management practice programs.

The Agricultural Best Management Practices solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you enroll participants in best management practices (BMP) programs, verify those participants, and analyze trends in BMP programs.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

Deploy the solution

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Agricultural Best Management Practices requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Survey123
  • Survey123 Connect

Information products

Agricultural Best Management Practices includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Best Management Practice Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by program managers to evaluate BMP program status with policy makers, stakeholders, and the public


BMP Enrollment Status

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by agriculture staff to monitor BMP enrollment and verification status


BMP Enrollment Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by mobile workers to enroll agriculture producers in BMP programs

Mobile Worker

BMP Verification Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by mobile workers to validate BMP programs in the field

Mobile Worker

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

1.0 (Nov 2020)
  • First release of Agricultural Best Management Practices