Display copyrights

You must provide attribution on or near your map or image that includes an ArcGIS Online map hosted by Esri. You can find the appropriate attribution by using Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic . At the bottom of the map, you will see the attribution. You can copy and paste this attribution as needed. For Bing Maps, you must not alter and must include the logo and copyright notices as they appear on the map.

If you do not have access to Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic, you should credit the sources found in the Credits field of the item page for an ArcGIS Online map. For instance, if you are using Biodiversity Hotspots, the credits should be "Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Conservation International."


Users of ArcGIS Online maps hosted by Esri may not use robots, automated fetching software, batch code, or any unattended methods for accessing ArcGIS Online maps hosted by Esri. Esri may use technology or other means to protect the services or to prevent users from violating this understanding. These means may hinder or disable use of the ArcGIS Online maps.