System requirements for Indoor Viewer

Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.

To use Indoor Viewer, an ArcGIS Online organization licensed for the ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension is required. Refer to the ArcGIS Online help to set up an ArcGIS Online organization for use with Indoors.

Required ArcGIS software

The following ArcGIS software is required for Indoors on ArcGIS Online:

  • ArcGIS Pro 3.0 or later
  • An ArcGIS Online organization licensed for ArcGIS Indoors Maps and, optionally, ArcGIS Indoors Spaces

    If you are licensed with the Indoors organization extension, it is supported until expiration.

Supported browsers and devices

This app supports all of the browsers that ArcGIS organizations in ArcGIS Online support.


Indoor Viewer can be accessed from a web browser running on a desktop, laptop, or portable devices such as tablets and smartphones. The layout is responsive to both portrait and landscape orientation.

Device requirements for 3D

Viewer is built using ArcGIS API for JavaScript version 4.x.


3D scenes on some mobile devices may not be supported.

Supported languages

This app supports all of the languages that the ArcGIS Online organization supports.

The language used by the app is determined by your browser's language setting.

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