ArcGIS Community Analyst is deprecated.
See Deprecation notice for ArcGIS Community Analyst: Transition to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App for more information. For step-by-step instructions on migrating to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, see the Migration Guide.
Smart map search allows you to view geography areas that match your criteria. You can select up to 10 variables, set ranges, and view the results on the map and in the Results pane. The Results pane includes a summary, histogram, bubble chart or scatterplot, and table. You can export the results to Excel or click any geography on the map for more options.
To use smart map search, do the following:
- On the Maps tab, click Create maps, and choose Smart map search.
The Smart map search pane appears.
- Optionally, use the Analysis extent drop-down menu to define the extent of the analysis by searching for a standard geography, selecting Current map extent, or choosing a site.
Selecting a standard geography or site locks the analysis extent to that area.
If you are using standard geographies with U.S. or Esri India data sources, click the Group menu and select a list of grouped geographies (such as census geographies or school district geographies) and choose a geography level to map.
- Click View glossary to read definitions for each geographic level.
The glossary is only available for U.S. data sources.
- Select variables to map using the following options. To view the variables included in a list, click the List button
- Featured lists—This tab displays a set of curated variable lists, including variable lists by industry. If an administrator in your ArcGIS organization created variable lists, those are also listed here.
- My lists—This tab displays variable lists that you created. For these lists, the Edit list and Delete list options are also available.
Browse all variables—Open the data browser to search variables or browse by category.
Once you have selected variables, the results are displayed on the map and in the Results pane.
- In the Variable list section, modify the variables by doing any of the following:
- Use the sliders to adjust the range of values or manually enter values for the selected variables. The updated results appear immediately on the map.
- Click the Options button
to disable or remove the variable. Depending on the variable, you can also change the year and type of calculation used. The updated results appear immediately.
- Click Edit list to edit the selected variables. You can add more variables to the selection. Up to 10 variables can be used. Click Apply to apply the changes.
- To save the variable list, click Save list. In the Save variable list window, name the list and, optionally, choose an icon for it. Once saved, the list appears on the My lists tab.
- In the Style section, click Show style options.
The Style options pane appears. Set the fill and outline style for the matching and non-matching areas by doing the following:
- For the matching areas fill style, use the Color drop-down menu to choose a color for the map fill. Use the Transparency slider to change the transparency of the fill style or enter a transparency percentage.
- For the matching areas outline style, use the Color drop-down menu to choose a color for the map outline. Increase or decrease the width of the outline. Use the Transparency slider to change the transparency of the outline style or enter a transparency percentage.
- For the non-matching areas fill style, use the Color drop-down menu to choose a color for the map fill. Use the Transparency slider to change the transparency of the fill style or enter a transparency percentage.
- For the non-matching areas outline style, use the Color drop-down menu to choose a color for the map outline. Increase or decrease the width of the outline. Use the Transparency slider to change the transparency of the outline style or enter a transparency percentage.
Changes made appear immediately on the map.
- In the Legend section, use the Include non-matching areas toggle button to show or hide non-matching areas in the analysis.
Changes made appear immediately on the map and in the Results pane.
- Hover over a feature on the map to see the smart map search variable values. Click a geography to view its pop-up menu containing the variable values for it, as well as the Infographics, Reports, Comparisons, Zoom to, Add photo, and Create site options.
- In the Results pane, explore the smart map search results as a summary, histogram, bubble chart or scatterplot, and table.
See Explore the results for more information.
- To save the smart map search layer, click Save layer, provide a name for the layer, and click OK.
Smart map search layers are stored in the project pane, under Smart map search layers. To reopen the smart map search layer for editing, click the layer's Action menu
and choose Edit layer.
Explore the results
The smart map search results are displayed in the Results pane. To hide or show the pane, click Collapse or Expand
To learn about the underlying calculations, see Results pane reference.
To explore the results, do any of the following:
- Optionally, click the Filter results button
and turn the Filter results toggle button on or off to show only features that match all defined criteria.
- Click Summary
to view a summary of the results.
Depending on the number and type of variables you mapped, the summary may include the count of areas and the average value of the variable calculations.
- Click Histogram
to view the results as a histogram. To explore the histogram, do any of the following:
- By default, the Chart settings pane is expanded. To close it, click the Close button
. To expand it, click the Chart settings button
. To modify the chart settings, use the Variable drop-down menu to choose the variable shown in the histogram.
- Hover over an item in the histogram to highlight the corresponding site on the map as well as a pop-up with its range.
- By default, the Chart settings pane is expanded. To close it, click the Close button
- Click Bubble chart
to view the results as a bubble chart or scatterplot. To explore the bubble chart or scatterplot, do any of the following:
- By default, the Chart settings pane is expanded. To close it, click the Close button
. To expand it, click the Chart settings button
. To modify the chart settings, do any of the following:
- Use the Bubble chart and Scatterplot tabs to switch between chart styles.
- Use the X-axis, Y-axis, and Dot size drop-down menus to choose the variables used in the chart.
- Click the Show regression line toggle button to turn the regression line on or off.
- Hover over an item in the bubble chart or scatterplot to highlight the corresponding site on the map.
Hover over the bubble chart or scatterplot and zoom in, zoom out, or pan using the mouse. Hover over a bubble to view information about the location and its linear regression. Hover over the regression line to view information about the linear regression and coefficient of determination. Click Reset
to reset the chart extent.
- By default, the Chart settings pane is expanded. To close it, click the Close button
- Click Table
to view the results as a table. To explore the table, do any of the following:
- Hover over an item in the table to highlight the corresponding site on the map.
- Click a column header to sort the table by the data in that column.
- Click Export to Excel
to export the data from the smart map search to an Excel worksheet.
- Use the Rows per page drop-down menu to change the number of rows displayed in the table. Click Next
or Back
to navigate the table pages.
Set preferences
You can set preferences for ArcGIS Community Analyst in the application preferences. Administrators can set preferences for the entire organization.
To set the workflow preferences, complete the following steps:
- On the app header, click My preferences
The Preferences window appears.
- Expand the Maps section, expand the Create maps section, and click Smart map search.
- You can set the following preferences:
- In the Featured lists section, check or uncheck the featured lists to display in the workflow pane.
- Set the fill and outline style for the matching and non-matching areas by doing the following:
- For the fill, use the Color drop-down menu to select a fill color. Use the Transparency slider to adjust the color transparency.
- For the outline, use the Color drop-down menu to select an outline color and width. Use the Transparency slider to adjust the color transparency.
- In the Geography section, use the Default analysis extent drop-down menu to choose a default analysis extent. Use the Color drop-down menu to select an analysis extent outline color and width. Use the Transparency slider to adjust the color transparency.
- The Show warning dialog after clicking on Back from results page. check box is checked by default. Optionally, uncheck it.
- The Show instructional message when workflow is run. check box is checked by default. Optionally, uncheck it.
- To restore the default settings, click Restore defaults.
- To save your changes, click Save or, optionally, click Save and close to close the Preferences window. To view your changes, refresh the app.
Workflow video
To see a video of the workflow, watch Use smart map search in Business Analyst Web App.
This video was created using Business Analyst Web App in which the user experience and workflows are identical to ArcGIS Community Analyst.