ArcGIS Community Analyst is deprecated.
See Deprecation notice for ArcGIS Community Analyst: Transition to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App for more information. For step-by-step instructions on migrating to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, see the Migration Guide.
Essential ArcGIS Community Analyst vocabulary is defined below.
Age data is reported for five-year age groups and select summary groups such as 18 years and over.
Median age
Median age is calculated from the distribution of age by five-year groups. See Median.
Average household size
See Household.
Bands define unique study areas around a center point, such as a store location. They are defined by distance and do not overlap. For example, if you had 5-, 10-, and 15-mile bands around a location with 10 households in each, the total number of households in each band would be 10.
A census block is a component of a block group identified by a four-digit code. Blocks are generally small in area, especially in cities. However, blocks in rural or remote areas may cover hundreds of square miles. A block code that starts with a zero indicates a water-only block.
Block group
A block group (BG) is a collection of one or more blocks and a statistical division of a census tract identified by a one-digit code. Block groups do not cross census tract, county, or state boundaries. In general, a block group comprises 600 to 3,000 residents. A zero block group code indicates a water-only BG.
A buffer is a zone around a location or point on a map that can be measured in time or distance. For example, a store's 15-minute drive-time buffer defines the area within which drivers can reach the store in 15 minutes.
Census tract
Census tracts are small statistical subdivisions of a county, with 1,200 to 8,000 residents typically. The boundaries are usually delineated by local committees and do not cross county or state lines. Tracts are identified by a six-digit code, with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digit.
A classification is a schema for dividing map features into a specified number of classes according to selected attribute values. For example, sales territories can be divided into five classes according to the number of accounts they contain. Each class is then assigned a unique symbol to create a thematic or color-coded map.
Color-coded map
Also called a thematic map, it displays geographic areas according to specific values. For example, it can be a map showing census tracts in different colors according to median household income. Light green would represent lower income, medium green would represent a higher income level, and dark green would represent the highest level. A map of drive times is another example of this type of map.
Congressional districts
Congressional districts (CDs) are the areas from which individuals are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Once the apportionment of congressional seats is made based on census population counts within a state, each state establishes CDs to elect representatives. A congressional district is uniquely identified using a two-digit state FIPS code and two-digit CD FIPS code.
Consumer Expenditure data
This comprehensive database, developed by Esri, is based on a combination of the latest Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Esri Tapestry Segmentation data. Data is reported by product or service and includes total expenditures, average spending per household, and a Spending Potential Index (SPI). See Consumer Spending Methodology Statement.
Core Based Statistical Area
Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), which include metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, are composed of one or more counties and are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). A metropolitan statistical area is affiliated with at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more inhabitants. A micropolitan statistical area is associated with at least one urban cluster of at least 10,000 people, but fewer than 50,000.
Counties are the primary legal divisions of a state, identified by a two-digit state FIPS code and a three-digit county FIPS code. See FIPS code.
County subdivisions
County subdivisions (CSDs) are the primary divisions of counties, and include census county divisions (CCDs), minor civil divisions (MCDs), census subareas, and unorganized territories. CSDs can be uniquely identified using a two-digit state FIPS code, three-digit county FIPS code, and five-digit CSD FIPS code.
Customer market analysis
A customer market analysis is a type of analysis that uses mostly customer data.
Customer profiling
Customer profiling is a process that establishes a demographic profile of a set of customers by tagging them with demographic values of the geographic area they fall within.
Customer prospecting
Customer prospecting is a type of analysis that locates regions with ideal demographic characteristics for targeting new customers.
Demographic data
The Esri Updated Demographics data includes current-year estimates and five-year projections for key demographic data. With the exception of Esri Tapestry Segmentation data, which is not available at the block group level of geography in the standard product, all data is available at census block group, census tract, county, state, U.S., CBSA, DMA, and ZIP Code levels of geography.
Demographics are the statistical characteristics of a population—income, education, race, homeownership, and so on.
Designated Market Area
Designated Market Areas (DMAs) are television markets defined by The Nielsen Company, revised on an annual basis. The majority of DMAs are composed of one or more whole counties, although a few include parts of counties.
Diversity Index
The Diversity Index summarizes racial and ethnic diversity. The index shows the likelihood that two persons, chosen at random from the same area, belong to different race or ethnic groups. The index ranges from 0 (no diversity) to 100 (complete diversity). For example, a diversity index of 59 means there is a 59 percent probability that two people randomly chosen would belong to different race or ethnic groups.
Drive time
These are areas defined by the distance that can be driven from a site location within a specified time (in minutes) assuming posted speed limits for the road network. Drive-time polygons (shapes) take into account barriers such as mountains, rivers, bridges, or highways under normal traffic conditions. You can choose up to 300 minutes or 300 miles of drive time to the specified location.
Equal interval classification method
Equal interval is a classification method in which each class has an equal range of values. Use this if your data is evenly distributed and you want to emphasize the difference in values between features.
Families are defined as households in which one or more persons in the household are related to the householder (formerly, the head of the household) by birth, marriage, or adoption. The U.S. Census tabulates only one family per household.
Store sites, customer locations, streets, census tracts, and ZIP Codes are examples of map features.
FIPS code
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) codes are numeric codes used to identify states and counties.
Hispanic origin
Defined by self-identification, Hispanic origin refers to ethnicity, not race. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
Home value
The estimate of value is presented for total owner-occupied units.For more information about home value projections, see Esri Updated Demographics.
Median home value
This estimate divides the distribution of home value into two equal parts. Linear interpolation is used if the median home value falls below $2,000,000. If the median falls in the upper home value interval of $2,000,000+, it is represented by $2,000,001.
A household is an occupied housing unit. Household type is identified by the presence of relatives and the number of persons living in the household. Family households, with or without children, include married couples and other families—a householder of any gender with no spouse present. Nonfamily households may be a group of unrelated persons or a single person living alone.
Average household size
Average household size is calculated by dividing the number of persons in households by the number of households.
Household income
See Income.
Household income base
This is the sum of the household income distribution.
Income amounts are expressed in current dollars, including an adjustment for inflation or cost-of-living increases. For more information about income projections, see Esri Updated Demographics.
Median household income
This is the value that divides the distribution of household income into two equal parts. Pareto interpolation is used if the median falls in an income interval other than the first or last. For the lowest interval, < $10,000, linear interpolation is used. If the median falls in the upper income interval of $500,000+, it is represented by the value of $500,001.
Per capita income
This is the average income for all persons calculated from the aggregate income of persons 15 years and older.
An index is the ratio of a local percent (rate) to a U.S. percent (rate) or other base.
Market area
A market area is an area of people who are likely to purchase your goods or services. Market areas can be determined by the number of customers and any other information about them. For example, for a coffee shop, the market area may be the number of college students within three miles of a store location.
Manual classification method
A classification method in which you decide how many values are in each class.
This is a value that divides a distribution into two equal parts. A median is a positional measure that is unaffected by extremely high or low values in a distribution that may affect an average.
Median age
See Age.
Median home value
See Home value.
Median household income
See Income.
Per capita income
See Income.
Places (cities and towns)
Places include incorporated places (usually cities, towns, villages, or boroughs), census-designated places, and balance portions of consolidated cities. Places are uniquely identified using a two-digit state FIPS code and five-digit place FIPS code.
A polygon is a hand-drawn area on a map. Draw a polygon to define a study area rather than use a census tract, county, state, or ZIP Code area.
This is the total number of residents in an area. Residence refers to the usual place where a person lives, which is not necessarily the legal residence. For example, college students are counted where they attend school.
Quantile classification method
Quantile is a classification method in which each class has roughly the same number of features. Use this method if your data is evenly distributed and you want to emphasize the difference in relative position between features.
Rings define study areas around a center point, such as a store location, but the values in the rings are cumulative and overlap. For example, if you had 5-, 10-, and 15-mile rings around a location with 10 households in each, the total number of households in the 5-mile ring would be 10; in the 10-mile ring, it would be 20; and in the 15-mile ring, it would be 30.
Segmentation explains customer diversity, simplifies marketing campaigns, describes lifestyle and life stage, and incorporates a wide variety of data. See Esri Tapestry Segmentation.
This is a vector data (points, lines, or polygons) storage format for storing the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features. A shapefile is stored in a set of related files and contains one feature class.
A site can be defined by rings, donuts, drive-time polygons, or hand-drawn shapes. You can also use standard geographic units such as the entire United States or a single state, congressional district, county, county subdivision, place, ZIP Code, or census tract. You can use any combination of these to provide a side-by-side comparison of a specific site to the region in which it is located.
Site prospecting
Run reports on a site to evaluate its potential.
States are identified by a two-digit FIPS code. The District of Columbia is included as a state-equivalent area in the Esridatabase. See FIPS code.
Street data
Street data consists of nationwide detailed street maps with supporting basemap data.
Tapestry Segmentation data
Esri Tapestry Segmentation provides an accurate, detailed description of America's neighborhoods. U.S. residential areas are divided into 67 segments based on demographic variables such as age, income, home value, occupation, household type, education, and other consumer behavior characteristics.
Thematic map
Also called a color-coded map, it displays study areas according to specific values. For example, it can be a map showing census tracts in different colors according to median household income. Light green would represent lower income, medium green would represent a higher income level, and dark green would represent the highest level.
Walk time
These areas follow paths and roads that allow pedestrian traffic and finds solutions that optimize travel time. The walking speed is set to 5 kilometers per hour.
ZIP Code
Created by the U.S. Postal Service to deliver the mail, ZIP Codes do not represent standard census geographic areas for data reporting. Because ZIP Code boundaries are not contiguous with census geographic areas or stable over time, data estimated for ZIP Codes is also subject to change.