Access ArcGIS Community Analyst


ArcGIS Community Analyst is deprecated.

See Deprecation notice for ArcGIS Community Analyst: Transition to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App for more information. For step-by-step instructions on migrating to ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, see the Migration Guide.

ArcGIS Community Analyst is a browser-based mapping app that applies GIS technology to extensive demographic, consumer spending, and business data, allowing you to map locations, perform analysis, and create reports and infographics. Esri updates the data periodically so that you have access to the most current and accurate data.

A license is required to access ArcGIS Community Analyst. You can sign in using your ArcGIS Online credentials or your enterprise username and password.

To sign in, do the following:

  1. Open the ArcGIS Community Analyst login page using a supported web browser and click Sign in.

    The Sign in window appears.

  2. Provide your login credentials by doing one of the following:
    • To use ArcGIS Online credentials, click ArcGIS login, type your username and password, and click Sign in.
    • To use an organization-specific login, click Your ArcGIS organization's URL, type the subdomain name provided by your administrator, and click Continue. Sign in using your enterprise username and password.

  3. Alternatively, if you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization, click the App launcher button App launcher, select Community Analyst, and click Sign in.

User types and roles

The ability of individual organization members to access and work with content in different ways depends on the privileges they have in the organization. User types allow organizations to control the scope of privileges that can be assigned to members through roles.

User types in ArcGIS Community Analyst

Organizations assign user types to members based on the members' needs and requirements. Members are assigned a user type when they are invited to an ArcGIS organization.

An ArcGIS Community Analyst license can be assigned to these user types:

  • Creator
  • Professional
  • Professional Plus

Roles in ArcGIS Community Analyst

A role defines the privileges that a member has in an ArcGIS organization. Your administrator can assign one of the default roles or configure and assign a custom role. Default roles have the following levels of access to functionality in ArcGIS Community Analyst:

  • With a Publisher, Facilitator, or Administrator role, you can access all features and functionality of ArcGIS Community Analyst.
  • With a User role, you cannot create projects. Many functions in the app are accessible to you only if others in your ArcGIS organization have shared projects with you.
  • With a Data Editor or Viewer role, you cannot access the app. If you are currently assigned one of these roles, you can request that your administrator grant you a User, Publisher, or Facilitator role or assign you a custom role.

Administrators can set up custom roles with any combination of privileges in ArcGIS Online. For access to all functionality in ArcGIS Community Analyst, a custom role must have the following privileges enabled:

  • Members—View
  • Groups—Create, update, and delete; Join organizational groups; View groups shared with organization
  • Content—Create, update, and delete; Publish hosted feature layers; View content shared with organization
  • Sharing—Share with groups; Share with organization; Make groups visible to organization
  • Premium Content—Geocoding, Network Analysis, GeoEnrichment, Demographics
  • Features—Edit

In addition, for users in your organization to collaborate on shared projects, the administrator must grant them a custom role that includes the Update privilege, which is located under Administrative privileges > Content.


Credits are the currency used in ArcGIS. In ArcGIS Community Analyst, credits are used for specific actions, such as exporting reports in PDF and Excel formats, exporting infographics in PDF and Dynamic HTML formats, and creating sites with defined drive times. Some actions do not use credits—for example, using Esri standard basemaps and imagery do not use credits. You can add credits from the Esri Store.


Locations are sites, selected features on the map, standard geographies, or polygons.

Credit-consuming processes in ArcGIS Community Analyst are listed in the table below.

WorkflowDetailsCredits used

Points of Interest Search

Export to Excel, save as layer, or share as web map.

10 credits per 1,000 records.

Import file

Match addresses to locations on the map (geocoding) when importing Excel or .csv files.

40 credits per 1,000 geocodes.

Create drive times or walk times

In Find location, Import file, Web maps and layers, Setup layer workflows.

0.5 credits per drive time or walk time. For example, to create a 5-minute and 10-minute drive time around 10 points, the result is (0.5*2)*10 = 10 credits used.

Geography comparison

Export to Excel.

10 credits per 1,000 attributes. The number of attributes is calculated by multiplying the number of variables by the total number of features. For example, using standard geographies would use the following calculation: 10 variables * 10 sites = 100 attributes.

Benchmark comparisons

Export to Excel or save as layer.

10 credits per 1,000 attributes. The number of attributes is calculated by multiplying the number of variables by the total number of locations. For example, if you expand a location in the table that has three rings, use the following calculation: 10 variables * 10 sites * 3 rings = 300 attributes. (Locations are not expanded by default in the table.) Or, if using standard geographies or polygons, use the following calculation: 10 variables * 10 sites = 100 attributes.

View using standard geographies.

10 credits per 1,000 map requests using standard geographies.

Suitability analysis

Export to Excel or save as layer.

10 credits per 1,000 attributes. The number of attributes is calculated by multiplying the number of variables by the total number of locations. For example, a point location site with three rings would use the following calculation: 10 variables * 10 sites * 3 rings = 300 attributes. Or, if using standard geographies or polygons, use the following calculation: 10 variables * 10 sites = 100 attributes.

Point layer options: Walk time and drive time calculation for the distance to the nearest point.

0.5 credits per 1,000 input origin and destination pairs.

View using standard geographies.

10 credits per 1,000 map requests using standard geographies.

Void analysis

Export to PDF.

10 credits.

Except when using a custom layer, export to Excel, or export to PDF with the Include individual business locations check box enabled.

10 credits per 1,000 records.

Threshold areas

Create a drive-time threshold area.

0.5 credits per drive time iteration + 0.01 credit. A drive-time threshold area takes approximately 6 to 12 iterations to reach one drive-time polygon. For example, if you create two drive-time threshold areas for a location, each area may need 10 iterations, resulting in ((0.5*10) + 0.01)*2 = 10.02 credits used.

Create a ring threshold area.

0.01 credit per ring threshold area. For example, if you create three ring threshold areas for a location, the result is 0.01*3 = 0.03 credits used.

Color-coded maps and Smart map search

View, pan, and zoom using standard geographies.

10 credits per 1,000 map requests (view, pan, and zoom) using standard geographies.

Credits are used for map requests only when a color-coded map or smart map is present on the map.

Run infographics

View infographics.

10 credits per 1,000 views.

Selecting a different site in the infographic, or adding sites or geographies to compare, are counted as additional views.

Infographic exports

Export infographics in PDF, Excel, or HTML format.

10 credits per export (PDF, Excel, or HTML).

Credits are not used for views of an exported infographic.

Run reports

Run PDF or Excel reports.

10 credits per report.

Create PDF or image

Generate a PDF.

10 credits for each PDF created.

ArcGIS Dashboards

Create a dashboard with multiple sites and one infographic.

10 credits per dashboard + 0.01 credit per site. For example, for a dashboard with 5 sites, the calculation is 10 + (0.01*5) = 10.05 credits.

No additional credits are used for views of a dashboard and the infographics in it.

Create a dashboard with one site and multiple infographics.

10 credits per infographic + 0.01 credit per infographic view. For example, to create a dashboard with 4 infographics, the calculation is (10*4) + (0.01*4) = 40.04 credits.

ArcGIS StoryMaps

Create a story.

For a story that doesn’t include infographics, no credits are used.

For a story that includes at least one infographic, the calculation is 10 credits + 0.01 per infographic. For example, if 2 sites are selected, with 3 infographics configured for the first site and 4 for the second, the number of credits used for that story is 10 + (0.01*3) + (0.01*4) = 10.07.

No additional credits are used for views of a story and any infographics in it.